5、tpch 测试
5.1、tpch 测试软件介绍
tpch是一种工业标准的数据库和硬件性能测试方法, 通常用来测试数据库或硬件在处理复杂SQL时的性能表现, 另一个更复杂一些的工业标准测试是tpc-ds.
本节内容使用这个章节搭建的开发环境进行说明: 《开源PolarDB|PostgreSQL 应用开发者&DBA 公开课 - 5.9 PolarDB开源版本必学特性 - 玩转PolarDB 开源社区》
mkdir ~/pb11_1 cd ~/pb11_1 docker run -d -it -P --shm-size=1g \ --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \ --privileged=true --name pb11_1 \ -v ${PWD}:/var/polardb \ registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/polardb_pg/polardb_pg_local_instance:11 bash
tpch也是PolarDB首届全国大学生数据库比赛的赛题, 可参考如下文章, 里面也有一些优化思路:
1、进入开发环境容器, 下载tpch代码
cd /tmp git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/ApsaraDB/tpch-dbgen.git
tpch数据生成、导入、SQL查询的功能已经封装到build.sh中, 如果你有定制化需求, 可以自行修改这个脚本.
cd /tmp/tpch-dbgen ./build.sh --help 1) Use default configuration to build ./build.sh 2) Use limited configuration to build ./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host=localhost --port=5432 --scale=1 3) Run the test case ./build.sh --run=-1 4) Run the target test case ./build.sh --run=3 5) Run the target test case with option ./build.sh --run --option="set polar_enable_px = on;" 6) Clean the test data. This step will drop the database or tables, remove csv and tbl files ./build.sh --clean 7) Quick build TPC-H with 100MB scale of data ./build.sh --scale=0.1
cat build.sh #!/bin/bash # default configuration # user: "postgres" # database: "postgres" # host: "localhost" # primary port: "5432" # data scale: 1 pg_user=postgres pg_database=postgres pg_host=localhost pg_port=5432 data_scale=10 is_run=-1 test_case=18 clean= option="" usage () { cat <<EOF 1) Use default configuration to build ./build.sh 2) Use limited configuration to build ./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host=localhost --port=5432 --scale=1 3) Run the test case ./build.sh --run 4) Run the target test case ./build.sh --run=3. run the 3rd case. 5) Run the target test case with option ./build.sh --run --option="set polar_enable_px = on;" 6) Clean the test data. This step will drop the database or tables, remove csv and tbl files ./build.sh --clean 7) Quick build TPC-H with 100MB scale of data ./build.sh --scale=0.1 EOF exit 0; } for arg do val=`echo "$arg" | sed -e 's;^--[^=]*=;;'` case "$arg" in --user=*) pg_user="$val";; --db=*) pg_database="$val";; --host=*) pg_host="$val";; --port=*) pg_port="$val";; --scale=*) data_scale="$val";; --run) is_run=on ;; --run=*) is_run=on; test_case="$val" ;; --option=*) option="$val";; --clean) clean=on ;; -h|--help) usage ;; *) echo "wrong options : $arg"; exit 1 ;; esac done export PGPORT=$pg_port export PGHOST=$pg_host export PGDATABASE=$pg_database export PGUSER=$pg_user function gen_query_sql() { DIR=. rm -rf $DIR/finals mkdir $DIR/finals cp $DIR/queries/*.sql $DIR for FILE in $(find $DIR -maxdepth 1 -name "[0-9]*.sql") do DIGIT=$(echo $FILE | tr -cd '[[:digit:]]') ./qgen $DIGIT > $DIR/finals/$DIGIT.sql sed 's/^select/explain select/' $DIR/finals/$DIGIT.sql > $DIR/finals/$DIGIT.explain.sql done rm *.sql } function run_query_sql() { DIR=. if [[ $test_case -ne "-1" && $test_case -ne "on" ]] then echo "####################### $test_case.sql ###########################" echo "####################### $test_case.sql ###########################" >> $DIR/result psql -c "$option" -c "\timing" -f $DIR/finals/$test_case.explain.sql -qa >> $DIR/result psql -c "$option" -c "\timing" -f $DIR/finals/$test_case.sql -qa >> $DIR/result else for i in `seq 1 22` do echo "####################### $i.sql ###########################" echo "####################### $i.sql ###########################" >> $DIR/result psql -c "$option" -c "\timing" -f $DIR/finals/$i.explain.sql -qa >> $DIR/result psql -c "$option" -c "\timing" -f $DIR/finals/$i.sql -qa >> $DIR/result done fi } # run the tpch test if [[ $is_run == "on" ]]; then run_query_sql; exit; fi # clean the tpch test data if [[ $clean == "on" ]]; then make clean if [[ $pg_database == "postgres" ]]; then echo "drop all the tpch tables" psql -c "drop table customer cascade" psql -c "drop table lineitem cascade" psql -c "drop table nation cascade" psql -c "drop table orders cascade" psql -c "drop table part cascade" psql -c "drop table partsupp cascade" psql -c "drop table region cascade" psql -c "drop table supplier cascade" else echo "drop the tpch database: $PGDATABASE" psql -c "drop database $PGDATABASE" -d postgres fi exit; fi ###################### PHASE 1: compile ###################### make -f makefile.suite ##################### PHASE 2: generate data ###################### rm -rf *.tbl ./dbgen -s $data_scale ###################### PHASE 3: create table ###################### if [[ $PGDATABASE != "postgres" ]]; then echo "create the tpch database: $PGDATABASE" psql -c "create database $PGDATABASE" -d postgres fi psql -f dss.ddl ###################### PHASE 4: load data ###################### psql -c "\COPY nation FROM 'nation.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY region FROM 'region.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY part FROM 'part.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY supplier FROM 'supplier.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY partsupp FROM 'partsupp.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY customer FROM 'customer.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY orders FROM 'orders.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY lineitem FROM 'lineitem.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" ###################### PHASE 5: add primary and foreign key ###################### psql -f dss.ri ##################### PHASE 6: generate query sql in final dir ###################### gen_query_sql;
通过设置不同的参数,可以定制化地创建不同规模的 TPC-H 数据集。build.sh 脚本中各个参数的含义如下:
--user:数据库用户名 --db:数据库名 --host:数据库主机地址 --port:数据库服务端口 --run:执行所有 TPC-H 查询,或执行某条特定的 TPC-H 查询 --option:额外指定数据库 GUC 参数 --scale:生成 TPC-H 数据集的规模,单位为 GB
该脚本没有提供输入数据库密码的参数,需要通过设置 PGPASSWORD 为数据库用户的数据库密码来完成认证:
export PGPASSWORD=<your password>
4、dbgen (生成数据) 用法
./dbgen -h TPC-H Population Generator (Version 2.14.0 build 0) Copyright Transaction Processing Performance Council 1994 - 2010 USAGE: dbgen [-{vf}][-T {pcsoPSOL}] [-s <scale>][-C <procs>][-S <step>] dbgen [-v] [-O m] [-s <scale>] [-U <updates>] Basic Options =========================== -C <n> -- separate data set into <n> chunks (requires -S, default: 1) -f -- force. Overwrite existing files -h -- display this message -q -- enable QUIET mode -s <n> -- set Scale Factor (SF) to <n> (default: 1) -S <n> -- build the <n>th step of the data/update set (used with -C or -U) -U <n> -- generate <n> update sets -v -- enable VERBOSE mode Advanced Options =========================== -b <s> -- load distributions for <s> (default: dists.dss) -d <n> -- split deletes between <n> files (requires -U) -i <n> -- split inserts between <n> files (requires -U) -T c -- generate cutomers ONLY -T l -- generate nation/region ONLY -T L -- generate lineitem ONLY -T n -- generate nation ONLY -T o -- generate orders/lineitem ONLY -T O -- generate orders ONLY -T p -- generate parts/partsupp ONLY -T P -- generate parts ONLY -T r -- generate region ONLY -T s -- generate suppliers ONLY -T S -- generate partsupp ONLY To generate the SF=1 (1GB), validation database population, use: dbgen -vf -s 1 To generate updates for a SF=1 (1GB), use: dbgen -v -U 1 -s 1
5、qgen (生成查询SQL语句) 用法
./qgen -h TPC-H Parameter Substitution (v. 2.14.0 build 0) Copyright Transaction Processing Performance Council 1994 - 2010 USAGE: ./qgen <options> [ queries ] Options: -a -- use ANSI semantics. -b <str> -- load distributions from <str> -c -- retain comments found in template. -d -- use default substitution values. -h -- print this usage summary. -i <str> -- use the contents of file <str> to begin a query. -l <str> -- log parameters to <str>. -n <str> -- connect to database <str>. -N -- use default rowcounts and ignore :n directive. -o <str> -- set the output file base path to <str>. -p <n> -- use the query permutation for stream <n> -r <n> -- seed the random number generator with <n> -s <n> -- base substitutions on an SF of <n> -v -- verbose. -t <str> -- use the contents of file <str> to complete a query -x -- enable SET EXPLAIN in each query.
- 修改build.sh. 使用dbgen按表并行生成tpch数据, 按表的大小从大到小启动dbgen任务, 逐一启动任务并始终保持N个并行的活跃任务.
- 修改build.sh. 按表并行执行COPY导入任务, 按表的大小从大到小启动COPY导入任务, 逐一启动任务并始终保持N个并行的活跃任务.
- 控制并行度参考: https://www.cnblogs.com/zclinux/p/14268273.html
- https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1370454
- 开启PolarDB预分配功能(使用共享存储时效果比较明显, 预分配可以减少IO次数, 降低云盘IO延迟带来的性能损耗)
- 默认值可以修改
实现, 仔细查阅该文件了解更多PolarDB定制参数. 参考 开源PolarDB|PostgreSQL 应用开发者&DBA 公开课 - 5.5 PolarDB开源版本必学特性 - PolarDB 特性解读与体验
- 开始导入数据前使用unlogged table, 在索引创建完成后再改成logged table. 提示: 通过修改pg_class.relpersistence可以实现(u=unlogged, p=persistence). 有一个常见的外部开源工具pg_bulkload也有跳过wal进行导入的功效. 需要适配polardb, 方法如下:
- 《PolarDB 100 问 | PolarDB 11 编译 pg_bulkload 插件报错》
- 《PolarDB 100 问 | PolarDB 11 使用 pg_bulkload 插件导入数据报错》
- 《穷鬼玩PolarDB RAC一写多读集群系列 | pg_bulkload适配PFS加速批量导入》
- 参数优化:
- 导入前关闭autovacuum, 可以降低autoanalyze带来的影响.
- 加大maintenance_work_mem参数值, 可以提高创建索引的速度.
- 加大shared_buffers可以提高导入速度
- 加大checkpoint窗口可以降低检查点对IO的影响
- 使用unix socket代替tcp连接可以提高导入速度
- constraint valid trick
- 还可以参考一下PG的时序插件timescaledb. 由于时序数据的特点是数据量大、持续写入, 这个插件在数据高速写入、数据压缩和整理等方面都有改进, 获得了比较好的效果.
- 对于数据量巨大的表, 也可以考虑通过分区表来降低每个分区的索引层级, 从而提升索引的检索和构建等性能. 索引本身也能通过并行构建.
- 使用单机并行, 通过修改表的配置和参数可启用强制并行度. 参考: 《PostgreSQL 11 并行计算算法,参数,强制并行度设置》
- 使用多机并行(PolarDB ePQ是greenplum orca优化器的适配共享存储架构的版本, OLAP业务场景优化显著. (注意ePQ这个功能仅仅在使用了一写多读PolarDB启动了多个计算节点时生效)), PolarDB的配置. 参考: 《开源PolarDB|PostgreSQL 应用开发者&DBA 公开课 - 5.5 PolarDB开源版本必学特性 - PolarDB 特性解读与体验》
- 开启PolarDB预读功能(使用共享存储时效果比较明显, 预读可以减少IO次数, 降低云盘IO延迟带来的性能损耗)
- 默认值可以修改
实现, 仔细查阅该文件了解更多PolarDB定制参数
- 不开启/不支持SQL并行的情况下, 使用多任务并行(将22条SQL的执行快慢从慢到快启动select任务, 逐一启动任务并始终保持N个并行的活跃任务.)
- 修改配置(例如优化器校准因子相关配置、优化器JOIN方法相关配置、哈希表内存大小相关配置等) 参考:
- 《PostgreSQL 11 postgresql.conf 参数模板 - 珍藏级》
- 《优化器成本因子校对 - PostgreSQL explain cost constants alignment to timestamp》
- 《优化器成本因子校对(disk,ssd,memory IO开销精算) - PostgreSQL real seq_page_cost & random_page_cost in disks,ssd,memory》
- 使用列存储、JIT和向量化, 能节约存储空间、加速导入、加速查询. (通常可以比行存储性能提升10倍以上). 需要修改内核, 可以参考数据库筑基课提到的一些开源项目,
- 参数优化:
- 加大shared_buffers可以提高查询速度
- 加大work_mem可以提高查询速度
- 通过索引可以提示某些sql的查询性能, 详见:https://github.com/digoal/gp_tpch/tree/master/dss注意加索引也会导致占用更多的空间以及建索引本身的耗时, 还有索引引入了更多的random io, 效果好坏还要看硬件配置.
- 优化方法参考: 《PolarDB数据库创新设计国赛 - 决赛提交作品指南》
- 索引有单列,多列(还要考虑顺序),表达式,partial index,index type等. 可以参考 《2024-应用开发者 数据库筑基课》
- 对于极限测试, 每一条SQL都可以单独优化(例如使用不同的参数, JOIN方法, 索引等), 简单粗暴的话就调tpch的测试脚本, 复杂一点的话可以改hook, 最具实用价值的是改优化器实现通用的复杂SQL优化.
- pg_plan_hint / 参数开关(例如enable_seqscan,...) , 用来控制SQL执行计划.
- 改写SQL, 例如不改变语义的前提下, 调整join顺序. (当然优化器自动实现是最好的).
- 《[转载] TPCH 22条SQL语句分析》
- 还有一些情况是可能同样的配置某些SQL可能会导致内存耗尽发生OOM, 可能是hash table过大造成, 可以考虑支持一下hash table split to disk, 多阶段join? 例如 《DuckDB 0.6.0 内存管理增强, 提升超出内存大小的大数据集hashjoin,sort,window function性能》
- 减少cache/buffer换进换出
- 提高变长类型的压缩算法效率
- 提高类型相关运算算子效率. 例如内置numeric效率提升(如fixeddecimal项目)。
- 泡一下PostgreSQL hacker maillist、github看看有没有其他思路
5.3、tpch 测试例子
0、可选步骤. 该脚本没有提供输入数据库密码的参数,需要通过设置 PGPASSWORD 为数据库用户的数据库密码来完成认证:
export PGPASSWORD=<your password>
./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host= --port=5432 --clean
2、生成指定大小的数据集(本例 100MB)并导入PolarDB
./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host= --port=5432 --scale=0.1
生成的数据、查询语句、explain语句等 就在/tmp/tpch-dbgen当前目录中:
ll -rth ... -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 136K Sep 24 15:20 supplier.tbl -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 384 Sep 24 15:20 region.tbl -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 2.3M Sep 24 15:20 part.tbl -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 12M Sep 24 15:20 partsupp.tbl -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 16M Sep 24 15:20 orders.tbl -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 2.2K Sep 24 15:20 nation.tbl -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 71M Sep 24 15:20 lineitem.tbl -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 2.3M Sep 24 15:20 customer.tbl drwxr-xr-x 2 postgres postgres 4.0K Sep 24 15:20 finals/
ll finals/ total 184 drwxr-xr-x 2 postgres postgres 4096 Sep 24 15:20 ./ drwxr-xr-x 10 postgres postgres 4096 Sep 24 15:20 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 558 Sep 24 15:20 10.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 550 Sep 24 15:20 10.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 546 Sep 24 15:20 11.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 538 Sep 24 15:20 11.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 627 Sep 24 15:20 12.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 619 Sep 24 15:20 12.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 390 Sep 24 15:20 13.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 382 Sep 24 15:20 13.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 379 Sep 24 15:20 14.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 371 Sep 24 15:20 14.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 558 Sep 24 15:20 15.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 550 Sep 24 15:20 15.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 517 Sep 24 15:20 16.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 509 Sep 24 15:20 16.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 328 Sep 24 15:20 17.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 320 Sep 24 15:20 17.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 481 Sep 24 15:20 18.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 473 Sep 24 15:20 18.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 1003 Sep 24 15:20 19.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 995 Sep 24 15:20 19.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 571 Sep 24 15:20 1.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 563 Sep 24 15:20 1.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 633 Sep 24 15:20 20.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 625 Sep 24 15:20 20.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 686 Sep 24 15:20 21.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 678 Sep 24 15:20 21.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 686 Sep 24 15:20 22.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 678 Sep 24 15:20 22.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 711 Sep 24 15:20 2.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 703 Sep 24 15:20 2.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 453 Sep 24 15:20 3.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 445 Sep 24 15:20 3.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 397 Sep 24 15:20 4.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 389 Sep 24 15:20 4.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 529 Sep 24 15:20 5.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 521 Sep 24 15:20 5.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 299 Sep 24 15:20 6.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 291 Sep 24 15:20 6.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 851 Sep 24 15:20 7.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 843 Sep 24 15:20 7.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 818 Sep 24 15:20 8.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 810 Sep 24 15:20 8.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 636 Sep 24 15:20 9.explain.sql -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 628 Sep 24 15:20 9.sql
3、运行某一条SQL, 例如运行第1条sql
./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host= --port=5432 --run=1
cat result ####################### 1.sql ########################### timing -- using 1727162422 as a seed to the RNG explain select l_returnflag, l_linestatus, sum(l_quantity) as sum_qty, sum(l_extendedprice) as sum_base_price, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as sum_disc_price, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) * (1 + l_tax)) as sum_charge, avg(l_quantity) as avg_qty, avg(l_extendedprice) as avg_price, avg(l_discount) as avg_disc, count(*) as count_order from lineitem where l_shipdate <= date '1998-12-01' - interval '105' day group by l_returnflag, l_linestatus order by l_returnflag, l_linestatus; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finalize GroupAggregate (cost=25719.09..25721.16 rows=6 width=236) Group Key: l_returnflag, l_linestatus -> Gather Merge (cost=25719.09..25720.49 rows=12 width=236) Workers Planned: 2 -> Sort (cost=24719.06..24719.08 rows=6 width=236) Sort Key: l_returnflag, l_linestatus -> Partial HashAggregate (cost=24718.82..24718.98 rows=6 width=236) Group Key: l_returnflag, l_linestatus -> Parallel Seq Scan on lineitem (cost=0.00..14903.98 rows=245371 width=25) Filter: (l_shipdate <= '1998-08-18 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) (10 rows) Time: 12.224 ms --LIMIT -1 timing -- using 1727162422 as a seed to the RNG select l_returnflag, l_linestatus, sum(l_quantity) as sum_qty, sum(l_extendedprice) as sum_base_price, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as sum_disc_price, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) * (1 + l_tax)) as sum_charge, avg(l_quantity) as avg_qty, avg(l_extendedprice) as avg_price, avg(l_discount) as avg_disc, count(*) as count_order from lineitem where l_shipdate <= date '1998-12-01' - interval '105' day group by l_returnflag, l_linestatus order by l_returnflag, l_linestatus; l_returnflag | l_linestatus | sum_qty | sum_base_price | sum_disc_price | sum_charge | avg_qty | avg_price | avg_disc | count_order --------------+--------------+------------+----------------+-----------------+--------------------+---------------------+--------------------+------------------------+------------- A | F | 3774200.00 | 5320753880.69 | 5054096266.6828 | 5256751331.449234 | 25.5375871168549970 | 36002.123829014142 | 0.05014459706340077136 | 147790 N | F | 95257.00 | 133737795.84 | 127132372.6512 | 132286291.229445 | 25.3006640106241700 | 35521.326916334661 | 0.04939442231075697211 | 3765 N | O | 7380026.00 | 10399900746.26 | 9879518563.1885 | 10274573876.700519 | 25.5454381823342495 | 35998.521091388656 | 0.05009446240541644456 | 288898 R | F | 3785523.00 | 5337950526.47 | 5071818532.9420 | 5274405503.049367 | 25.5259438574251017 | 35994.029214030924 | 0.04998927856184381764 | 148301 (4 rows) Time: 148.787 ms --LIMIT -1
./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host= --port=5432 --run=-1
5、运行SQL, 并指定数据库GUC参数(例如开启PolarDB ePQ多机并行选项(注意这个功能仅仅在使用了一写多读PolarDB启动了多个计算节点时生效), 设置work_mem.).
首先需要对 TPC-H 产生的八张表设置 ePQ 的最大查询并行度:
ALTER TABLE nation SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE region SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE supplier SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE part SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE partsupp SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE customer SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE orders SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE lineitem SET (px_workers = 4);
测试sql 17如下
./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host= --port=5432 --run=17 --option="set polar_enable_px = on; SET polar_px_dop_per_node = 1; set work_mem = '16MB'; set statement_timeout='60min';"
options解释, 更多epq相关参数的介绍参考 《PolarDB 架构解读》
-- 打开 ePQ 功能的开关 SET polar_enable_px = ON; -- 设置每个节点的 ePQ 并行度为 1 SET polar_px_dop_per_node = 1; -- 设高了容易OOM -- 设置work_mem为16MB set work_mem = '16MB'; -- 设置SQL运行超时时间, 仅用于测试. 太久放弃 set statement_timeout='60min';
QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalize Aggregate (cost=0.00..1530.85 rows=1 width=8) -> PX Coordinator 2:1 (slice1; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..1530.85 rows=1 width=8) -> Partial Aggregate (cost=0.00..1530.85 rows=1 width=8) -> Hash Join (cost=0.00..1530.58 rows=300286 width=8) Hash Cond: (lineitem.l_partkey = part.p_partkey) Join Filter: (lineitem.l_quantity < ((0.2 * avg(lineitem_1.l_quantity)))) -> Partial Seq Scan on lineitem (cost=0.00..460.23 rows=300286 width=20) -> Hash (cost=940.02..940.02 rows=5746 width=12) -> PX Broadcast 2:2 (slice2; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..940.02 rows=5746 width=12) -> Hash Left Join (cost=0.00..938.18 rows=2873 width=12) Hash Cond: (part.p_partkey = lineitem_1.l_partkey) -> PX Hash 2:2 (slice3; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..432.90 rows=2845 width=4) Hash Key: part.p_partkey -> Partial Seq Scan on part (cost=0.00..432.86 rows=2845 width=4) Filter: ((p_brand = 'Brand#51'::bpchar) AND (p_container = 'JUMBO DRUM'::bpchar)) -> Hash (cost=504.47..504.47 rows=500 width=12) -> Finalize HashAggregate (cost=0.00..504.47 rows=500 width=12) Group Key: lineitem_1.l_partkey -> PX Hash 2:2 (slice4; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..504.40 rows=500 width=12) Hash Key: lineitem_1.l_partkey -> Partial HashAggregate (cost=0.00..504.39 rows=500 width=12) Group Key: lineitem_1.l_partkey -> Partial Seq Scan on lineitem lineitem_1 (cost=0.00..460.23 rows=300286 width=12) Optimizer: PolarDB PX Optimizer (24 rows)
postgres@a39da606d3ad:/tmp/tpch-dbgen$ psql psql (11.9) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \timing on Timing is on. postgres=# \i ./finals/1.explain.sql QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finalize GroupAggregate (cost=25719.09..25721.16 rows=6 width=236) Group Key: l_returnflag, l_linestatus -> Gather Merge (cost=25719.09..25720.49 rows=12 width=236) Workers Planned: 2 -> Sort (cost=24719.06..24719.08 rows=6 width=236) Sort Key: l_returnflag, l_linestatus -> Partial HashAggregate (cost=24718.82..24718.98 rows=6 width=236) Group Key: l_returnflag, l_linestatus -> Parallel Seq Scan on lineitem (cost=0.00..14903.98 rows=245371 width=25) Filter: (l_shipdate <= '1998-08-18 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) (10 rows) Time: 18.816 ms postgres=# \i ./finals/1.sql l_returnflag | l_linestatus | sum_qty | sum_base_price | sum_disc_price | sum_charge | avg_qty | avg_price | avg_disc | count_order --------------+--------------+------------+----------------+-----------------+--------------------+---------------------+--------------------+------------------------+------------- A | F | 3774200.00 | 5320753880.69 | 5054096266.6828 | 5256751331.449234 | 25.5375871168549970 | 36002.123829014142 | 0.05014459706340077136 | 147790 N | F | 95257.00 | 133737795.84 | 127132372.6512 | 132286291.229445 | 25.3006640106241700 | 35521.326916334661 | 0.04939442231075697211 | 3765 N | O | 7380026.00 | 10399900746.26 | 9879518563.1885 | 10274573876.700519 | 25.5454381823342495 | 35998.521091388656 | 0.05009446240541644456 | 288898 R | F | 3785523.00 | 5337950526.47 | 5071818532.9420 | 5274405503.049367 | 25.5259438574251017 | 35994.029214030924 | 0.04998927856184381764 | 148301 (4 rows) Time: 188.724 ms
5.4、tpch 20G 导入性能测试示例
以macOS宿主机(macBook pro M2 16G 512G, docker资源限制4Ccpu 8Gmem 4Gswap)为例, 测试一下tpch 20G 导入性能, 挂载宿主机目录~/pb2024
到容器中使用, 在生成tpch原始数据时可能性能会更好一点, 同时将PolarDB集群也初始化到宿主机中, 还可以防止测试过程中容器文件过大.
1、在宿主机操作, 创建目录, 创建容器并挂载容器
mkdir ~/pb2024 sudo xattr -r -c ~/pb2024 cd ~/pb2024 docker run -d -it -P -v $PWD:/home/pb2024 --shm-size=1g --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --privileged=true --name polardb_pg_devel registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/polardb_pg/polardb_pg_devel:ubuntu22.04 bash
2、在宿主机操作, 进入容器shell环境
docker exec -ti polardb_pg_devel bash
3、在容器内操作, 将HOME目录移动到宿主机目录中, (因为polardb build脚本很多变量配置写死了将集群都放在了HOME目录中)
cd /tmp sudo mv /home/postgres /home/pb2024/ sudo ln -s /home/pb2024/postgres /home/postgres
4、在容器内操作, 克隆PolarDB开源项目和tpch开源项目
cd ~ git clone -b POLARDB_11_STABLE --depth 1 https://github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-for-PostgreSQL.git git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/ApsaraDB/tpch-dbgen.git
5、在容器内操作, 编译PolarDB并启动
# unix socket监听在宿主机目录中创建报错, 暂时不知道什么原因, 先绕过它, 方法如下: # unix_socket_directories='.' # 改成 # unix_socket_directories='/tmp' cd ~/PolarDB-for-PostgreSQL sed -i "s/unix_socket_directories='\.'/unix_socket_directories='\/tmp'/g" ./polardb_build.sh # 如果你使用的是ubuntu20.04, 请使用如下sed,mv,chmod替换以上sed -i. # sed "s/unix_socket_directories='\.'/unix_socket_directories='\/tmp'/g" ./polardb_build.sh > /tmp/polardb_build.sh # mv -f /tmp/polardb_build.sh ./ # chmod u+x polardb_build.sh chmod 700 polardb_build.sh ./polardb_build.sh --without-fbl --debug=off
6、在容器内操作, 进入PolarDB数据库执行配置, 开启SQL时间记录, 便于记录tpch的导入耗时
psql alter system set log_duration=on; alter system set log_min_duration_statement=0; alter system set log_destination = 'csvlog'; alter system set logging_collector = on; select pg_reload_conf(); \q
7、在容器内操作, 生成20GB tpch数据, 并导入到PolarDB
没有做任何优化(macBook pro M2 16G 512G):
cd ~/tpch-dbgen time ./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host=/tmp --port=5432 --scale=20
8、在容器内操作, 查看PolarDB日志, 查看耗时如下
cd /var/polardb/primary_datadir/pg_log ll total 2324 drwx------ 7 postgres postgres 224 Sep 26 15:13 ./ drwx------ 34 postgres postgres 1088 Sep 26 15:13 ../ -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 6505 Sep 26 15:12 postgresql-2024-09-26_143149_0_audit.log -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1227265 Sep 26 15:13 postgresql-2024-09-26_143149_error.log -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 1627 Sep 26 15:13 postgresql-2024-09-26_143149_slow.log -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 137329 Sep 26 15:17 postgresql-2024-09-26_151358.csv -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 7361 Sep 26 15:16 postgresql-2024-09-26_151358_error.log grep duration postgresql-2024-09-26_151358.csv|grep -E "COPY|ALTER"|awk -F "duration" '{print $2}' : 4.853 ms statement: COPY nation FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');",,,,,,,,,"psql" : 2.233 ms statement: COPY region FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');",,,,,,,,,"psql" : 10749.966 ms statement: COPY part FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');",,,,,,,,,"psql" : 613.278 ms statement: COPY supplier FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');",,,,,,,,,"psql" : 44542.276 ms statement: COPY partsupp FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');",,,,,,,,,"psql" : 10149.517 ms statement: COPY customer FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');",,,,,,,,,"psql" : 62556.924 ms statement: COPY orders FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');",,,,,,,,,"psql" : 304549.278 ms statement: COPY lineitem FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');",,,,,,,,,"psql" : 27.093 ms statement: ALTER TABLE REGION : 6.349 ms statement: ALTER TABLE NATION : 5.093 ms statement: ALTER TABLE NATION : 6723.202 ms statement: ALTER TABLE PART : 160.005 ms statement: ALTER TABLE SUPPLIER : 17.801 ms statement: ALTER TABLE SUPPLIER : 37537.154 ms statement: ALTER TABLE PARTSUPP : 8071.863 ms statement: ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER : 817.030 ms statement: ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER : 280717.594 ms statement: ALTER TABLE LINEITEM : 64279.606 ms statement: ALTER TABLE ORDERS : 3569.714 ms statement: ALTER TABLE PARTSUPP : 9856.238 ms statement: ALTER TABLE PARTSUPP : 20967.200 ms statement: ALTER TABLE ORDERS : 83385.421 ms statement: ALTER TABLE LINEITEM : 109378.358 ms statement: ALTER TABLE LINEITEM
总耗时约1059秒(数据导入433秒, 索引和约束626秒)
9、调优后想再测一遍看看效果? 清理一下再导入即可.
psql drop schema public cascade; create schema public; grant all on schema public to public; \q cd ~/tpch-dbgen psql -f dss.ddl psql -c "\COPY nation FROM 'nation.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY region FROM 'region.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY part FROM 'part.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY supplier FROM 'supplier.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY partsupp FROM 'partsupp.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY customer FROM 'customer.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY orders FROM 'orders.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -c "\COPY lineitem FROM 'lineitem.tbl' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER '|');" psql -f dss.ri
5.5、tpch 20G 查询性能测试示例
以macOS宿主机(macBook pro M2 16G 512G, docker资源限制4Ccpu 8Gmem 4Gswap)为例, 测试一下tpch 20G 查询性能, 并对比开启ePQ与关闭ePQ时的性能差异. 挂载宿主机目录~/pb2024
到容器中使用, 在生成tpch原始数据时可能性能会更好一点, 同时将PolarDB集群也初始化到宿主机中, 还可以防止测试过程中容器文件过大.
1、在宿主机操作, 创建目录, 创建容器并挂载容器
mkdir ~/pb2024 sudo xattr -r -c ~/pb2024 cd ~/pb2024 docker run -d -it -P -v $PWD:/home/pb2024 --shm-size=6g --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --privileged=true --name polardb_pg_devel registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/polardb_pg/polardb_pg_devel:ubuntu22.04 bash
2、在宿主机操作, 进入容器shell环境
docker exec -ti polardb_pg_devel bash
3、在容器内操作, 将HOME目录移动到宿主机目录中, (因为polardb build脚本很多变量配置写死了将集群都放在了HOME目录中)
cd /tmp sudo mv /home/postgres /home/pb2024/ sudo ln -s /home/pb2024/postgres /home/postgres
4、在容器内操作, 克隆PolarDB开源项目和tpch开源项目
cd ~ git clone -b POLARDB_11_STABLE --depth 1 https://github.com/ApsaraDB/PolarDB-for-PostgreSQL.git git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/ApsaraDB/tpch-dbgen.git
5、在容器内操作, 编译PolarDB并启动1写2读的集群
# unix socket监听在宿主机目录中创建报错, 暂时不知道什么原因, 先绕过它, 方法如下: # unix_socket_directories='.' # 改成 # unix_socket_directories='/tmp' cd ~/PolarDB-for-PostgreSQL sed -i "s/unix_socket_directories='\.'/unix_socket_directories='\/tmp'/g" ./polardb_build.sh # 如果你使用的是ubuntu20.04, 请使用如下sed,mv,chmod替换以上sed -i. # sed "s/unix_socket_directories='\.'/unix_socket_directories='\/tmp'/g" ./polardb_build.sh > /tmp/polardb_build.sh # mv -f /tmp/polardb_build.sh ./ # chmod u+x polardb_build.sh chmod 700 polardb_build.sh ./polardb_build.sh --without-fbl --debug=off --withrep --initpx --storage=localfs
6、在容器内操作, 进入PolarDB数据库执行配置, 开启SQL时间记录, 便于记录tpch的导入耗时
psql alter system set log_duration=on; alter system set log_min_duration_statement=0; alter system set log_destination = 'csvlog'; alter system set logging_collector = on; select pg_reload_conf(); \q
7、在容器内操作, 生成20GB tpch数据, 并导入到PolarDB 数据库集群
cd ~/tpch-dbgen time ./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host=/tmp --port=5432 --scale=20
real 29m32.128s user 4m57.483s sys 2m24.077s
8、在容器内操作, 对 TPC-H 产生的八张表设置 ePQ 的最大查询并行度:
psql ALTER TABLE nation SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE region SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE supplier SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE part SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE partsupp SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE customer SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE orders SET (px_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE lineitem SET (px_workers = 4); \q
如果你需要同时修改3个节点的参数, 可以使用如下方法:
echo "shared_buffers='1GB'" >> ~/tmp_master_dir_polardb_pg_1100_bld/postgresql.auto.conf echo "shared_buffers='1GB'" >> ~/tmp_replica_dir_polardb_pg_1100_bld1/postgresql.auto.conf echo "shared_buffers='1GB'" >> ~/tmp_replica_dir_polardb_pg_1100_bld2/postgresql.auto.conf pg_ctl restart -m fast -D ~/tmp_master_dir_polardb_pg_1100_bld pg_ctl restart -m fast -D ~/tmp_replica_dir_polardb_pg_1100_bld1 pg_ctl restart -m fast -D ~/tmp_replica_dir_polardb_pg_1100_bld2
9、挑1条跑得比较慢的SQL(Q17), 对比开启ePQ和关闭ePQ的性能差异:
cd ~/tpch-dbgen ./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host=/tmp --port=5432 --run=17 --option="set polar_enable_px = on; SET polar_px_dop_per_node = 1; set work_mem = '16MB'; set statement_timeout='60min';"
tail -n 2 result Time: 93674.348 ms (01:33.674)
9.2、关闭ePQ测试 ( Tips: 即使不开启ePQ跨机并行, 也可以使用单机并行, 单机并行的设置方法请参考: 《PostgreSQL 11 并行计算算法,参数,强制并行度设置》 )
psql ALTER TABLE nation SET (parallel_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE region SET (parallel_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE supplier SET (parallel_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE part SET (parallel_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE partsupp SET (parallel_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE customer SET (parallel_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE orders SET (parallel_workers = 4); ALTER TABLE lineitem SET (parallel_workers = 4); \q
cd ~/tpch-dbgen ./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host=/tmp --port=5432 --option="set polar_enable_px=off; set work_mem='16MB'; set statement_timeout='60min'; set min_parallel_index_scan_size=0; set min_parallel_table_scan_size=0; set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=4; set parallel_leader_participation=0; set parallel_setup_cost=0; set parallel_tuple_cost=0;" --run=17
-- 关闭 ePQ 功能 SET polar_enable_px = off; -- 设置每个节点的 ePQ 并行度为 1 -- 强制单机并行 set min_parallel_index_scan_size=0; set min_parallel_table_scan_size=0; set parallel_setup_cost=0; set parallel_tuple_cost=0; -- 单机并行度为 min(max_parallel_workers_per_gather, parallel_workers, max_parallel_workers, max_worker_processes) set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=4; -- leader不参与并行 set parallel_leader_participation=0;
grep -E "^Time|^####" result Time: 31223.427 ms (00:31.223) Time: 15963.171 ms (00:15.963) Time: 35749.031 ms (00:35.749) Time: 61383.210 ms (01:01.383) Time: 40366.896 ms (00:40.367) Time: 25500.051 ms (00:25.500) Time: 32717.880 ms (00:32.718) Time: 32240.570 ms (00:32.241) Time: 52082.570 ms (00:52.083) Time: 39573.756 ms (00:39.574) Time: 7920.625 ms (00:07.921) Time: 39995.829 ms (00:39.996) Time: 16497.227 ms (00:16.497) Time: 28636.686 ms (00:28.637) Time: 53713.010 ms (00:53.713) Time: 14875.466 ms (00:14.875) // Time: 93674.348 ms (01:33.674) -- q17 ePQ并行; 关闭ePQ并行时大于60分钟 Time: 90327.818 ms (01:30.328) Time: 28491.345 ms (00:28.491) // Time: 41250.308 ms (00:41.250) -- q20 ePQ并行; 关闭ePQ并行时大于60分钟 Time: 317478.966 ms (05:17.479) Time: 10635.676 ms (00:10.636)
10、开启ePQ, 跑完22条查询要多久?
cd ~/tpch-dbgen ./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host=/tmp --port=5432 --run=-1 --option="set polar_enable_px = on; SET polar_px_dop_per_node = 1; set work_mem = '16MB'; set statement_timeout='60min';"
耗时 ( PS: 开启ePQ时第18条sql会导致OOM, 所以第18条使用了单机并行: ./build.sh --user=postgres --db=postgres --host=/tmp --port=5432 --option="set polar_enable_px=off; set work_mem='16MB'; set statement_timeout='60min'; set min_parallel_index_scan_size=0; set min_parallel_table_scan_size=0; set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=4; set parallel_leader_participation=0; set parallel_setup_cost=0; set parallel_tuple_cost=0;" --run=18
grep -E "^Time|^####" result Time: 61261.347 ms (01:01.261) Time: 11129.968 ms (00:11.130) Time: 49289.413 ms (00:49.289) Time: 67216.454 ms (01:07.216) Time: 49391.736 ms (00:49.392) Time: 31664.415 ms (00:31.664) Time: 73454.578 ms (01:13.455) Time: 42278.018 ms (00:42.278) Time: 69275.566 ms (01:09.276) Time: 47604.021 ms (00:47.604) Time: 6288.017 ms (00:06.288) Time: 48324.040 ms (00:48.324) Time: 19890.075 ms (00:19.890) Time: 34170.097 ms (00:34.170) Time: 32600.810 ms (00:32.601) Time: 8994.104 ms (00:08.994) Time: 96417.525 ms (01:36.418) // Time: 81338.202 ms (01:21.338) -- q18 单机并行; 开启ePQ时发生OOM Time: 30276.696 ms (00:30.277) Time: 41250.308 ms (00:41.250) Time: 155613.165 ms (02:35.613) Time: 15536.692 ms (00:15.537)
对比单机并行和跨机并行, 针对不同的sql各有千秋.
11、如果要优化PolarDB的TPCH性能, 如何定目标? 我认为可以锚定专业OLAP数据库第一梯队的表现, 例如DuckDB(parquet:列存+非内存, 向量化执行引擎)在该macOS宿主机上的表现.
mkdir ~/Downloads/duckdb cd ~/Downloads/duckdb curl https://github.com/duckdb/duckdb/releases/download/v1.1.3/duckdb_cli-osx-universal.zip -o ./duckdb_cli-osx-universal.zip unzip duckdb_cli-osx-universal.zip
启动duckdb, 限制内存用量(8G), 限制CPU线程不超过4个
./duckdb SET memory_limit = '8GB'; SET max_memory = '8GB'; SET threads = 4; .timer on
load tpch;
CALL dbgen(sf = 20);
耗时 47秒
D CALL dbgen(sf = 20); 100% ▕████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏ ┌─────────┐ │ Success │ │ boolean │ ├─────────┤ │ 0 rows │ └─────────┘ Run Time (s): real 47.064 user 134.427192 sys 18.943913 D select * from duckdb_indexes(); ┌───────────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┬────────────┬────────────┬───────────┬────────────┬───────────┬─────────┬───────────────────────┬───────────┬────────────┬─────────────┬─────────┐ │ database_name │ database_oid │ schema_name │ schema_oid │ index_name │ index_oid │ table_name │ table_oid │ comment │ tags │ is_unique │ is_primary │ expressions │ sql │ │ varchar │ int64 │ varchar │ int64 │ varchar │ int64 │ varchar │ int64 │ varchar │ map(varchar, varchar) │ boolean │ boolean │ varchar │ varchar │ ├───────────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┴────────────┴────────────┴───────────┴────────────┴───────────┴─────────┴───────────────────────┴───────────┴────────────┴─────────────┴─────────┤ │ 0 rows │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
EXPORT DATABASE './data' (FORMAT PARQUET); -- 使用相对目录. 默认使用snappy压缩, 压缩级别为3 100% ▕████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏ Run Time (s): real 113.294 user 86.570580 sys 64.863062
重启duckdb数据库, 创建parquet文件视图
./duckdb CREATE VIEW lineitem AS SELECT * FROM read_parquet('./data/lineitem.parquet'); CREATE VIEW orders AS SELECT * FROM read_parquet('./data/orders.parquet'); CREATE VIEW partsupp AS SELECT * FROM read_parquet('./data/partsupp.parquet'); CREATE VIEW part AS SELECT * FROM read_parquet('./data/part.parquet'); CREATE VIEW customer AS SELECT * FROM read_parquet('./data/customer.parquet'); CREATE VIEW supplier AS SELECT * FROM read_parquet('./data/supplier.parquet'); CREATE VIEW nation AS SELECT * FROM read_parquet('./data/nation.parquet'); CREATE VIEW region AS SELECT * FROM read_parquet('./data/region.parquet');
D select count(*) from lineitem; ┌──────────────┐ │ count_star() │ │ int64 │ ├──────────────┤ │ 119994608 │ └──────────────┘ Run Time (s): real 0.059 user 0.079419 sys 0.007059
生成22条 tpch 查询语句
load tpch; copy (select query from tpch_queries()) to './data/tpch.sql' with (quote '', HEADER false);
限制内存用量(8G), 限制CPU线程不超过4个
SET memory_limit = '8GB'; SET max_memory = '8GB'; SET threads = 4; .timer on
测试tpch 查询
.output ./data/tpch.result .read ./data/tpch.sql
Run Time (s): real 2.485 user 8.296543 sys 0.689389 Run Time (s): real 0.418 user 1.224057 sys 0.127164 Run Time (s): real 1.509 user 5.161808 sys 0.437914 Run Time (s): real 1.336 user 4.446016 sys 0.285473 Run Time (s): real 1.527 user 5.263083 sys 0.538828 Run Time (s): real 1.271 user 4.208857 sys 0.601743 Run Time (s): real 1.685 user 6.208771 sys 0.418602 Run Time (s): real 2.207 user 7.576238 sys 0.853328 Run Time (s): real 3.081 user 9.865340 sys 1.105854 Run Time (s): real 1.775 user 5.751877 sys 0.653938 Run Time (s): real 0.303 user 0.984823 sys 0.147369 Run Time (s): real 1.760 user 5.147289 sys 0.688219 Run Time (s): real 1.670 user 5.876605 sys 0.385250 Run Time (s): real 1.215 user 3.879712 sys 0.476071 Run Time (s): real 1.164 user 3.800713 sys 0.515444 Run Time (s): real 0.296 user 0.975069 sys 0.056834 Run Time (s): real 1.998 user 6.785169 sys 0.680043 Run Time (s): real 2.059 user 6.593445 sys 1.041294 Run Time (s): real 1.894 user 6.337675 sys 0.652705 Run Time (s): real 1.556 user 5.613203 sys 0.442104 Run Time (s): real 4.623 user 14.570412 sys 1.678793 Run Time (s): real 0.395 user 1.260649 sys 0.090190
这就是OLAP第一梯队数据库的表现. 朝着这个目标准没错. PS: 笔记本测试, 使用电池性能会略差于接电源
- tpch数据导入: 433秒 有望优化到 47秒
- tpch查询: 1073秒 有望优化到 36秒
- 《PolarDB for PostgreSQL TPCH 测试与优化tips》
- 《DBA老司机都头痛的TPCH优化, AI 10秒就搞定了》
- 《PG被DuckDB碾压,该反省哪些方面? DuckDB v0.10.3 在Macmini 2023款上的tpch性能表现如何? PostgreSQL使用duckdb_fdw 的tpch加速性能表现如何?》
- 《DuckDB 0.9.2 TPC-DS 测试》
- 《DuckDB 采用外部 parquet 格式存储 - tpch 测试 - in_memory VS in_parquet》
- 《DuckDB vs PostgreSQL TPC-H 测试》
- 《DuckDB TPC-H 测试》
- 《DuckDB 定位OLAP方向的SQLite, 适合嵌入式数据分析 - tpch测试与简单试用》
- 《PostgreSQL 13 新增 hash 内存参数, 提高hash操作性能 - hash_mem_multiplier - work_mem的倍数 - 支持超越内存时采用disk 存储hash表, 支持更多场景使用hashagg, TPCH性能大幅提升》
- 《Deepgreen(Greenplum) 多机部署测试 , TPC-H VS citus》
- 《PostgreSQL sharding : citus 系列2 - TPC-H》
- 《[转载] TPCH 22条SQL语句分析》
- 《(TPC-H测试 SF=10,SF=200) PostgreSQL 11 vs 10 vs Deepgreen》
- 《TPC-H测试 - PostgreSQL 10 vs Deepgreen(Greenplum)》
- 《PostgreSQL 并行计算tpc-h测试和优化分析》
- 《Greenplum,HAWQ interval parser带来的问题 - TPCH 测试注意啦》
- https://apsaradb.github.io/PolarDB-for-PostgreSQL/zh/operation/tpch-test.html
- 整合DuckDB: pgmooncake, pg_duckdb, duckdb_fdw, plpython3u
- 《猛料! 月饼(pgmooncake)进化了》
- 《穷鬼玩PolarDB RAC一写多读集群系列 | 接入pg_duckdb & pgmooncake支持数据湖功能,且OLAP性能数量级提升》
- 《开源PolarDB|PostgreSQL 应用开发者&DBA 公开课 - 5.6 PolarDB开源版本必学特性 - 安装与使用PostgreSQL开源插件/工具》
- 《PolarDB数据库创新设计国赛 - 决赛提交作品指南》
更多PolarDB 应用实践实验请参考: PolarDB gitee 实验仓库 whudb-course / digoal github