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# 容器 #
云计算对广告行业的影响 | 对话阿里云 MVP Elijah Landon
嘉宾介绍Elijah Landon,I am responsible for building a platform that distributes ads around the world at an advertising technology company. My experience related to technologies includes building low-latency scalable solutions in the cloud and on bare metal, using DevOps principles as a guide to create fully automated self-healing infrastructure, and implementing solutions such as auto-scaling groups, Kubernetes, and custom solutions to dynamically grow with demand.
Kubernetes & Cloud Native Meetup 成都站
Kubernetes & Cloud Native Meetup 即将在成都与大家见面啦!阿里云智能高级技术专家张振、蚂蚁金服高级技术专家彭涛为大家带来云原生落地最优实践!活动亮点解读:1、阿里云、蚂蚁金服专家,解读云原生落地最优实践。2、现场抽奖,线上线下大礼送不停,价值 199 元学习加油包、天猫精灵等精美礼品等你来领!参与互动:1、参与我们的官方调研,戳这里2、点击这里 加入 K8S 千人钉钉群,与开发者们共同分享实践经验!3、点击链接马上获取 Kubernetes & Cloud Native Meetup 往期 PPT 下载与直播回看 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/KDQKPf6E-8Usj7jXsSXynQ
Kubernetes & Cloud Native Meetup 深圳站
亮点解读阿里云、蚂蚁金服专家,解读云原生落地最优实践!现场抽奖,线上线下大礼送不停,价值 199 元学习加油包、天猫精灵等精美礼品等你来领!1、即刻预约开发者社区直播,还不快 点这里!2、然后点这里,报名现场线下活动!3、参与线上调研,还不快 戳这里~4、还没完呢,在这里 加入K8S 千人钉钉群!