
简介: MVP、MVVM响应式基础架构送给你,要不要?

MVVM + RxSwift

👌. MVVM + RxSwift + CTMediatror + MJRefresh + DZNEmptyDataSet

基于 MVVM + RxSwift 搭建响应式数据绑定基础架构











BaseViewController: 支持oc基类,公共部分

VMTableViewController: 列表基类, 内部采用响应式处理

VMViewController: 该基类继承时需指定ViewModel或其子类作为泛型,该类会自动懒加载指定类型的VM对象。

ViewModel: 基础模型,子类必须继承使用




只需要遵循这两个协议即可 - ViewModelHeaderable, ViewModelFooterable


只需要遵循空数据协议 - ViewModelEmptiable



extension CTMediator {
    /// Swift调度者
    func Second_viewController(title: String) -> (UIViewController?) {
        let params = [
            "title": title,
            kCTMediatorParamsKeySwiftTargetModuleName: "Rickenbacker_Example"
        ] as [AnyHashable : Any]
        let viewController = self.performTarget(String(describing: SecondViewController.self),
                                                action: "Extension_ViewController",
                                                params: params,
                                                shouldCacheTarget: false) as? UIViewController
        return (viewController)
class Target_SecondViewController: NSObject {
    /// 备注提示,这里必须加上`@objc`
    /// 否则会出现找不到该方法从而导致控制器为`nil`问题
    @objc func Action_Extension_ViewController(_ params: NSDictionary) -> UIViewController? {
        guard let title = params["title"] as? String else { return nil }
        let vm = SecondViewModel.init(title: title)
        let vc = SecondViewController.init(viewModel: vm)
        return vc








extension MJRefreshViewModel: ViewModelHeaderable, ViewModelFooterable {
    var enterBeginRefresh: Bool {
        return false
    // 自动无感上拉刷新功能
    var footer: MJRefreshFooter {
        let footer = MJRefreshAutoFooter()
        footer.triggerAutomaticallyRefreshPercent = -5
        return footer


final class MJRefreshViewModel: ViewModel {
    struct Input {
        let headerRefresh: Observable<Void>
        let footerRefresh: Observable<Void>
    struct Output {
        let items: Driver<[String]>
extension MJRefreshViewModel: ViewModelType {
    func transform(input: Input) -> Output {
        var objects: [String] = []
        var page: Int = 1
        /// 下拉刷新
        let refresh = input.headerRefresh.then(page = 1)
            .flatMapLatest {
            }.map { [unowned self] (items) -> [String] in
                objects = items
                return objects
            }.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: [])
        /// 上拉加载更多
        let more = input.footerRefresh.then(page += 1)
            .flatMapLatest {
            }.map { [unowned self] (items) -> [String] in
                if items.isEmpty {
                } else {
                objects += items
                return objects
            }.asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: [])
        /// 数据响应    
        let items = Driver.of(refresh, more).merge()
        /// 空数据绑定 { $0.isEmpty }.asObservable().bind(to: isEmptyData).disposed(by: disposeBag)
        return Output(items: items)





class EmptyViewModel: ViewModel, ViewModelEmptiable, ViewModelHeaderable {
    let dataSource: BehaviorRelay<[String]> = BehaviorRelay(value: [])
    func loadData() {
        let driver = NetworkService().randomResult().asObservable()
        driver.bind(to: dataSource).disposed(by: disposeBag) { $0.isEmpty }.bind(to: isEmptyData).disposed(by: disposeBag)
        driver.subscribe { _ in } onCompleted: {
        }.disposed(by: disposeBag)
let driver = NetworkService().randomResult().asObservable() { $0.isEmpty }.bind(to: isEmptyData).disposed(by: disposeBag)


public typealias DZNEmptyDataSetable = DZNEmptyDataSetSourceable & DZNEmptyDataSetDelegateable
public protocol DZNEmptyDataSetSourceable {
    /// Asks the data source for the image of the dataset.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: An image for the dataset.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetImage(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIImage
    /// Asks the data source for the title of the dataset.
    /// The dataset uses a fixed font style by default, if no attributes are set. If you want a different font style, return a attributed string.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: An attributed string for the dataset title, combining font, text color, text pararaph style, etc.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetTitle(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> NSAttributedString?
    /// Asks the data source for the description of the dataset.
    /// The dataset uses a fixed font style by default, if no attributes are set. If you want a different font style, return a attributed string.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: An attributed string for the dataset description text, combining font, text color, text pararaph style, etc.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetDescription(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> NSAttributedString?
    /// Asks the data source for a tint color of the image dataset. Default is nil.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: A color to tint the image of the dataset.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetImageTintColor(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIColor?
    /// Asks the data source for the image animation of the dataset.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: image animation
    func DZNEmptyDataSetImageAnimation(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> CAAnimation?
    /// Asks the data source for the title to be used for the specified button state.
    /// The dataset uses a fixed font style by default, if no attributes are set. If you want a different font style, return a attributed string.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    ///   - state: The state that uses the specified title. The possible values are described in UIControlState.
    /// - Returns: An attributed string for the dataset button title, combining font, text color, text pararaph style, etc.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetButtonTitle(scrollView: UIScrollView, for state: UIControl.State) -> NSAttributedString?
    /// Asks the data source for the image to be used for the specified button state.
    /// This method will override buttonTitleForEmptyDataSet:forState: and present the image only without any text.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    ///   - state: The state that uses the specified title. The possible values are described in UIControlState.
    /// - Returns: An image for the dataset button imageview.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetButtonImage(scrollView: UIScrollView, for state: UIControl.State) -> UIImage?
    /// Asks the data source for a background image to be used for the specified button state.
    /// There is no default style for this call.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    ///   - state: The state that uses the specified image. The values are described in UIControlState.
    /// - Returns: An attributed string for the dataset button title, combining font, text color, text pararaph style, etc.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetButtonBackgroundImage(scrollView: UIScrollView, for state: UIControl.State) -> UIImage?
    /// Asks the data source for the background color of the dataset. Default is clear color.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: A color to be applied to the dataset background view.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetBackgroundColor(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIColor
    /// Asks the data source for a custom view to be displayed instead of the default views such as labels, imageview and button. Default is nil.
    /// Use this method to show an activity view indicator for loading feedback, or for complete custom empty data set.
    /// Returning a custom view will ignore -offsetForEmptyDataSet and -spaceHeightForEmptyDataSet configurations.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: The custom view.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetCustomView(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView?
    /// Asks the data source for a offset for vertical and horizontal alignment of the content. Default is CGPointZero.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: The offset for vertical and horizontal alignment.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetVerticalOffset(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> CGFloat
    /// Asks the data source for a vertical space between elements. Default is 11 pts.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: The space height between elements.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetSpaceHeight(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> CGFloat
public protocol DZNEmptyDataSetDelegateable {
    /// Asks the delegate to know if the empty dataset should fade in when displayed. Default is YES.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: YES if the empty dataset should fade in.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetShouldFadeIn(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool
    /// Asks the delegate to know if the empty dataset should still be displayed when the amount of items is more than 0. Default is NO
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: YES if empty dataset should be forced to display
    func DZNEmptyDataSetShouldBeForcedToDisplay(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool
    /// Asks the delegate for touch permission. Default is YES.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: YES if the empty dataset receives touch gestures.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetShouldAllowTouch(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool
    /// Asks the delegate for scroll permission. Default is NO.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: YES if the empty dataset is allowed to be scrollable.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetShouldAllowScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool
    /// Asks the delegate for image view animation permission. Default is NO.
    /// Make sure to return a valid CAAnimation object from imageAnimationForEmptyDataSet:
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    /// - Returns: YES if the empty dataset is allowed to animate
    func DZNEmptyDataSetShouldAnimateImageView(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool
    /// Tells the delegate that the empty data set will appear.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetWillAppear(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
    /// Tells the delegate that the empty data set did appear.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetDidAppear(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
    /// Tells the delegate that the empty data set will disappear.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetWillDisappear(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
    /// Tells the delegate that the empty data set did disappear.
    /// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
    func DZNEmptyDataSetDidDisappear(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)


// 配置空数据展示信息
extension DZNEmptyDataSetViewController: DZNEmptyDataSetable {
    func DZNEmptyDataSetImage(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIImage {
        return R.image("base_network_error_black")
    func DZNEmptyDataSetImageTintColor(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIColor? {
    func DZNEmptyDataSetTitle(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> NSAttributedString? {
        NSAttributedString(string: R.text("TEXT"))
    func DZNEmptyDataSetDescription(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> NSAttributedString? {
        NSAttributedString(string: R.text("测试网络异常展示"))
    func DZNEmptyDataSetVerticalOffset(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> CGFloat {
        return -77

CocoaPods Install


导入项目响应式基类模块:pod 'Rickenbacker/Adapter'

导入资源模块:pod 'Rickenbacker/CatHome'

导入收集模块:pod 'Rickenbacker/BeeBox'

导入组件化模块:pod 'Rickenbacker/CTMediatror'

导入导航栏基础模块:pod 'Rickenbacker/HBDNavigationBar'

导入自动刷新模块:pod 'Rickenbacker/MJRefresh'

导入空数据自动展示模块:pod 'Rickenbacker/DZNEmptyDataSet'

觉得有帮助的老哥们,请帮忙点个星 ⭐..




附上传送RickenbackerDemo 地址.

再附上一个开发加速库KJCategoriesDemo地址 🎷喜欢的老板们可以点个星🌟


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