4. 绿色部分为个人解读,欢迎探讨指正
the role of the architect should be played by the development team itself , Instead of having a dedicated team of architects or departments .
The role that the architect should play is a guide , Discussion initiator , Plant builders , Not definers and builders . In order to solve the structure disputes and choices within the team , The following is formulated 30 Article principle , These principles are widely accepted by members , It has also become a learning path for novice architects .
基本原理-The basic principle of
principle 1:KISS(Keep it simple,sutpid) And keep everything as simple as possible . Solve problems with the simplest solution .
--> 避免过渡设计
principle 2:YAGNI(You aren’t gonna need it)- Don't do something you don't need , Do it when you need it .
--> 不要为了做而做
principle 3: climb , go , run . In other words, make sure you get through first , And then optimize to get better , And then continue to optimize to make it great . Iterate to do things , Agile development ideas . For each function point , Create milestones ( Up to two weeks ), And then iterate .
--> 敏捷+迭代的工作方式
principle 4: Create stability 、 The only way to produce high quality products is to automate testing . Everything can be automated , When you design , Think about this .
--> 单元测试+系统测试+集成测试。 自动化测试,解放资源,代替人为的不准确的影响面评估和单点测试。
principle 5: Always think about the input-output ratio (ROI). It's worth it. No .
时刻考虑投入产出比 。
principle 6: Know your users , And then balance that with what you need to do . Don't spend months making one devops The user interface , In the end, you only find that people like the command line . This principle is principle 5 A concrete manifestation of .
principle 7: Design and test a function as independent as possible . When you do design , Think about this one . In the long run, it can solve a lot of problems for you , Otherwise, your function can only be tested after all other functions of the system are ready , It's obviously not good . With this principle , Your version will be smoother .
--> 敏捷开发思想
principle 8: Don't make fancy . We all like high-end cool design . Finally, we put a lot of functions and solutions into our architecture , And then these things won't be used at all .
不要花里胡哨。 我们都喜欢炫酷的设计。最后,我们把很多功能和解决方案都放进了这些架构中,然后这些东西就完全不用了。
--> 解决问题为第一要义,不要随便引入更高的复杂性。不要每开发一个功能都想着给全世界开发共用,很多是一次性代码。
产品功能选择-Functional selection
principle 9: It's impossible to predict how users will use our products . So embrace MVP(Minimal Viable Product), Minimum runnable version . The main idea of this point of view is that you can pick out a few very few usage scenarios , And get it out , And then release it online for users to use , Then decide what to do next based on the experience and user feedback .
--> 互联网时代更要拒绝主观臆测,以用户实际需求为准,多次小功能迭代+灰度/AB测试。
principle 10: Do as few functions as possible . When in doubt , Don't do it , Even kill . Many features are never used . At most, an extension point is enough .
--> 产品功能要少而精,尽量保证每一个功能都是用户切实需要的。不要轻易妥协,除非你也认同了这个功能的价值。
principle 11: Wait until someone asks ( Unless it's affecting the core process , Or wait until you need to ).
--> 洞察客户需求,不要想当然。
principle 12: Sometimes you have to have the courage to say no to the client . At this point, you need to find a better solution to solve . Remember what Henry Ford once said :” If I ask people what they need , They would say I need a faster horse ”. remember : You're the expert , You have to guide and lead . To do the right thing , It's not a popular thing . End users will thank you for providing them with a car .
--> 学会变通,面对问题,不能一层不变的思考解决方案。有时候需要换位思考
服务端设计和并发-Server design and concurrency
principle 13: You need to know one server How it works , From hardware to operating system , Until the programming language . Optimize IO The number of calls is your preferred path to the best architecture .
你需要知道一台服务器是如何工作的,从硬件到操作系统,直到编程语言。优化 IO 调用次数是您获得最佳架构的首选路径。
principle 14: To understand Amdhal The law of synchronization . Sharing variable data between threads can slow down your program . Use concurrent data structures only when necessary , Only when you have to use synchronization (synchronization) When you use synchronization . If you want to use a lock , Also make sure you have as little time as possible to hold Lock . If you want to do something after locking , Make sure you do what you do inside the lock .
principle 15: If your design is a non blocking, event driven architecture , Then never block threads or do something in them IO operation , If you do , Your system will slow down like a mule .
分布式系统-Distributed systems
principle 16: Stateless systems are scalable and direct . Think about it all the time , Don't make it extensible , Come out of the state , It's the minimum .
--> 架构一定要考虑扩展性,因为要考虑扩展性,所以系统必须是无状态。
principle 17: Make sure the message is delivered only once , Regardless of failure , It's very hard. , Unless you want to control both the client and the server . Try to make your system lighter ( Usage principle 18). You need to know most of the promises exactly-once-delivery The system is streamlined .
17. 保证消息只被传递一次,不管是否失败。这很难,除非你要在客户端和服务端都做控制。试着让你的系统更轻便(使用原则18)。你要知道大部分的承诺exactly-once-delivery的系统都是做了精简的。
--> 这个实际使用的应该比较少,除非消息不重要的场景。
principle 18: Implement an operation as idempotent as possible . It's better to recover in this way , And you're still in at least one pass (at least once delivery) The state of . The problem of distributed lock and idempotency , How to solve ? It's recommended to have a look at .
18. 尽可能实现成幂等操作。这样容易进行故障恢复,当你处于至少一个pass(至少一次delivery)的状态。
--> 实际上很多系统都是at least once + 幂等的设计。比如metaq(消费者可以使用消息id做幂等)。
principle 19: know CAP theory . Scalable transactions ( Distributed transactions ) It's hard . If possible , Use compensation mechanisms as much as possible .RDBMS Transactions are not scalable .
19. 了解CAP理论。可扩展事务(分布式事务)很难。如果可能,尽可能使用补偿机制。RDBMS 事务不可扩展
principle 20: Distributed consistency cannot be extended , Group communication is also not possible , It is also impossible for reliable communication within the cluster . Ideally, the maximum node limit is 8 Nodes .
20. 分布式一致性无法扩展,组通信也不可能,集群内部也不可能进行可靠通信。理想情况下,最大节点限制为 8 Nodes。
--> 分布式集群的一些限制,比如zookeeper这种基于paxos协议的集群,集群间是需要保持数据一致的。节点过多肯定会因为同步带来一些延迟,而且出错概率更大(虽然很多错误可以被集群自消化)。
principle 21: In distributed systems , You can never avoid delays and failures .
21. 在分布式系统中,你永远无法避免延迟和失败。
--> YYDS。 根据实践经验:任何理论上可能发生的问题,在实际长期运行过程中,迟早会发生。参见:墨菲定律。
用户体验-User experience
principle 22: Get to know your users and know their goals . They're new 、 Experts or casual users ? The extent to which they understand computer science . Geeks like to expand , Developers love examples and scripts , Ordinary people like UI.
22. 了解你的用户,了解他们的目标。他们是新人、专家还是临时用户?他们对计算机科学的了解程度。极客喜欢扩展,开发者喜欢示例和脚本,普通人喜欢 UI。
principle 23: The best products don't need a manual .
23. 最好的产品不需要说明书。
--> 这个目前感觉就很hard。阿里的一些产品,我自己都用不明白。
principle 24: When you can't decide between two choices , Please do not pass this problem directly to users by providing configuration options . This can only make users more confused . If you're an expert, you can't choose , Is it appropriate to give it to someone less than you know ? The best thing to do is to find a workable option every time ; The next best thing to do is to give the options Automatically , The third best way is to add a configuration parameter , Then set a reasonable default value .
24. 当你无法在两种选择之间做出选择时,请不要通过提供配置选项将这个问题直接传递给用户。这只能让用户更加困惑。如果你是专家,你不能选择,把它交给比你不认识的人合适吗?最好的办法是每次都找到一个可行的选择;下一个最好的办法是自动给出选项,第三个最好的方法是添加一个配置参数,然后设置一个合理的默认值。
principle 25: Always set a reasonable default value for the configuration .
25. 始终为配置设置合理的默认值。
principle 26: Poorly designed configurations can cause some problems . You should always provide some sample values for the configuration .
26. 设计不好的配置会导致一些问题。您应该始终为配置提供一些示例值。
principle 27: The configuration value must be understandable and directly filled in by the user . such as : The user cannot be asked to fill in the maximum number of cache entries , Instead, the user should be asked to fill in the maximum memory that can be used for caching .
27. 配置值必须是用户可以理解并直接填写的。如:不能要求用户填写缓存项的最大数量,而应要求用户填写可用于缓存的最大内存。
principle 28: If an unknown configuration is entered, an error is thrown . Never ignore . Quietly ignoring configuration errors is often to find bug The culprit who spent hours .
28. 如果输入了未知的配置,就会抛出错误。永远不要忽视。悄悄地忽略配置错误,往往是寻找 bug 花费数小时的罪魁祸首。
--> 第一时间反馈错误,不要将就。这样可能会拖垮系统。另外,也要求系统有明确的正确与错误的定义。
这里有一个很好地例子就是当年oracle与mysql的区别。 不懂的可以自行google。虽然我不确定现在是否还是这样。。。
棘手的问题-Tough questions
principle 29: Dream of a new programming language that will be simple and clear , But it's often hard to really master . Don't change programming language easily .
29. 梦想一门简单明了的新编程语言,但往往很难真正掌握。不要轻易改变编程语言。
principle 30: The complex drag and drop interface is tough , Don't try this effect , Unless you're ready to 10 The team in the year of man .
30. 这里应该说的是低代码。
Last , Tell me how I feel . In an ideal world , A platform should be composed of multiple orthogonal components - Each component is responsible for one aspect ( such as ,security,messaging,registry,mdidation,analytics). It's like a system built like this is perfect . But unfortunately , In reality, it's hard for us to achieve such a state . Because in the initial state of the project , Many things are uncertain , You can't do that independence , Now I'm more inclined to start with a proper repetition , When you try to get rid of them , You'll find that new complexity is introduced , Distribution itself means complexity . Sometimes the healing process is worse than the disease itself .