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iDempiere 3.1启动时数据库版本报错?报错

ubuntu server 14.04 ; java version :1.8 ;postgresql:9.4

13:59:13.305 Adempiere.startup: iDempiere(r) Release 3.1_2015-10-31 -Smart Suite ERP, CRM and SCM- (c) 1999-2013 iDempiere(r); Implementation: iDempiere - Supported by iDempiere community [12]

13:59:13.326 Ini.loadProperties: /opt/idempiere-server/idempiere.properties #28 [12]
13:59:13.649-----------> MConfig.log: com.mchange.v2.cfg.BasicMultiPropertiesConfig: Properties object found at resource path [system properties] contains a value that is not a String: null; Skipping... [12]
13:59:13.651-----------> MLog.log: com.mchange.v2.cfg.BasicMultiPropertiesConfig: Properties object found at resource path [system properties] contains a value that is not a String: null; Skipping... [35]
13:59:13.652-----------> MConfig.log: com.mchange.v2.cfg.BasicMultiPropertiesConfig: Properties object found at resource path [system properties] contains a value that is not a String: null; Skipping... [12]
13:59:13.654-----------> MConfig.log: com.mchange.v2.cfg.BasicMultiPropertiesConfig: Properties object found at resource path [system properties] contains a value that is not a String: null; Skipping... [12]
13:59:13.655-----------> MConfig.log: com.mchange.v2.cfg.BasicMultiPropertiesConfig: Properties object found at resource path [system properties] contains a value that is not a String: null; Skipping... [12]
13:59:14.101-----------> MConfig.log: com.mchange.v2.cfg.BasicMultiPropertiesConfig: Properties object found at resource path [system properties] contains a value that is not a String: null; Skipping... [12]
13:59:14.101-----------> MConfig.log: com.mchange.v2.cfg.BasicMultiPropertiesConfig: Properties object found at resource path [system properties] contains a value that is not a String: null; Skipping... [12]
13:59:14.102-----------> MConfig.log: com.mchange.v2.cfg.BasicMultiPropertiesConfig: Properties object found at resource path [system properties] contains a value that is not a String: null; Skipping... [12]
13:59:14.102-----------> MConfig.log: com.mchange.v2.cfg.BasicMultiPropertiesConfig: Properties object found at resource path [system properties] contains a value that is not a String: null; Skipping... [12]
13:59:14.634 DB.isBuildOK: Build DB=${env.ADEMPIERE_VERSION} 20080428-1232 [12]
13:59:14.635 DB.isBuildOK: Build Cl=3.1.0.v20151031-2002 [12]
13:59:14.668-----------> DB.isBuildOK: Build Version Error

The program assumes build version 3.1.0.v20151031-2002, but database has build version ${env.ADEMPIERE_VERSION} 20080428-1232.
This is likely to cause hard to fix errors.
Please contact administrator. [12]
13:59:14.855 Language.getLanguage: Adding Language=en, Country=US, Locale=en_US [12]
13:59:14.857 Language.getLanguage: Adding Language=en, Country=US, Locale=en_US [12]
13:59:15.197 WebEnv.initWeb: Servlet Context Init Parameters: iDempiere Root
ServerRoot=1 [12]
13:59:15.271-----------> EMail.setFrom: you @ company.org: javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Local address contains control or whitespace in string ``you @ company.org'' [12]
13:59:15.273-----------> EMail.addTo: you @ company.org: javax.mail.internet.AddressException: Local address contains control or whitespace in string ``you @ company.org'' [12]
13:59:15.274-----------> EMail.isValid: From is invalid=null [12]
13:59:15.274-----------> EMail.isValid: From is invalid=null [12]
13:59:15.274-----------> MClient.sendEMail: Could NOT Send Email: Server started: iDempiere (EsbServer: to you @ company.org: Invalid Data (System) [12]
13:59:15.274 WebEnv.initWeb: Servlet Init Parameter: idempiereMonitor [12]
13:59:15.274 AdempiereMonitor.init:  [12]
13:59:17.773-----------> AnnotationConfiguration.configure: ServletContainerInitializers: detected. Class hierarchy: empty [12]
13:59:18.722           WebUIServlet.init: iDempiere Web Client started successfully [12]
13:59:19.430-----------> AnnotationConfiguration.configure: ServletContainerInitializers: detected. Class hierarchy: empty [12]
13:59:22.949-----------> Node: []:5701 [adempiere.idempiere/EsbServer] [3.5.3] No join method is enabled! Starting standalone. [34]
13:59:47.976-----------> Doc_InOut.createFacts: No Costs for Plum Tree [41]
13:59:49.316-----------> Doc_InOut.createFacts: No Costs for Plum Tree [41]
13:59:49.511-----------> Doc_InOut.createFacts: Resubmit - No Costs for Plum Tree (required order line) [41]
13:59:49.750-----------> FactLine.updateReverseLine: Not Found (try later) ,C_AcctSchema_ID=101, AD_Table_ID=319,Record_ID=102,Line_ID=102, Account_ID=587 [41]
13:59:51.142-----------> Doc_InOut.createFacts: No Costs for Plum Tree [41]
13:59:51.482-----------> Doc_InOut.createFacts: Resubmit - No Costs for Oak Tree (required order line) [41]
13:59:51.654-----------> FactLine.updateReverseLine: Not Found (try later) ,C_AcctSchema_ID=101, AD_Table_ID=319,Record_ID=104,Line_ID=106, Account_ID=587 [41]
13:59:57.632-----------> Doc_Order.isConvertible: NOT from C_Currency_ID=102 to 100 - MOrder[108-60000,IsSOTrx=true,C_DocType_ID=133, GrandTotal=228.85] [41]
13:59:57.892-----------> Doc_Invoice.isConvertible: NOT from C_Currency_ID=102 to 100 - MInvoice[109-100000,GrandTotal=228.85 (#1)] [41]
13:59:58.123-----------> Fact.isSegmentBalanced: (OO) NO - Fact[X_M_Movement[100],AcctSchema[101-GardenWorld US/A/US Dollar],PostType=A], Balance=-247.00 [41]

爱吃鱼的程序员 2020-06-10 11:05:15 888 0
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