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using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; [DllImport("kernel32")] public static extern IntPtr LoadLibr...
using System; using System.Resources; public staticstring GetCsharpResource() { ResourceManager r...
The host file is located at \windows\system32\drivers\etc\* and the format is --------------------------------------------...
If current process is 64 bit? returnIntPtr.Size == 8; If current OS has Wow64 function? [DllImport("kernel32.
Nbtstat -a ip
&Agenda ========================= •What is COM •Why use COM •C++ COM •C# COM •C++ Console calls C++ COM •C# calls u...
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LPCWSTR LPCWSTR 是Unicode字符串指针,typedef __nullterminated CONST WCHAR *LPCWSTR, *PCWSTR; in WinNT.
C:/Windows/system32>netstat -b Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP 10.
Microsoft (R) Web Services Description Language Utility [Microsoft (R) .
Dns.GetHostEntry(remote).HostName == Dns.GetHostEntry(“localhost”).HostName
(…) means a group, group can have a name, form is: (?’groupname’…) or (?…) each group has a GroupID (from 1 to infinite),...
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int ia[]={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; for(size_t i=0;i!= 6;i++) cout
Key types: string, vector, bitset, companion type string s1; string s2(s1); string s3("value"); string s4(n,'...
extern int i;//declares but does not define i int i(0);//declares and defines I, init i as 0 extern int i=1;//initial i ...