
简介: 如何实现一个高效的启发式算法?(VRPTW篇)



1 时间窗的计算






2 邻居解快速更新















3 编程实现



     * This function simulate the insertion of the customer in the given route on the given position.
     * Computes the new cost and return it.
     * It is an optimized version of the evaluate route. Calculates only for the customers affected
     * by the insertion. Starts from the given position and could finish before reaching the end of
     * the list if there is no modification in the arrive time at the customers.
     * Does not alter the route or the customer
     * @param route
     * @param customer
     * @param position
     * @return
    private Cost evaluateInsertRoute(Route route, Customer customer, int position) {
     Cost varCost = new Cost(route.getCost());
     double arriveCustomer = 0;
     double arriveNextCustomer = 0;
     double waitingTimeCustomer = 0;
     double waitingTimeNextCustomer = 0;
     double twViolCustomer = 0;
     double twViolNextCustomer = 0;
     // if route is empty insert: depot - customer - depot
     if(route.isEmpty()) {
      // arrive time at the customer
      arriveCustomer = route.getDepot().getStartTw()
               + instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customer.getNumber());
         // waiting time for the customer if any
      waitingTimeCustomer = Math.max(0, customer.getStartTw() - arriveCustomer);
      // time window violation of the customer if any
      twViolCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveCustomer - customer.getEndTw());
      // arrive time at the depot
      arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customer.getStartTw(), arriveCustomer)
                   + customer.getServiceDuration()
                   + instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
      // time window violation of the depot if any
      twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
      //variation of the travel time
      varCost.travelTime = instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customer.getNumber())
             + instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
      // variation of the capacity
      varCost.load = customer.getCapacity();
      // route service time
      varCost.serviceTime = customer.getServiceDuration();
      //variation of the waiting time
      varCost.waitingTime = waitingTimeCustomer;
      // variation of the time windows violation
      varCost.twViol = twViolCustomer + twViolNextCustomer;
      // insertion at the end of the list: customer before - customer - depot
      if(position == route.getCustomersLength()){
       Customer customerBefore = route.getCustomer(position - 1);
       arriveCustomer = Math.max(customerBefore.getStartTw(), customerBefore.getArriveTime())
                + customerBefore.getServiceDuration()
                + instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber());
          // waiting time for the customer if any
       waitingTimeCustomer = Math.max(0, customer.getStartTw() - arriveCustomer);
       // time window violation of the customer if any
       twViolCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveCustomer - customer.getEndTw());
       // arrive time at the depot
       arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customer.getStartTw(), arriveCustomer)
                    + customer.getServiceDuration()
                    + instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
       // time window violation of the depot if any
       twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
       //variation of the travel time
       varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr())
                       + instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber())
              + instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
       // variation of the capacity
       varCost.load += customer.getCapacity();
       // route service time
       varCost.serviceTime += customer.getServiceDuration();
       //variation of the waiting time
       varCost.waitingTime += waitingTimeCustomer;
       // variation of the time windows violation
       varCost.twViol += - varCost.depotTwViol + twViolCustomer + twViolNextCustomer;
      }else {
       double variation = 0;
       Customer customerAfter = route.getCustomer(position);
       // insertion on the first position: depot - customer - customer after
       if(position == 0){
        // time before arrive at the customer
        arriveCustomer = route.getDepot().getStartTw()
                 + instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customer.getNumber());
        //variation of the travel time
        varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customerAfter.getNumber())
                        + instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customer.getNumber())
               + instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
       // insertion in the middle of the list:  customer before - customer - customer after
       }else {
        Customer customerBefore = route.getCustomer(position - 1);
        // time before arrive at the customer
        arriveCustomer = Math.max(customerBefore.getStartTw(), customerBefore.getArriveTime())
                 + customerBefore.getServiceDuration()
                 + instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber());
        //variation of the travel time
        varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber())
                        + instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber())
               + instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
       } // end if else beginning or middle
       // this code runs when inserting at the beginning or in the middle
          // waiting time for the customer if any
       waitingTimeCustomer = Math.max(0, customer.getStartTw() - arriveCustomer);
       // time window violation of the customer if any
       twViolCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveCustomer - customer.getEndTw());
       // before arrive time at the customer after
       arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customer.getStartTw(), arriveCustomer)
                    + customer.getServiceDuration()
                    + instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
       // waiting time for the customer after if any
       waitingTimeNextCustomer = Math.max(0, customerAfter.getStartTw() - arriveNextCustomer);
       // time window violation of the customer after if any
       twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - customerAfter.getEndTw());
       // variation of the capacity
       varCost.load += customer.getCapacity();
       // route service time
       varCost.serviceTime += customer.getServiceDuration();
       //variation of the waiting time
       varCost.waitingTime += - customerAfter.getWaitingTime() + waitingTimeCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer;
       // variation of the time windows violation
       varCost.twViol +=  - customerAfter.getTwViol() + twViolCustomer + twViolNextCustomer;
//       variation = Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), arriveNextCustomer) - Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), customerAfter.getArriveTime());
       variation = arriveNextCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer - customerAfter.getArriveTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime();
       variation = Math.abs(variation) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : variation;
       // if there is a variation update the nodes after too
       int i = position + 1;
       while (variation != 0 && i < route.getCustomersLength()){ 
         customerAfter = route.getCustomer(i);
         // arrive at the customer after
         arriveNextCustomer = customerAfter.getArriveTime() + variation;
            waitingTimeNextCustomer = Math.max(0, customerAfter.getStartTw() - arriveNextCustomer);
            twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - customerAfter.getEndTw());
            //variation of the waiting time
            varCost.waitingTime += - customerAfter.getWaitingTime() + waitingTimeNextCustomer;
            // variation of the time windows violation
            varCost.twViol += - customerAfter.getTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;
//            variation = Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), arriveNextCustomer) - Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), customerAfter.getArriveTime());
            variation = arriveNextCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer - customerAfter.getArriveTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime();
            variation = Math.abs(variation) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : variation;
       }// end while
       if(i == route.getCustomersLength() && variation != 0 ){
        // update the return to the depot
        arriveNextCustomer = varCost.returnToDepotTime + variation;
        twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
        // variation of the time windows violation
           varCost.twViol += - varCost.depotTwViol + twViolNextCustomer;
       }// end if return to depot
       } // end if else of position cases
     } // end if else route is empty
  varCost.waitingTime = Math.abs(varCost.waitingTime) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : varCost.waitingTime;
  varCost.twViol = Math.abs(varCost.twViol) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : varCost.twViol;
  varCost.setLoadViol(Math.max(0, varCost.load - route.getLoadAdmited()));
  varCost.setDurationViol(Math.max(0, varCost.getDuration() - route.getDurationAdmited()));
  return varCost;
    } // end method evaluate insert route
  * This function simulate the deletion of a customer in the given route on the given position.
     * Computes the new cost and return it.
     * It is an optimized version of the evaluate route. Calculates only for the customers affected
     * by the deletion. Starts from the given position and could finish before reaching the end of
     * the list if there is no modification in the arrive time at the customers.
     * Does not alter the route.
  * @param route
  * @param position
  * @return
    private Cost evaluateDeleteRoute(Route route, Customer customer, int position) {
     Cost varCost = new Cost(route.getCost());
     double arriveNextCustomer = 0;
     double waitingTimeNextCustomer = 0;
     double twViolNextCustomer = 0;
     // if route has only the customer that will be deleted
     if(route.getCustomersLength() - 1 == 0) {
      // case when customer is the last one: customer before - depot
      if(position == route.getCustomersLength() - 1){
       Customer customerBefore = route.getCustomer(position - 1);
       //arrive time at the depot
       arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customerBefore.getStartTw(), customerBefore.getArriveTime())
                    + customerBefore.getServiceDuration()
                    + instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
       // time window violation of the depot if any
       twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
       //variation of the travel time
       varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber())
              - instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr())
               + instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
       // variation of the capacity
       varCost.load -= customer.getCapacity();
       // route service time
       varCost.serviceTime -= customer.getServiceDuration();
       //variation of the waiting time
       varCost.waitingTime -= customer.getWaitingTime();
       // variation of the time windows violation
       varCost.twViol += - customer.getTwViol() - route.getDepotTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;
       double variation = 0;
       Customer customerAfter = route.getCustomer(position + 1);
       // delete on the first position
       if(position == 0){
        // time before arrive at customer after
        arriveNextCustomer = route.getDepot().getStartTw()
                           + instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customerAfter.getNumber());
        //variation of the travel time
        varCost.travelTime  += - instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customer.getNumber())
                - instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber())
                         + instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customerAfter.getNumber());
       // insertion in the middle of the list
        Customer customerBefore = route.getCustomer(position - 1);
        // time before arrive at customer after
        arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customerBefore.getStartTw(), customerBefore.getArriveTime())
                           + customerBefore.getServiceDuration()
                           + instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
        //variation of the travel time
        varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber())
               - instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber())
                        + instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
        } // end if else beginning or middle
       // this code runs when inserting at the beginning or in the middle
          // waiting time for the customer after if any
       waitingTimeNextCustomer = Math.max(0, customerAfter.getStartTw() - arriveNextCustomer);
       // time window violation of the customer after if any
       twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - customerAfter.getEndTw());
       // variation of the capacity
       varCost.load -= customer.getCapacity();
       // route service time
       varCost.serviceTime -= customer.getServiceDuration();
       //variation of the waiting time
       varCost.waitingTime += - customer.getWaitingTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime() + waitingTimeNextCustomer;
       // variation of the time windows violation
       varCost.twViol += - customer.getTwViol() - customerAfter.getTwViol() +  twViolNextCustomer;
//       variation = Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), arriveNextCustomer) - Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), customerAfter.getArriveTime());
//       variation = arriveNextCustomer -customerAfter.getArriveTime();
       variation = arriveNextCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer - customerAfter.getArriveTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime();
       variation = Math.abs(variation) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : variation;   
       // if there is a variation update the nodes after too
       // the node after the customer is already updated
       int i = position + 2;
       while (variation != 0 && i < route.getCustomersLength()){ 
         customerAfter = route.getCustomer(i);
         // arrive at the customer after
         arriveNextCustomer = customerAfter.getArriveTime() + variation;
            waitingTimeNextCustomer = Math.max(0, customerAfter.getStartTw() - arriveNextCustomer);
            twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - customerAfter.getEndTw());
            //variation of the waiting time
            varCost.waitingTime += -customerAfter.getWaitingTime() + waitingTimeNextCustomer;
            // variation of the time windows violation
            varCost.twViol += -customerAfter.getTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;
//            variation = Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), arriveNextCustomer) - Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), customerAfter.getArriveTime());
//            variation = arriveNextCustomer -customerAfter.getArriveTime();
            variation = arriveNextCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer - customerAfter.getArriveTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime();
            variation = Math.abs(variation) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : variation; 
       }// end while
       // update depot violation too if any
       if(i == route.getCustomersLength() && variation != 0 ){
        // update the return to the depot
        arriveNextCustomer = route.getReturnToDepotTime() + variation;
        twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
        // variation of the time windows violation
           varCost.twViol += - route.getDepotTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;
       }// end if return to depot
       } // end if else of position cases
     } // end if else route is empty
//     route.removeCustomer(position);
     // be careful about precision; if there are subtraction
  varCost.waitingTime = Math.abs(varCost.waitingTime) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : varCost.waitingTime;
  varCost.twViol = Math.abs(varCost.twViol) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : varCost.twViol;
  varCost.setLoadViol(Math.max(0, varCost.load - route.getLoadAdmited()));
  varCost.setDurationViol(Math.max(0, varCost.getDuration() - route.getDurationAdmited()));
  return varCost;
    } // end method evaluate delete route


  * This function simulate the deletion of a customer in the given route on the given position.
     * Computes the new cost and return it.
     * It is an optimized version of the evaluate route. Calculates only for the customers affected
     * by the deletion. Starts from the given position and could finish before reaching the end of
     * the list if there is no modification in the arrive time at the customers.
     * Does not alter the route.
  * @param route
  * @param position
  * @return
    private Cost evaluateDeleteRoute(Route route, Customer customer, int position) {
     Cost varCost = new Cost(route.getCost());
     double arriveNextCustomer = 0;
     double waitingTimeNextCustomer = 0;
     double twViolNextCustomer = 0;
     // if route has only the customer that will be deleted
     if(route.getCustomersLength() - 1 == 0) {
      // case when customer is the last one: customer before - depot
      if(position == route.getCustomersLength() - 1){
       Customer customerBefore = route.getCustomer(position - 1);
       //arrive time at the depot
       arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customerBefore.getStartTw(), customerBefore.getArriveTime())
                    + customerBefore.getServiceDuration()
                    + instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
       // time window violation of the depot if any
       twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
       //variation of the travel time
       varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber())
              - instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr())
               + instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), route.getDepotNr());
       // variation of the capacity
       varCost.load -= customer.getCapacity();
       // route service time
       varCost.serviceTime -= customer.getServiceDuration();
       //variation of the waiting time
       varCost.waitingTime -= customer.getWaitingTime();
       // variation of the time windows violation
       varCost.twViol += - customer.getTwViol() - route.getDepotTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;
       double variation = 0;
       Customer customerAfter = route.getCustomer(position + 1);
       // delete on the first position
       if(position == 0){
        // time before arrive at customer after
        arriveNextCustomer = route.getDepot().getStartTw()
                           + instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customerAfter.getNumber());
        //variation of the travel time
        varCost.travelTime  += - instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customer.getNumber())
                - instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber())
                         + instance.getTravelTime(route.getDepotNr(), customerAfter.getNumber());
       // insertion in the middle of the list
        Customer customerBefore = route.getCustomer(position - 1);
        // time before arrive at customer after
        arriveNextCustomer = Math.max(customerBefore.getStartTw(), customerBefore.getArriveTime())
                           + customerBefore.getServiceDuration()
                           + instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
        //variation of the travel time
        varCost.travelTime += - instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customer.getNumber())
               - instance.getTravelTime(customer.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber())
                        + instance.getTravelTime(customerBefore.getNumber(), customerAfter.getNumber());
        } // end if else beginning or middle
       // this code runs when inserting at the beginning or in the middle
          // waiting time for the customer after if any
       waitingTimeNextCustomer = Math.max(0, customerAfter.getStartTw() - arriveNextCustomer);
       // time window violation of the customer after if any
       twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - customerAfter.getEndTw());
       // variation of the capacity
       varCost.load -= customer.getCapacity();
       // route service time
       varCost.serviceTime -= customer.getServiceDuration();
       //variation of the waiting time
       varCost.waitingTime += - customer.getWaitingTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime() + waitingTimeNextCustomer;
       // variation of the time windows violation
       varCost.twViol += - customer.getTwViol() - customerAfter.getTwViol() +  twViolNextCustomer;
//       variation = Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), arriveNextCustomer) - Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), customerAfter.getArriveTime());
//       variation = arriveNextCustomer -customerAfter.getArriveTime();
       variation = arriveNextCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer - customerAfter.getArriveTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime();
       variation = Math.abs(variation) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : variation;   
       // if there is a variation update the nodes after too
       // the node after the customer is already updated
       int i = position + 2;
       while (variation != 0 && i < route.getCustomersLength()){ 
         customerAfter = route.getCustomer(i);
         // arrive at the customer after
         arriveNextCustomer = customerAfter.getArriveTime() + variation;
            waitingTimeNextCustomer = Math.max(0, customerAfter.getStartTw() - arriveNextCustomer);
            twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - customerAfter.getEndTw());
            //variation of the waiting time
            varCost.waitingTime += -customerAfter.getWaitingTime() + waitingTimeNextCustomer;
            // variation of the time windows violation
            varCost.twViol += -customerAfter.getTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;
//            variation = Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), arriveNextCustomer) - Math.max(customerAfter.getStartTw(), customerAfter.getArriveTime());
//            variation = arriveNextCustomer -customerAfter.getArriveTime();
            variation = arriveNextCustomer + waitingTimeNextCustomer - customerAfter.getArriveTime() - customerAfter.getWaitingTime();
            variation = Math.abs(variation) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : variation; 
       }// end while
       // update depot violation too if any
       if(i == route.getCustomersLength() && variation != 0 ){
        // update the return to the depot
        arriveNextCustomer = route.getReturnToDepotTime() + variation;
        twViolNextCustomer = Math.max(0, arriveNextCustomer - route.getDepot().getEndTw());
        // variation of the time windows violation
           varCost.twViol += - route.getDepotTwViol() + twViolNextCustomer;
       }// end if return to depot
       } // end if else of position cases
     } // end if else route is empty
//     route.removeCustomer(position);
     // be careful about precision; if there are subtraction
  varCost.waitingTime = Math.abs(varCost.waitingTime) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : varCost.waitingTime;
  varCost.twViol = Math.abs(varCost.twViol) < instance.getPrecision() ? 0 : varCost.twViol;
  varCost.setLoadViol(Math.max(0, varCost.load - route.getLoadAdmited()));
  varCost.setDurationViol(Math.max(0, varCost.getDuration() - route.getDurationAdmited()));
  return varCost;
    } // end method evaluate delete route


算法 安全 Java
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算法 数据可视化 Python
Python启发式算法中爬山法的讲解及解方程问题实战(超详细 附源码)
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【博士每天一篇文献-算法】 PNN网络启发的神经网络结构搜索算法Progressive neural architecture search
本文提出了一种名为渐进式神经架构搜索(Progressive Neural Architecture Search, PNAS)的方法,它使用顺序模型优化策略和替代模型来逐步搜索并优化卷积神经网络结构,从而提高了搜索效率并减少了训练成本。
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存储 机器学习/深度学习 算法
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139 4
摘要: 本文介绍了考虑时间窗的车辆路径问题(VRPTW),在MATLAB2022a中进行测试。VRPTW涉及车辆从配送中心出发,服务客户并返回,需在指定时间窗内完成且满足车辆容量限制,目标是最小化总行驶成本。文章探讨了遗传算法(GA)和粒子群优化(PSO)的基本原理及其在VRPTW中的应用,包括编码、适应度函数、选择、交叉、变异等步骤。同时,提出了动态惯性权重、精英策略、邻域搜索、多种群和启发式信息等优化策略,以应对时间窗限制并提升算法性能。
162 11
算法 NoSQL 容器
启发式搜索: A*算法
启发式搜索: A*算法
算法 数据可视化 Java
665 2
人工智能 算法 物联网
116 0
算法 Python 容器
104 0

