杨振平,CSDN云计算博客专家,微软多个开源项目的Committer和Contributor,精通微软私有云和公有云,System Center Orchestrator源码级专家,开有Redis,Memcached,WebRTC等网络课程,目前在微创软件负责开源和云计算的项目。
GNU compiler: G++ ProgramTest.cc -o ProgramTest(Unix) Default no "-o" parameter compile to a.
Garbage collection, managed heap. Set object to null. Application root.
public class Exception: Iserializable, _Exception { ... } // throw new Exception(".
Encapsulation: encapsulate implement details and hide data. Inheritance: inherit base class's function and extend base cl...
sealed keyword. base keyword. protected keyword. Contain/delegate model(has-a relationship): Class A { } Partial cl...
Value: stack, System.ValueType out: needn't initial before use. Should be initial before use ref.
static int Main(string[] args) { … string[] the Args=Environment.
CLS: bool, byte, short, int, long, char, float, double, decimal, string, object Non-CLS:sbyte, ushort, uint, ulong De...
/out /target:exe /target:library /target:module /target:winexe Sample: Csc /target:exe TestApp.
@echo off Rem A batch file for SimpleCSharpApp.exe Rem which captures the app's return value SimpleCSharpApp @if "%...
1.No pointers. 2.Garbage collector can manage automatically memory. 3.Class, interface, enumeration, structure and delegate has official grammar structure.
CLR(Common Language Runtime) managed CTS(Common Type System) Implement variable compatible type of COM and define the way of use user-defined type to extend types.
Framework CLR and Assemblies Release 1.0 RTM 1.
Linux Solaris ...
Inconsistent accessibility: field type '...' is less accessible than field '.
$ie=New-Object -ComObject "InternetExplorer.Application"$ie.Width=1280$ie.Height=768$ie.
In C #, / is the escape character, character escape sequences as follows/' Single quote/" Double quote// Backslash/0 null/a w...
珍惜时间 创造辉煌 人生的意义是什么? 不断的超越自我 创造幸福的生活↖(^ω^)↗
menu "Tools" =>"Import and Export Settings" =>"Reset all settings" =>"Choose a default setting" you can choose Visua...
References: System; System.Data; System.Data.DataSetExtensions; System.
-- sorry, it looks so like the assemble language struct -- when power not enough, or memory capacity not enough, or other...
Today I learn something from my lead as follows, Be Proactive ¨Do not limit yourself to what you are told to do ¨Volunteer...
1、确定近10年的方向,比如C/S网络编程,比如ASP.NETweb编程,比如J2EE方向等等。 2、朝着自己的喜欢的确定的方向,制定未来3-5年内的大体进展,比如第一年了解和应用方向,第二年深入该方向最有发展前途最有价值的某一方面进行重点学习,第三年成功运用该方向的价值,第四年扩展已成功方向并联系其他有价值方向进行延伸,第五年在业界树立自己的方向价值观并扩大其影响力。
/*while set ANSI_NULLS on, select * from table1 where column_name1=NULL will return 0 row, select * from table1 where column_...
http://www.cqvip.com/qk/97332C/201001/33548040.html 大学时做的一个项目(耗时2年),顺便发表了一篇论文(耗时半年多),以下是初稿部分内容 后来又改了几十次,才最终发表,呵呵 ...
1. AutoPostback属性 如果希望把Changed事件立即传送给服务器(例如,改变了DropDownList的选项),可以把AutoPostBack属性设置为true。
1. 属性 1. 1.程序集属性(AssemblyInfo.cs) 2. 2.反射 3. 3. 内置属性 4. 4.定制属性 2.
文件系统数据 及 XML部分 ________________1. 流 流: 是序列化设备的抽象表示。序列化设备可以 以线性方式存储 和访问数据,一次一个字节。
ADO.NET 和 LINQ using DataSet 1.用DataReader读取数据 读取SQL数据库: ...... using System.
1.转移序列 @ 的用法: "C://TEMP//Mydir//Myfile.doc" 应用@后: @"C:/TEMP/Mydir/Myfile.doc" 唯一的例外就是 " ,必须用/"指定。
Heard of the story http://ytinstant.com/ So I saw the code, the primary code is in http://ytinstant.
Encryption Technology 1.Encryption technology is the most common security ways, the key of data encryption technology is:encryption/decryption algorithm and key management.
(I).Information security has 5 basic element, they are confidentiality, integrity, availability, controllability and auditability.
早上到公司,开机,输入用户名密码,等待几分钟,然后激动人心的时刻到了 双击一下我特制的Bat文件,哈哈,一天的工作就这样自动完成... 即便如此,过完这几个月又有新需求,还得花些时间弄一弄 其实,一开始是做了下UI自动化的编程实现,...
GetSecurityRSS.ps1 #GetSecurityRSS.ps1 #Query Microsoft's Basic Security Feed for latest bulletins #Critical bullet...
SetPermswithCACLS.ps1 #SetPermsWithCACLS.ps1 # CACLS rights are usually # F = FullControl # C = Change # R = Reado...
BulkCopy.ps1 #BulkCopy.ps1 Set-Location "C:/Logs" $files=Get-ChildItem |where {$_.
Blocktest.ps1 $sb = { foreach ($process in $input) { $process.
ProcessCPU.ps1 #ProcessCPU.ps1 $process=get-process $low=0 #counter for low cpu processes $med=0 #counter for medi...
Restart-Computers.ps1 # Define input parameters param ( [string] $filename = $(throw "Filename is required!") ) ...
1.Boolean A "true" or "false" value. This type doesn't include any significant methods or properties.
8.##################################################################################################Leveraging the Power of A...
6.##################################################################################################Querying WMIGet-WmiObject...
Get-ChildItem c:/fso | Where-Object {$_.Length -gt 1000} | Sort-Object -Property nameforeach ($i in $args) {Get-ChildItem $i | Where-Object {$_.
PS C:/> get-alias dirPS C:/> get-childitem C:/get-childitem |format-listget-childitem C:/ | format-list -property nameget-chi...
PS C:/Documents and Settings/somebody> cd c:/ PS C:/> dirPS C:/> md c:/testPS C:/> cd c:/testPS C:/test> fsutil file createNew c:/test/myNewFile.
07年上半年C语言写了1000行代码07下半年C语言写了3000行数据结构代码,Java写了1000行代码 08年上半年C语言写了9000数据结构课程设计代码,Java写了3000行代码08年下半年C++写了12000行代码,C#+ASP.
刚毕业,工作了好几个月了,最近一直在想怎么提高自己的价值 现在的生活和以前在学校完全不同了,心态都变了,有点乱... 以前除了我最爱的那台破电脑,早上起来开始敲C代码,晚上12点入睡前还是快乐的敲着我的代码.
找呀找呀找朋友,找到一个好朋友,敬个礼,握握手,你是我的好朋友。 本人找靠C/C++/java/C#/php 吃饭的86-89年出生的,现在上海工作的朋友。
Try my best,I can. Everyday, In the morning, I go to company. When I go back home, the first thing I do is that open the TV.