Fairseq是由Facebook AI Research开发的一个序列到序列模型工具包,用于自然语言处理和语音识别任务。它支持各种模型架构,包括卷积神经网络(CNNs)、循环神经网络(RNNs)和Transformer模型。
# 先克隆仓库代码 git clone https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq # 进入文件夹里 cd fairseq # 执行命令,这个命令我不太清楚什么意思,不过必须要执行,否则之后使用的时候会报错。 # 猜测:安装Fairseq项目到python pip install --editable ./ -i https://pypi.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/simple/
下载速度太慢:增加镜像源可以解决这个问题。 pip install --editable ./ -i https://mirror.baidu.com/pypi/simple
# git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex cd apex pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" \ --global-option="--deprecated_fused_adam" --global-option="--xentropy" \ --global-option="--fast_multihead_attn" ./ # 查看显卡信息 nvidia-smi
fairseq-preprocess: 将文本数据转换为二进制文件,预处理命令首先会从训练文本数据中构建词表,默认情况下将所有出现过的单词根据词频排序。并将排序后的单词列表作为最终的词标。构建的词表是一个单词和序号之间的一对一的映射,这个序号是单词在词表中的下标位置。二进制化的文件会默认保存在data-bin目录下,包括生成的词表,训练数据、验证数据和测试数据,也可以通过destdir参数,将生成的数据保存在其他目录。
# --destdir: 预处理后的二进制文件会默认保存在data-bin目录下,可以通过destdir参数将生成的数据存放在其他位置。 # --thresholdsrc/--thresholdtgt: 分别对应源端(source)和目标端(target)的词表的最低词频,词频低于这个阈值的单词将不会出现在词表中,而是统一使用一个unknown标签来代替。 # --nwordssrc/--nwordstgt,源端和目标端词表的大小,在对单词根据词频排序后,取前n个词来构建词表,剩余的单词使用一个统一的unknown标签代替。 # --source-lang: 源 # --target-lang:目标 # --trainpref:训练文件前缀(也用于建立词典),即路径和文件名的前缀。 # --validpref:验证文件前缀。 # --testpref: 测试文件前缀。 # --joined-dictionary: 源端和目标端使用同一个词表,对于相似语言(如英语和西班牙语)来说,有很多的单词是相同的,使用同一个词表可以降低词表和参数的总规模。 # --tgtdict: 重用给定的目标词典 # --srcdict:重用给定的源词典,参数为文件名,即使用已有的词典,而不去根据文本数据中单词的词频去构建词表 # --workers: 并行进程数。 eg: TEXT=iwslt14.tokenized.de-en fairseq-preprocess --source-lang de --target-lang en \ --trainpref $TEXT/train --validpref $TEXT/valid --testpref $TEXT/test \ --destdir data-bin/iwslt14.tokenized.de-en \ --joined-dictionary --workers 20
- fairseq-train: 训练新模型, 默认情况下不会使用GPU的,在参数中需要指定训练数据、模型、优化器等参数。
# --arch:所使用的模型结构 # --optimizer: 可以选择的优化器:adadelta, adafactor, adagrad, adam, adamax, composite, cpu_adam, lamb, nag, sgd # --clip-norm: 梯度减少阈值,默认为0 # --lr: 前N个批次的学习率,默认为0.25 # --lr-scheduler: 学习率缩减的方式,可选: cosine, fixed, inverse_sqrt, manual, pass_through, polynomial_decay, reduce_lr_on_plateau, step, tri_stage, triangular,默认为fixed。 # --criterion: 指定使用的损失函数,选择:adaptive_loss, composite_loss, cross_entropy, ctc, fastspeech2, hubert, label_smoothed_cross_entropy, latency_augmented_label_smoothed_cross_entropy, label_smoothed_cross_entropy_with_alignment, label_smoothed_cross_entropy_with_ctc, legacy_masked_lm_loss, masked_lm, model, nat_loss, sentence_prediction, sentence_prediction_adapters, sentence_ranking, tacotron2, speech_to_unit, speech_to_spectrogram, speech_unit_lm_criterion, wav2vec, vocab_parallel_cross_entropy # --max-tokens: 按照词的数量来分batch,每个batch包含多少个词。 # --fp 16: 若使用的GPU支持半精度,可以通过--fp16来进行混合精度训练,可以极大提高模型训练的速度。通过torch.cuda.get_device_capablity(0)[0]可以确定GPU是否支持半精度(值小于7则不支持,大于7则支持。) # --no-epoch-checkpoints: 只储存最后和最好的检查点 # --save-dir: 训练过程中保存中间模型,默认为checkpoints。 # --label-smoothing 0.1:将label_smoothed_cross_entropy损失默认为0的label-smoothing值改为0.1 # --reset-dataloader: 如果已设置,则不从检查点重新加载数据加载器状态, 默认值:False # --reset-meters: 如果设置,则不从检查点加载仪表,默认值:False # --reset-optimizer:如果设置,则不从检查点加载优化器状态,默认值:False # --no-progress-bar参数可以改为逐行打印日志,方便保存。默认情况下,每训练100步之后会打印一次
- fairseq-generate: 用训练过的模型翻译预处理数据,即解码,用来解码之前经过预处理的数据。
# --gen-subset train:翻译整个训练数据 # --gen-subset: 默认解码测试部分。 # --beam: 设置beam search中的beam size # --lenpen: 设置beam search中的长度惩罚 # --remove-bpe: 指定对翻译结果后处理,由于在准备数据时,使用了BPE切分,该参数会把BPE切分的词合并为完整的单词。如果不添加该参数,那么输出的翻译结果和BLEU打分都是按照未合并BPE进行的。 # --unkpen: unk惩罚。
数据预处理:Fairseq 包含多个翻译的预处理脚本示例 数据集:IWSLT 2014(德语-英语)、WMT 2014(英语-法语)和WMT 2014年(英语-德语)。要对 IWSLT 数据集进行预处理和二值化,请执行以下操作:
> cd examples/translation/ # 在机器翻译中,需要双语平行数据来进行模型的训练,在这里使用fairseq中提供的数据,这个脚本会下载IWSLT 14 英语和德语的平行数据,并进行分词、BPE等操作。 > bash prepare-iwslt14.sh > > cd ../.. > TEXT=examples/translation/iwslt14.tokenized.de-en # 设置训练文件前缀、验证文件前缀、测试文件前缀等 # data-bin:预处理后的文件保存再哪里 # joined dictionary: 源和目标使用同一个词典,对于相似语言来说,有很多的单词是相同的,使用同一个词表可以降低词表和参数的总规模。 # fairseq-preprocess:将文本数据转化为二进制文件。 > fairseq-preprocess --source-lang de --target-lang en \ --trainpref $TEXT/train --validpref $TEXT/valid --testpref $TEXT/test \ --destdir data-bin/iwslt14.tokenized.de-en
bash prepare-iwslt14.sh 下载IWSLT 14 英语和德语的平行数据,并进行分词、BPE等操作,处理的结果为:
训练:使用fairseq-train来训练一个新模型。以下是一些有效的示例设置 对于 IWSLT 2014 数据集来说:
# arch: 所使用的模型结构 # optimizer:可以选择的优化器 # --clip-norm:梯度减少阈值 # lr:前N个批次的学习率。 # --lr-scheduler:学习率缩减的方式 # criterion:指定使用的损失函数。 # --max--tokens:按照词的数量来分batch,每个batch包含多少个词。 # 训练之后会生成pt后缀的文件,这个文件可以用于后续生成翻译结果。 > mkdir -p checkpoints/fconv > CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 fairseq-train data-bin/iwslt14.tokenized.de-en \ --optimizer nag --lr 0.25 --clip-norm 0.1 --dropout 0.2 --max-tokens 4000 \ --arch fconv_iwslt_de_en --save-dir checkpoints/fconv
生成: 一旦模型经过训练之后,我们就可以使用fairseq-generate方法,即使用训练过的数据来翻译预处理数据。
# --gen-subset # --beam: 设置beam search中的beam size # --lenpen: 设置beam search中的长度惩罚 # --remove-bpe: 指定对翻译结果进行后处理,该参数会把BPE切分的词合并起来。 # --path:模型路径 > fairseq-generate data-bin/iwslt14.tokenized.de-en \ --path checkpoints/fconv/checkpoint_best.pt \ --batch-size 128 --beam 5 | [de] dictionary: 35475 types | [en] dictionary: 24739 types | data-bin/iwslt14.tokenized.de-en test 6750 examples | model fconv | loaded checkpoint trainings/fconv/checkpoint_best.pt S-721 danke . T-721 thank you . ...
编码器:所有编码器 应该实现 FairseqEncoder 接口和 解码器应实现 FairseqDecoder 接口。 这些接口本身扩展了torch.nn.Module
注册模型:我们必须注册我们的模型 使用register_model()函数装饰器的Fairseq。 注册模型后,我们将能够将其与现有的命令行工具一起使用。
将以下代码保存在名为 的新文件中:fairseq/models/simple_lstm.py(在安装的fairseq的文件夹里)
注意:在Linux下,建立好simple_lstm.py文件并将代码复制后,需要给与执行权限chomd +x simple_lstm.py, 之后再执行一下该文件(python simple_lstm.py)才算注册模型完成。
import torch.nn as nn from fairseq import utils from fairseq.models import FairseqEncoder import torch from fairseq.models import FairseqDecoder from fairseq.models import FairseqEncoderDecoderModel, register_model # Note: the register_model "decorator" should immediately precede the # definition of the Model class. class SimpleLSTMEncoder(FairseqEncoder): def __init__( self, args, dictionary, embed_dim=128, hidden_dim=128, dropout=0.1, ): super().__init__(dictionary) self.args = args # Our encoder will embed the inputs before feeding them to the LSTM. self.embed_tokens = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=len(dictionary), embedding_dim=embed_dim, padding_idx=dictionary.pad(), ) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) # We'll use a single-layer, unidirectional LSTM for simplicity. self.lstm = nn.LSTM( input_size=embed_dim, hidden_size=hidden_dim, num_layers=1, bidirectional=False, batch_first=True, ) def forward(self, src_tokens, src_lengths): # The inputs to the ``forward()`` function are determined by the # Task, and in particular the ``'net_input'`` key in each # mini-batch. We discuss Tasks in the next tutorial, but for now just # know that *src_tokens* has shape `(batch, src_len)` and *src_lengths* # has shape `(batch)`. # Note that the source is typically padded on the left. This can be # configured by adding the `--left-pad-source "False"` command-line # argument, but here we'll make the Encoder handle either kind of # padding by converting everything to be right-padded. if self.args.left_pad_source: # Convert left-padding to right-padding. src_tokens = utils.convert_padding_direction( src_tokens, padding_idx=self.dictionary.pad(), left_to_right=True ) # Embed the source. x = self.embed_tokens(src_tokens) # Apply dropout. x = self.dropout(x) # Pack the sequence into a PackedSequence object to feed to the LSTM. x = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(x, src_lengths, batch_first=True) # Get the output from the LSTM. _outputs, (final_hidden, _final_cell) = self.lstm(x) # Return the Encoder's output. This can be any object and will be # passed directly to the Decoder. return { # this will have shape `(bsz, hidden_dim)` 'final_hidden': final_hidden.squeeze(0), } # Encoders are required to implement this method so that we can rearrange # the order of the batch elements during inference (e.g., beam search). def reorder_encoder_out(self, encoder_out, new_order): """ Reorder encoder output according to `new_order`. Args: encoder_out: output from the ``forward()`` method new_order (LongTensor): desired order Returns: `encoder_out` rearranged according to `new_order` """ final_hidden = encoder_out['final_hidden'] return { 'final_hidden': final_hidden.index_select(0, new_order), } class SimpleLSTMDecoder(FairseqDecoder): def __init__( self, dictionary, encoder_hidden_dim=128, embed_dim=128, hidden_dim=128, dropout=0.1, ): super().__init__(dictionary) # Our decoder will embed the inputs before feeding them to the LSTM. self.embed_tokens = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=len(dictionary), embedding_dim=embed_dim, padding_idx=dictionary.pad(), ) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) # We'll use a single-layer, unidirectional LSTM for simplicity. self.lstm = nn.LSTM( # For the first layer we'll concatenate the Encoder's final hidden # state with the embedded target tokens. input_size=encoder_hidden_dim + embed_dim, hidden_size=hidden_dim, num_layers=1, bidirectional=False, ) # Define the output projection. self.output_projection = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, len(dictionary)) # During training Decoders are expected to take the entire target sequence # (shifted right by one position) and produce logits over the vocabulary. # The *prev_output_tokens* tensor begins with the end-of-sentence symbol, # ``dictionary.eos()``, followed by the target sequence. def forward(self, prev_output_tokens, encoder_out): """ Args: prev_output_tokens (LongTensor): previous decoder outputs of shape `(batch, tgt_len)`, for teacher forcing encoder_out (Tensor, optional): output from the encoder, used for encoder-side attention Returns: tuple: - the last decoder layer's output of shape `(batch, tgt_len, vocab)` - the last decoder layer's attention weights of shape `(batch, tgt_len, src_len)` """ bsz, tgt_len = prev_output_tokens.size() # Extract the final hidden state from the Encoder. final_encoder_hidden = encoder_out['final_hidden'] # Embed the target sequence, which has been shifted right by one # position and now starts with the end-of-sentence symbol. x = self.embed_tokens(prev_output_tokens) # Apply dropout. x = self.dropout(x) # Concatenate the Encoder's final hidden state to *every* embedded # target token. x = torch.cat( [x, final_encoder_hidden.unsqueeze(1).expand(bsz, tgt_len, -1)], dim=2, ) # Using PackedSequence objects in the Decoder is harder than in the # Encoder, since the targets are not sorted in descending length order, # which is a requirement of ``pack_padded_sequence()``. Instead we'll # feed nn.LSTM directly. initial_state = ( final_encoder_hidden.unsqueeze(0), # hidden torch.zeros_like(final_encoder_hidden).unsqueeze(0), # cell ) output, _ = self.lstm( x.transpose(0, 1), # convert to shape `(tgt_len, bsz, dim)` initial_state, ) x = output.transpose(0, 1) # convert to shape `(bsz, tgt_len, hidden)` # Project the outputs to the size of the vocabulary. x = self.output_projection(x) # Return the logits and ``None`` for the attention weights return x, None # 注册模型 @register_model('simple_lstm') class SimpleLSTMModel(FairseqEncoderDecoderModel): @staticmethod def add_args(parser): # Models can override this method to add new command-line arguments. # Here we'll add some new command-line arguments to configure dropout # and the dimensionality of the embeddings and hidden states. parser.add_argument( '--encoder-embed-dim', type=int, metavar='N', help='dimensionality of the encoder embeddings', ) parser.add_argument( '--encoder-hidden-dim', type=int, metavar='N', help='dimensionality of the encoder hidden state', ) parser.add_argument( '--encoder-dropout', type=float, default=0.1, help='encoder dropout probability', ) parser.add_argument( '--decoder-embed-dim', type=int, metavar='N', help='dimensionality of the decoder embeddings', ) parser.add_argument( '--decoder-hidden-dim', type=int, metavar='N', help='dimensionality of the decoder hidden state', ) parser.add_argument( '--decoder-dropout', type=float, default=0.1, help='decoder dropout probability', ) @classmethod def build_model(cls, args, task): # Fairseq initializes models by calling the ``build_model()`` # function. This provides more flexibility, since the returned model # instance can be of a different type than the one that was called. # In this case we'll just return a SimpleLSTMModel instance. # Initialize our Encoder and Decoder. encoder = SimpleLSTMEncoder( args=args, dictionary=task.source_dictionary, embed_dim=args.encoder_embed_dim, hidden_dim=args.encoder_hidden_dim, dropout=args.encoder_dropout, ) decoder = SimpleLSTMDecoder( dictionary=task.target_dictionary, encoder_hidden_dim=args.encoder_hidden_dim, embed_dim=args.decoder_embed_dim, hidden_dim=args.decoder_hidden_dim, dropout=args.decoder_dropout, ) model = SimpleLSTMModel(encoder, decoder) # Print the model architecture. print(model) return model # We could override the ``forward()`` if we wanted more control over how # the encoder and decoder interact, but it's not necessary for this # tutorial since we can inherit the default implementation provided by # the FairseqEncoderDecoderModel base class, which looks like: # # def forward(self, src_tokens, src_lengths, prev_output_tokens): # encoder_out = self.encoder(src_tokens, src_lengths) # decoder_out = self.decoder(prev_output_tokens, encoder_out) # return decoder_out
# Download and prepare the unidirectional data bash prepare-iwslt14.sh # Preprocess/binarize the unidirectional data TEXT=iwslt14.tokenized.de-en fairseq-preprocess --source-lang de --target-lang en \ --trainpref $TEXT/train --validpref $TEXT/valid --testpref $TEXT/test \ --destdir data-bin/iwslt14.tokenized.de-en \ --joined-dictionary --workers 20
fairseq-train data-bin/iwslt14.tokenized.de-en \ --arch tutorial_simple_lstm \ --encoder-dropout 0.2 --decoder-dropout 0.2 \ --optimizer adam --lr 0.005 --lr-shrink 0.5 \ --max-tokens 12000
fairseq-generate data-bin/iwslt14.tokenized.de-en \ --path checkpoints/checkpoint_best.pt \ --beam 5 \ --remove-bpe
增量解码:修改模型以实现 FairseqIncrementalDecoder 接口,增量式 解码器接口允许方法采用额外的关键字参数 (incremental_state) 可用于跨时间步缓存状态。
总结:Fairseq通过增量解码(incremental decoding)提供了更快的推理速度。所谓的增量解码,就是在解码时,将之前tokens处于激活beam状态下的模型状态(model states)缓存起来,以备后用,这样每一个新的token进来,只需要计算新的状态即可。也就是说,如果使用FairseqDecoder接口实现普通的解码器,对于每一个输出,都需要重新整个解码器隐状态,计算复杂度O(n^2)。而使用FairseqIncrementalDecoder接口实现增量解码,就可以实现O(n)的解码速度。
import torch from fairseq.models import FairseqIncrementalDecoder class SimpleLSTMDecoder(FairseqIncrementalDecoder): def __init__( self, dictionary, encoder_hidden_dim=128, embed_dim=128, hidden_dim=128, dropout=0.1, ): # This remains the same as before. super().__init__(dictionary) self.embed_tokens = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=len(dictionary), embedding_dim=embed_dim, padding_idx=dictionary.pad(), ) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) self.lstm = nn.LSTM( input_size=encoder_hidden_dim + embed_dim, hidden_size=hidden_dim, num_layers=1, bidirectional=False, ) self.output_projection = nn.Linear(hidden_dim, len(dictionary)) # We now take an additional kwarg (*incremental_state*) for caching the # previous hidden and cell states. def forward(self, prev_output_tokens, encoder_out, incremental_state=None): if incremental_state is not None: # If the *incremental_state* argument is not ``None`` then we are # in incremental inference mode. While *prev_output_tokens* will # still contain the entire decoded prefix, we will only use the # last step and assume that the rest of the state is cached. prev_output_tokens = prev_output_tokens[:, -1:] # This remains the same as before. bsz, tgt_len = prev_output_tokens.size() final_encoder_hidden = encoder_out['final_hidden'] x = self.embed_tokens(prev_output_tokens) x = self.dropout(x) x = torch.cat( [x, final_encoder_hidden.unsqueeze(1).expand(bsz, tgt_len, -1)], dim=2, ) # We will now check the cache and load the cached previous hidden and # cell states, if they exist, otherwise we will initialize them to # zeros (as before). We will use the ``utils.get_incremental_state()`` # and ``utils.set_incremental_state()`` helpers. initial_state = utils.get_incremental_state( self, incremental_state, 'prev_state', ) if initial_state is None: # first time initialization, same as the original version initial_state = ( final_encoder_hidden.unsqueeze(0), # hidden torch.zeros_like(final_encoder_hidden).unsqueeze(0), # cell ) # Run one step of our LSTM. output, latest_state = self.lstm(x.transpose(0, 1), initial_state) # Update the cache with the latest hidden and cell states. utils.set_incremental_state( self, incremental_state, 'prev_state', latest_state, ) # This remains the same as before x = output.transpose(0, 1) x = self.output_projection(x) return x, None # The ``FairseqIncrementalDecoder`` interface also requires implementing a # ``reorder_incremental_state()`` method, which is used during beam search # to select and reorder the incremental state. def reorder_incremental_state(self, incremental_state, new_order): # Load the cached state. prev_state = utils.get_incremental_state( self, incremental_state, 'prev_state', ) # Reorder batches according to *new_order*. reordered_state = ( prev_state[0].index_select(1, new_order), # hidden prev_state[1].index_select(1, new_order), # cell ) # Update the cached state. utils.set_incremental_state( self, incremental_state, 'prev_state', reordered_state, ) # 下一个案例有时间再分析吧,有些许疲惫。
4-1、importlib_metadata.PackageNotFoundError: No package metadata was found for fairseq
- 该错误是在谷歌的colab上使用fairseq工具包时产生的。
- 错误原因是在执行了下列命令后产生的:
!git clone https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq %cd /content/fairseq !pip install --editable ./ %cd /content
- 由于是本地安装的,所以在安装之后并未识别到fairseq,所以需要手动设置路径
! echo $PYTHONPATH import os os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] += ":/content/fairseq/" ! echo $PYTHONPATH
- 🆗,错误解决!
- 注意:如果不是在线平台,需要手动配置环境变量!这一点不展开说。
在Linux下,建立好simple_lstm.py文件并将代码复制后,需要给与执行权限chomd +x simple_lstm.py, 之后再执行一下该文件(python simple_lstm.py)才算注册模型完成。
4-3、Fairseq: FloatingPointError: Minimum loss scale reached (0.0001).
降低学习率:尝试减小学习率,以更小的步长进行参数更新,减缓训练过程中的梯度变化。可以在训练配置中调整 --lr 参数,例如将其从默认值0.25减小到0.1。(–lr 1e-1)(注意:训练速度可能会大大降低)
使用梯度裁剪:将梯度值限制在一个固定范围内,以避免其过大或过小。可以在训练配置中调整 --clip-norm 参数,例如将其从默认值0.1增加到1.0。即监控梯度的范数(norm),如果它超过了一个阈值,则将梯度缩小到阈值以下。这可以避免梯度爆炸的情况。(–clip-norm 1)(极有可能导致结果不精准)
增加批大小:扩大批量大小可以减小梯度变化的影响,并加快训练过程。可以在训练配置中调整 --max-tokens 参数,例如将其从默认值4096增加到8192。(–max-tokens 8192)
权重衰减应该仅应用于可训练的参数。对于一些不需要更新的参数,例如batch normalization中的参数,应该将它们从权重衰减中排除。
动态调整浮点数精度:可以通过在训练命令中添加 --fp16-no-flush-to-zero 参数来禁止将非规格化浮点数(denormalized numbers)设置为零,从而避免出现 FloatingPointError 错误。
4-4、使用命令pip install --editable ./安装时报错。
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: /usr/bin/python3 -c 'import sys, setuptools, tokenize; sys.argv[0] = '"'"'/home/ubuntu/Bi-SimCut/fairseq/setup.py'"'"'; __file__='"'"'/home/ubuntu/Bi-SimCut/fairseq/setup.py'"'"';f=getattr(tokenize, '"'"'open'"'"', open)(__file__);code=f.read().replace('"'"'\r\n'"'"', '"'"'\n'"'"');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, '"'"'exec'"'"'))' develop --no-deps --user --prefix= cwd: /home/ubuntu/Bi-SimCut/fairseq/ Complete output (36 lines): running develop /tmp/pip-build-env-o1nw9uet/overlay/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/dist.py:788: UserWarning: Usage of dash-separated 'index-url' will not be supported in future versions. Please use the underscore name 'index_url' instead warnings.warn( /tmp/pip-build-env-o1nw9uet/overlay/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/__init__.py:85: _DeprecatedInstaller: setuptools.installer and fetch_build_eggs are deprecated. Requirements should be satisfied by a PEP 517 installer. If you are using pip, you can try `pip install --use-pep517`. dist.fetch_build_eggs(dist.setup_requires) /tmp/pip-build-env-o1nw9uet/overlay/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/dist.py:788: UserWarning: Usage of dash-separated 'index-url' will not be supported in future versions. Please use the underscore name 'index_url' instead warnings.warn( /tmp/pip-build-env-o1nw9uet/overlay/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/easy_install.py:144: EasyInstallDeprecationWarning: easy_install command is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools. warnings.warn( WARNING: The user site-packages directory is disabled. Checking .pth file support in /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages /usr/bin/python3 -E -c pass TEST PASSED: /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages appears to support .pth files running egg_info writing fairseq.egg-info/PKG-INFO writing dependency_links to fairseq.egg-info/dependency_links.txt writing entry points to fairseq.egg-info/entry_points.txt writing requirements to fairseq.egg-info/requires.txt writing top-level names to fairseq.egg-info/top_level.txt reading manifest file 'fairseq.egg-info/SOURCES.txt' reading manifest template 'MANIFEST.in' adding license file 'LICENSE' writing manifest file 'fairseq.egg-info/SOURCES.txt' running build_ext skipping 'fairseq/data/data_utils_fast.cpp' Cython extension (up-to-date) skipping 'fairseq/data/token_block_utils_fast.cpp' Cython extension (up-to-date) building 'fairseq.libbleu' extension x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -g -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -g -fwrapv -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.8 -c fairseq/clib/libbleu/libbleu.cpp -o build/temp.linux-x86_64-cpython-38/fairseq/clib/libbleu/libbleu.o -std=c++11 -O3 x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -g -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -g -fwrapv -O2 -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.8 -c fairseq/clib/libbleu/module.cpp -o build/temp.linux-x86_64-cpython-38/fairseq/clib/libbleu/module.o -std=c++11 -O3 fairseq/clib/libbleu/module.cpp:9:10: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory 9 | #include <Python.h> | ^~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. /tmp/pip-build-env-o1nw9uet/overlay/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/command/install.py:34: SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: setup.py install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools. warnings.warn( error: command '/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit code 1 ----------------------------------------
# 这个错误发生在安装fairseq时,看起来是缺少Python.h头文件,这通常是由于缺少Python开发包导致的。您可以尝试通过以下命令来安装Python开发包: # 对于Debian/Ubuntu系统: sudo apt-get install python3-dev 对于Red Hat/CentOS系统: sudo yum install python3-devel
视频:【FairSeq 自然语言库 】 要不要看看这个,Facebook开源的Pytorch 自然语言模型库