系统 CENTOS6.5
当python getfile.py时,正常运行;
一旦用crontab定时任务跑getfile.py时 (crontab脚步运行其他脚步正常,运行getfile.py时跑到38行报错),报错;
decode() argument 1 must be string , not None
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''Created on 2015-1-27@author: muyuan'''import sys,os,shutil,stringimport reimport urllib,urllib2,requestsimport datetime,timeimport aliyun.api#这里写id 和 密钥aliyun.setDefaultAppInfo('id', 'secret')print u'请先设置aliyun.setDefaultAppInfo的Access Key ID和Access Key Secret'print u'请输入您的RDS所在区域,如cn-hangzhou'prompt = 'Aliyun>'my_diqu = raw_input(prompt)print u'请输入您的RDS实例名'my_rdsname = raw_input(prompt)print u'请输入您要下载备份的开始时间如2015-01-15'my_begintime = raw_input(prompt)print u'请输入您要下载的备份结束时间如2015-01-18'my_overtime = raw_input(prompt)#查询备份信息,设置相关条件a = aliyun.api.Rds20140815DescribeBackupsRequest()a.RegionId = my_diqu #% (diqu)a.DBInstanceid = my_rdsname # % (rdsname)a.StartTime = my_begintime + 'T00:00Z' # % (begintime)a.EndTime = my_overtime + 'T00:00Z' #获取备份列表try: f = a.getResponse() # 此处报错: decode() argument 1 must be string , not None if('Code' in f): print('Fasle') print(f['Code']) print(f['Message']) else: f = a.getResponse() # 此处报错: decode() argument 1 must be string , not None # print(f) f = str(f) #格式化输出 # b=re.compile(r'(http://.*?)',') my_re = re.compile(r'(http://.*?)',') #正则匹配 print my_re.findall(f) my_data = my_re.findall(f) my_len = len(my_data) #计算list的元素数 ###开始下载 # print '%r~%r,you have %r backup file ,start download,please wait,' % (a.StartTime, a.EndTime, d) print u'从%r到%r,有%r个备份文件可以下载 ,正在下载,请稍候,' % (a.StartTime, a.EndTime, my_len) my_url = my_data for m in my_url: # u = urllib2.urlopen(m) # y = u.read() urllib.urlretrieve(m, 'muyuan.tar.gz') now = time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') newname = now + '.tar.gz' shutil.move('muyuan.tar.gz',newname) print u'下载完成,请查看脚本运行的当前目录下是否已经成功下载文件'except Exception,e: print(e)
代码中引用包: aliyun.api.Rds20140815DescribeBackupsRequest()
包内init code :
'''Created by auto_sdk on 2014-10-22 12:49:31'''from aliyun.api.base import RestApiclass Rds20140815DescribeBackupsRequest(RestApi): def __init__(self,domain='rds.aliyuncs.com',port=80): RestApi.__init__(self,domain, port) self.OwnerId = None self.OwnerAccount = None self.ResourceOwnerAccount = None self.BackupId = None self.BackupMode = None self.BackupStatus = None self.DBInstanceId = None self.EndTime = None self.PageNumber = None self.PageSize = None self.StartTime = None def getapiname(self): return 'rds.aliyuncs.com.DescribeBackups.2014-08-15'