
简介: 【译文】调查发现,42%的Mac用户每天都在使用AI应用


AI adoption among Mac app users is booming, according to a new report from app subscription service Setapp that found that 42% of Mac users today report using AI-based apps on a daily basis, and 63% claim to believe that AI apps are more beneficial than those without AI. In addition, Mac app developers are embracing AI, with 44% having already implemented either AI or machine learning models in their apps while another 28% say they’re working on doing so.


The survey is part of an annual report on the state of Mac apps put out by the company, whose business involves a subscription service that provides access to more than 230 Mac apps. This year, its survey included responses from 1,241 Mac users, mostly in the U.S., so it does not necessarily provide insights into the adoption of AI-based apps on a more global basis. However, the report highlights the interest in AI apps among this portion of the Mac user base, noting that top AI apps included those that aren’t only native to macOS — like Google’s AI Bard and Bing, which integrated AI technology from OpenAI.

这项调查是该公司发布的年度Mac应用状况报告的一部分,该公司的业务涉及提供订阅服务,允许用户访问超过230个Mac应用。今年,调查包括1241名Mac用户的回应,主要来自美国,因此它不一定提供了全球范围内基于AI应用采用情况的洞见。然而,报告强调了Mac用户群体对AI应用的兴趣,指出最受欢迎的AI应用不仅限于macOS本地应用,比如谷歌的AI Bard和Bing,它们集成了OpenAI的AI技术。

In addition, other top AI apps users mentioned using include TypingMind, Elephas, Spark, Notion, Grammarly, Craft, Luminar Neo, MacGPT, Asana, Raycast and MacWhisper. Some of these leverage AI to augment their existing apps, as opposed to being an app that’s solely focused on interacting with AI.

除此之外,用户提到他们使用的其他顶级AI应用还包括 TypingMind、Elephas、Spark、Notion、Grammarly、Craft、Luminar Neo、MacGPT、Asana、Raycast 和 MacWhisper。其中一些应用利用AI来增强其现有的应用,而不是只专注于与AI互动的应用。

“We see how AI is transforming the app’s usage experience by providing additional user assistance,” said Mykola Savin, product lead of Setapp, in an announcement. “At Setapp, we also witness a great adoption of AI tools and the features we implement on the platform. Maybe not everyone succeeds with AI on the first try. But when they do, they tend to use those features repeatedly.”

Setapp的产品经理Mykola Savin表示:“我们看到AI正在通过提供额外的用户帮助来改变应用的使用体验。” “在Setapp,我们也看到越来越多的用户采用AI工具以及我们在平台上实施的功能。也许不是每个人第一次使用AI就能成功,但一旦成功,他们通常会反复使用这些功能。”

This is the first year Setapp has asked in its annual survey about AI app adoption, so it’s not possible to quantify how many more Mac users are now using AI apps daily, compared with years past. But AI apps’ slice of users’ daily workflows is significant, it seems. Out of an average of 51 installed apps on their Mac, users access up to 15 daily. And as 42% say they’re using AI apps daily, that means AI is now a large part of users’ daily workflows.


Other often-used apps include browser apps, Microsoft and Google Office tools (both of which are integrating AI technologies, as well), and Adobe software — the latter which has embraced generative AI across a range of apps, including Photoshop, and other Creative Cloud apps. So users’ true exposure to AI-powered apps may be even higher.

其他经常使用的应用还包括浏览器应用,微软和谷歌的Office工具(它们也都集成了AI技术),以及Adobe软件 — 后者在多个应用中广泛采用了生成式AI技术,包括Photoshop和其他Creative Cloud应用。因此,用户真正接触到AI驱动应用的机会可能还更多。

The survey also reports on other general findings about Mac app adoption and discovery, noting that subscriptions are more popular than one-time purchases, and the top means of app discovery include the Mac App store, YouTube and social media. In addition, 70% of the survey respondents report having a Mac with either an M1 or M2 chip, among other highlights.

这项调查还报告了关于Mac应用采纳和发现的其他一般性发现,指出订阅模式比一次性购买更受欢迎,而顶级的应用发现途径包括Mac App Store、YouTube和社交媒体。此外,调查中有70%的受访者表示他们使用了搭载M1或M2芯片的Mac,这是其中的一些亮点。

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