Meet MaxCompute: The AI Platform Bringing Big Data Analysis to the Masses

云原生大数据计算服务MaxCompute,500CU*H 100GB 3个月
云原生大数据计算服务 MaxCompute,5000CU*H 100GB 3个月

Data is the new corporate currency but many businesses are failing to effectively analyze and capitalize on petabytes of information because, quite frankly, they don’t know where to start.

This is where Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute can help. It is an AI-enabled big data processing platform to help enterprises unlock the immense value of their data.

The platform offers a combination of data intelligence services, mainly for batch structural data storage and processing. It is cheap to use and can process 100PB data in six hours. That’s roughly the same amount of data as 100 million HD movies, or one-third of Facebook’s entire data warehouse.

Let’s look at an example. What do you do with all the data captured from your social media streams? With MaxCompute, you could upload every Facebook like or retweet in a matter of minutes. And, using its machine learning tools, gain insights into how the market responds to your promotions and products.

You could break down this information by campaign or date or even mine user characteristics and spending habits to further optimize and personalize your social media streams.


Benefits of MaxCompute

MaxCompute is an incredibly low-cost service. Costing just USD $1.44 to sort 1TB of data, the platform set a new low-price record in the 2016 CloudSort Sort Benchmark competition.

You can create an ever-expanding ecosystem as project owners, data analysts and developers can work concurrently using MaxCompute. The platform also provides powerful security services and disaster recovery to protect your data.

A single MaxCompute cluster can scale up to 10,000 servers. And your data analysts do not need to adopt a distributed computing model to overcome the limited processing capacities of a single server for big data applications. That’s because MaxCompute uses a distributed model so you can analyze your data without worrying about the service requirements or the underlying model.

With usability and scalability on this scale, MaxCompute is bringing big data analysis to the masses.

Alibaba Cloud launched MaxCompute in Mainland China and Singapore at the start of 2017. In China, the platform has already been used to help ease traffic congestion, diagnose diseases using medical imagery and predict the winner of a singing talent competition.

The MaxCompute service is now available in Hong Kong, Europe, and Australia through the Internet, a classic network or VPC. If you’re not located in those regions you can still connect to the service over the Internet.


How Does MaxCompute Work?

MaxCompute is incredibly easy to learn as it is based on traditional SQL syntax and uses a Java programming interface. It uses a relational DBMS as its primary database model with a simple additional key-value store.

There are three core components: the MaxCompute proprietary TUNNEL function for data uploads and downloads; a combination of MaxCompute SQL, Google’s MapReduce data processing model and a graph function for computing and analysis; and an SDK toolkit for developers.

MaxCompute does not collect data, it only processes it. You can upload offline data into the system, or download offline data from MaxCompute using the TUNNEL data channel. You can only upload and download data in tables.

MaxCompute SQL acts and feels just like a traditional piece of database software – but you are now querying and analyzing terabytes or petabytes of data. It supports the data definition language DDL so you can use the ALTER, CREATE and DROP commands to manage tables and partitions, as well as your traditional SELECT, JOIN, GROUP BY and WHERE clauses.

The MaxCompute SQL syntax is intuitive if you are familiar with standard database operations, though there are small differences, for example, in that MaxCompute SQL does not support transactions, index and UPDATE/DELETE operations.

Using the MapReduce programming interface, you can effectively process your data by splitting the input dataset into independent chunks. These can then be processed by the map tasks in a completely parallel manner. Graph is a set framework for iterative graph computing and effective data modeling.

There are Eclipse plugins for developers and DataHub Services are also available so you can publish and subscribe to real-time data.

Alibaba Cloud Big Data Product Suite

MaxCompute is a powerful tool. Going back to our social media example, imagine if you could optimize your products, prices and promotions for every user on the fly? Your conversion rates would skyrocket!

But it doesn't stop there. Alibaba Cloud DataWorks is a perfect companion to MaxCompute, helping you build a one-stop Big Data solution. DataWorks works straight ‘out-the-box’ without the need to worry about complex underlying cluster establishment and Operations & Management. Additionally, you can try Alibaba Cloud E-MapReduce to add Hadoop capabilities to your Big Data solution.

如需了解更多关于MaxCompute, 欢迎加入“MaxCompute咨询”钉钉群,群号:11782920,或扫码入群


SaaS 模式云数据仓库必修课
本课程由阿里云开发者社区和阿里云大数据团队共同出品,是SaaS模式云原生数据仓库领导者MaxCompute核心课程。本课程由阿里云资深产品和技术专家们从概念到方法,从场景到实践,体系化的将阿里巴巴飞天大数据平台10多年的经过验证的方法与实践深入浅出的讲给开发者们。帮助大数据开发者快速了解并掌握SaaS模式的云原生的数据仓库,助力开发者学习了解先进的技术栈,并能在实际业务中敏捷的进行大数据分析,赋能企业业务。 通过本课程可以了解SaaS模式云原生数据仓库领导者MaxCompute核心功能及典型适用场景,可应用MaxCompute实现数仓搭建,快速进行大数据分析。适合大数据工程师、大数据分析师 大量数据需要处理、存储和管理,需要搭建数据仓库?学它! 没有足够人员和经验来运维大数据平台,不想自建IDC买机器,需要免运维的大数据平台?会SQL就等于会大数据?学它! 想知道大数据用得对不对,想用更少的钱得到持续演进的数仓能力?获得极致弹性的计算资源和更好的性能,以及持续保护数据安全的生产环境?学它! 想要获得灵活的分析能力,快速洞察数据规律特征?想要兼得数据湖的灵活性与数据仓库的成长性?学它! 出品人:阿里云大数据产品及研发团队专家 产品 MaxCompute 官网 
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  • 云原生大数据计算服务 MaxCompute