- 【AI Agent系列】【MetaGPT多智能体学习】0. 环境准备 - 升级MetaGPT 0.7.2版本及遇到的坑
- 【AI Agent系列】【MetaGPT多智能体学习】1. 再理解 AI Agent - 经典案例和热门框架综述
- 【AI Agent系列】【MetaGPT多智能体学习】2. 重温单智能体开发 - 深入源码,理解单智能体运行框架
- 【AI Agent系列】【MetaGPT多智能体学习】3. 开发一个简单的多智能体系统,兼看MetaGPT多智能体运行机制
0. Team组件介绍
0.1 基本参数
class Team(BaseModel): """ Team: Possesses one or more roles (agents), SOP (Standard Operating Procedures), and a env for instant messaging, dedicated to env any multi-agent activity, such as collaboratively writing executable code. 团队:拥有一个或多个角色(代理人)、标准操作流程(SOP)和一个用于即时通讯的环境,致力于开展任何多代理活动,如协作编写可执行代码。 """ model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True) env: Optional[Environment] = None investment: float = Field(default=10.0) idea: str = Field(default="")
- env:多智能体运行的环境
- investment:投资,用来设置整个程序运行的预算,控制token消耗,当程序运行超过这个预设值后,会强制停止
- idea:用户的输入、需求
0.2 重要函数
0.2.1 hire - 雇佣员工,往Team中添加Role
def hire(self, roles: list[Role]): """Hire roles to cooperate""" self.env.add_roles(roles)
0.2.2 invest - 投资,设置程序总预算
def invest(self, investment: float): """Invest company. raise NoMoneyException when exceed max_budget.""" self.investment = investment self.cost_manager.max_budget = investment logger.info(f"Investment: ${investment}.")
0.2.3 run_project
为用户的输入或需求。这个函数的主要功能是调用了 Environment 的 publish_message
def run_project(self, idea, send_to: str = ""): """Run a project from publishing user requirement.""" self.idea = idea # Human requirement. self.env.publish_message( Message(role="Human", content=idea, cause_by=UserRequirement, send_to=send_to or MESSAGE_ROUTE_TO_ALL), peekable=False, )
0.2.4 run - Team开始运行的入口
这个才是Team运行的入口函数,当输入了idea时,会转到 run_project
去往自身的环境中放置用户消息。然后在 while循环中,循环运行各个Role。
指定循环的次数,这里默认为3,执行三次 self.env.run()
函数的功能是检查当前程序消耗的token或钱数是否超过了预算。如果超过了预算,直接弹窗警告 raise NoMoneyException
@serialize_decorator async def run(self, n_round=3, idea="", send_to="", auto_archive=True): """Run company until target round or no money""" if idea: self.run_project(idea=idea, send_to=send_to) while n_round > 0: # self._save() n_round -= 1 logger.debug(f"max {n_round=} left.") self._check_balance() await self.env.run() self.env.archive(auto_archive) return self.env.history
def _check_balance(self): if self.cost_manager.total_cost >= self.cost_manager.max_budget: raise NoMoneyException(self.cost_manager.total_cost, f"Insufficient funds: {self.cost_manager.max_budget}")
0.3 总结
函数拆分成了 hire
/ run_project
/ run
async def main(topic: str, n_round=3): ## 类比 Team 的 hire 函数添加 Roles classroom.add_roles([Student(), Teacher()]) ## 类比 Team 的 run_project 函数往环境中写入用户消息 classroom.publish_message( Message(role="Human", content=topic, cause_by=UserRequirement, send_to='' or MESSAGE_ROUTE_TO_ALL), peekable=False, ) ## 类比 Team 的 run 函数控制循环次数 while n_round > 0: # self._save() n_round -= 1 logger.debug(f"max {n_round=} left.") await classroom.run() return classroom.history
组件的本质,就是对 Environment
接口的封装,同时在此基础上增加了 invest
1. 基于Team开发你的第一个智能体团队
1.1 demo需求描述
- SimpleCoder,Action是 SimpleWriteCode,写代码
- SimpleTester,Action是 SimpleWriteTest,接收 SimpleCoder 的代码进行测试。也接收 SimpleReviewer 的修改意见进行测试用例改写。
- SimpleReviewer,Action是 SimpleWriteReview,接收 SimpleTester 的测试用例,检查其覆盖范围和质量,给出测试用例的修改意见。
1.2 写代码
1.2.1 SimpleCoder
- 它的Action是
。 - 它的行动指令来源是
def parse_code(rsp): pattern = r"```python(.*)```" match = re.search(pattern, rsp, re.DOTALL) code_text = match.group(1) if match else rsp return code_text class SimpleWriteCode(Action): PROMPT_TEMPLATE: str = """ Write a python function that can {instruction}. Return ```python your_code_here ```with NO other texts, your code: """ name: str = "SimpleWriteCode" async def run(self, instruction: str): prompt = self.PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(instruction=instruction) rsp = await self._aask(prompt) code_text = parse_code(rsp) return code_text class SimpleCoder(Role): name: str = "Alice" profile: str = "SimpleCoder" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._watch([UserRequirement]) self.set_actions([SimpleWriteCode])
1.2.2 SimpleTester
- 其Action为
指定。 - 其行动指令来源,一个是
,接收测试用例修改意见,根据修改意见完善测试用例。通过self._watch([SimpleWriteCode, SimpleWriteReview])
class SimpleWriteTest(Action): PROMPT_TEMPLATE: str = """ Context: {context} Write {k} unit tests using pytest for the given function, assuming you have imported it. Return ```python your_code_here ```with NO other texts, your code: """ name: str = "SimpleWriteTest" async def run(self, context: str, k: int = 3): prompt = self.PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(context=context, k=k) rsp = await self._aask(prompt) code_text = parse_code(rsp) return code_text class SimpleTester(Role): name: str = "Bob" profile: str = "SimpleTester" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.set_actions([SimpleWriteTest]) # self._watch([SimpleWriteCode]) self._watch([SimpleWriteCode, SimpleWriteReview]) # feel free to try this too async def _act(self) -> Message: logger.info(f"{self._setting}: to do {self.rc.todo}({self.rc.todo.name})") todo = self.rc.todo # context = self.get_memories(k=1)[0].content # use the most recent memory as context context = self.get_memories() # use all memories as context code_text = await todo.run(context, k=5) # specify arguments msg = Message(content=code_text, role=self.profile, cause_by=type(todo)) return msg
1.2.3 SimpleReviewer
- 其Action为
指定。 - 其行动指令来源为
class SimpleWriteReview(Action): PROMPT_TEMPLATE: str = """ Context: {context} Review the test cases and provide one critical comments: """ name: str = "SimpleWriteReview" async def run(self, context: str): prompt = self.PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(context=context) rsp = await self._aask(prompt) return rsp class SimpleReviewer(Role): name: str = "Charlie" profile: str = "SimpleReviewer" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.set_actions([SimpleWriteReview]) self._watch([SimpleWriteTest])
1.2.4 组成Team并运行
下面就是将上面的三个 Role 放到一个 Team 中。
函数添加上面的三个 Role 到 Team 中invest
函数将 idea 任务放到环境中run
函数让整个 Team 运行起来
async def main( idea: str = "write a function that calculates the product of a list", investment: float = 3.0, n_round: int = 5, add_human: bool = False, ): logger.info(idea) team = Team() team.hire( [ SimpleCoder(), SimpleTester(), SimpleReviewer(is_human=add_human), ] ) team.invest(investment=investment) team.run_project(idea) await team.run(n_round=n_round) if __name__ == "__main__": fire.Fire(main)
1.2.5 完整代码
""" Filename: MetaGPT/examples/build_customized_multi_agents.py Created Date: Wednesday, November 15th 2023, 7:12:39 pm Author: garylin2099 """ import re import fire from metagpt.actions import Action, UserRequirement from metagpt.logs import logger from metagpt.roles import Role from metagpt.schema import Message from metagpt.team import Team def parse_code(rsp): pattern = r"```python(.*)```" match = re.search(pattern, rsp, re.DOTALL) code_text = match.group(1) if match else rsp return code_text class SimpleWriteCode(Action): PROMPT_TEMPLATE: str = """ Write a python function that can {instruction}. Return ```python your_code_here ```with NO other texts, your code: """ name: str = "SimpleWriteCode" async def run(self, instruction: str): prompt = self.PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(instruction=instruction) rsp = await self._aask(prompt) code_text = parse_code(rsp) return code_text class SimpleCoder(Role): name: str = "Alice" profile: str = "SimpleCoder" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._watch([UserRequirement]) self.set_actions([SimpleWriteCode]) class SimpleWriteTest(Action): PROMPT_TEMPLATE: str = """ Context: {context} Write {k} unit tests using pytest for the given function, assuming you have imported it. Return ```python your_code_here ```with NO other texts, your code: """ name: str = "SimpleWriteTest" async def run(self, context: str, k: int = 3): prompt = self.PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(context=context, k=k) rsp = await self._aask(prompt) code_text = parse_code(rsp) return code_text class SimpleTester(Role): name: str = "Bob" profile: str = "SimpleTester" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.set_actions([SimpleWriteTest]) # self._watch([SimpleWriteCode]) self._watch([SimpleWriteCode, SimpleWriteReview]) # feel free to try this too async def _act(self) -> Message: logger.info(f"{self._setting}: to do {self.rc.todo}({self.rc.todo.name})") todo = self.rc.todo # context = self.get_memories(k=1)[0].content # use the most recent memory as context context = self.get_memories() # use all memories as context code_text = await todo.run(context, k=5) # specify arguments msg = Message(content=code_text, role=self.profile, cause_by=type(todo)) return msg class SimpleWriteReview(Action): PROMPT_TEMPLATE: str = """ Context: {context} Review the test cases and provide one critical comments: """ name: str = "SimpleWriteReview" async def run(self, context: str): prompt = self.PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(context=context) rsp = await self._aask(prompt) return rsp class SimpleReviewer(Role): name: str = "Charlie" profile: str = "SimpleReviewer" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.set_actions([SimpleWriteReview]) self._watch([SimpleWriteTest]) async def main( idea: str = "write a function that calculates the product of a list", investment: float = 3.0, n_round: int = 5, add_human: bool = False, ): logger.info(idea) team = Team() team.hire( [ SimpleCoder(), SimpleTester(), SimpleReviewer(is_human=add_human), ] ) team.invest(investment=investment) team.run_project(idea) await team.run(n_round=n_round) # 最后这两句可以合成一句:await team.run(n_round=n_round, idea=idea) if __name__ == "__main__": fire.Fire(main)
1.2.6 运行过程及结果展示
(2)SimpleTester 接收到 SimpleCoder 写完的代码,开始写测试用例。
(3)SimpleReviewer 接收到 SimpleTester 写的测试用例,开始审核并给出修改意见
(4)SimpleTester 接收到 SimpleReviewer 的修改意见,开始优化测试用例。
(5)SimpleReviewer 接收到 SimpleTester 优化后的测试用例,进行审核并再次给出修改意见
(6)SimpleTester 和 SimpleReviewer 之间循环交互 n 次
2. 总结
组件就是在原来 Environment
组件的基础上进行封装,增加了一个invest来控制整体成本。其主要函数为 hire
和 run