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Action Method Result动作方法结果 ActionResult generic return value for an action and is used to perform a framework-level operation on behalf of the action method. 通用的返回值的一个动作,是用来代表的动作方法执行框架级操作。
Html Helpers @Html.AntiForgeryToken It generates a hidden form field (anti-forgery token) that is validated when the form is submitted. 它会产生一个隐藏的表单字段(防伪标记),提交表单时验证。
Html帮助类 used to render (modify and output) HTML form elements 用来渲染HTML表单元素(修改和输出) Html.
Attributes特性 ActionFilterAttribute Represents the base class for filter attributes. 代表筛选器属性的基类。
@{ Layout = “…”} To define layout page Equivalent to asp.net master-page 要定义相当于ASP.
使用XmlReader枚举结点: Jim Bo XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.
高级转换: static IEnumerable ExpandPaths (IEnumerable paths) { var brokenUp = from path in paths let split = path.
Table 类: public class DemoDataContext : DataContext { public DemoDataContext (string cxString) : base (cxString) {} p...
实现IEnumerable伴随一个迭代: public class MyGenCollection : IEnumerable { int[] data = {1, 2, 3}; public IEnumerator GetEnume...
使用TimeZoneInfo: static void Main() { TimeZoneInfo wa = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById ("W.
[Bind(…)] Lists fields to exclude or include when binding parameter or form values to model properties 列表字段时,排除或包括绑定参数或表单模型属性值 [Compare("…")] To compare two properties. 对比两个属性。
Attributes特性 [AcceptVerbs(…)] To specify HTTP verbs an action method will respond to. 要指定HTTP动词的将响应的一个操作方法。
使用delegates委托写插件方法: public delegate int Transformer (int x); public class Util { public static void Transform (int[] va...
重载构造函数: using System; public class Wine { public decimal Price; public int Year; public Wine (decimal price) { Pric...
第一个C#程序: using System; // 导入命名空间 class Test // 类声明 { s...
App_Start It has configuration classes to reduce clutter code in the Global.asax 它包含了配置类来减少在Global.asax中的杂乱代码 Application_Start 方法 App_Start 文件夹里有如下文件:AuthConfig.cs: Related to security settings, including sites for OAuth login. 关于安全设置,包含网站的授权登录。
Lambda 表达式: Func doubleAppend= x => x + x; Console.WriteLine (doubleAppend(“test”)); // testtest LINQ 查询: string[] n...
CheckSigning.ps1 Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $RootFolder ) Process { # # Check if all tools are runnable.
comObject.types.ps1xml System.__ComObject GetProperty $type = $this.
新应用:中秋月饼测试 大家中秋节快乐! 新应用:中秋月饼测试 来源:http://www.ihaonet.