修改某个appointment已经存在的opportunity relation

简介: 修改某个appointment已经存在的opportunity relation

This question is asked by ERCO. They need to develop a BAdI implementation where the document history relationship connecting the modified opportunity and its related appointment could be changed. In order to achieve this they need to figure out how to modify document history by ABAP code. See example below:



REPORT zappointment_overwrite_opp.

PARAMETERS: oppid   TYPE crmd_orderadm_h-object_id OBLIGATORY DEFAULT '1424',

           opptype TYPE crmd_orderadm_h-process_type OBLIGATORY DEFAULT 'OPPT'.

INCLUDE: crm_object_names_con,




DATA: ls_docflow        TYPE crmt_doc_flow_com,

     ct_doc_flow       TYPE crmt_doc_flow_comt,

     ls_link           TYPE LINE OF crmt_doc_flow_extdt,

     lv_opp_guid       TYPE crmd_orderadm_h-guid,

     lv_app_guid       LIKE lv_opp_guid,

     ct_input_fields   TYPE crmt_input_field_tab,

     cs_input          LIKE LINE OF ct_input_fields,

     cs_field          LIKE LINE OF cs_input-field_names,

     lv_opp_id         TYPE crmd_orderadm_h-object_id,

     lv_opp_type       TYPE crmd_orderadm_h-process_type,

     lt_save           TYPE crmt_object_guid_tab,

     lt_not_saved      LIKE lt_save,

     lt_header         TYPE crmt_object_guid_tab,

     lt_doc_flow       TYPE crmt_doc_flow_wrkt,

     ls_doc_flow       LIKE LINE OF lt_doc_flow,

     lt_save_exception TYPE crmt_exception_t,

     lt_exception      TYPE crmt_exception_t.


* Jerry comment: replace this appointment guid with your own one.

* One relation will be created. Relation source: the appointment of this guid

*   Relation target: the opportunity specified in this report


 lv_app_guid = '3440B5B172DE1ED590B1C3A05B175D6A'.

 PERFORM delete_existing_rel USING lv_app_guid.

 PERFORM add_new_rel USING lv_app_guid.

FORM add_new_rel USING iv_opp_guid TYPE crmd_orderadm_h-guid.

 lv_opp_id = oppid.

 lv_opp_type = opptype.



     input  = lv_opp_id


     output = lv_opp_id.

 SELECT SINGLE guid INTO lv_opp_guid FROM crmd_orderadm_h

   WHERE object_id EQ lv_opp_id AND process_type = lv_opp_type.

 ASSERT sy-subrc = 0.

 CLEAR: ls_docflow, ls_link, ct_doc_flow,ct_input_fields.

 ls_docflow-ref_kind = 'A'.

 ls_docflow-ref_guid = lv_app_guid.

 ls_link-objkey_a        = lv_opp_guid.

 ls_link-objtype_a       = gc_object_type-opportunity."'BUS2000111'.

 ls_link-objkey_b        = lv_app_guid.

 ls_link-objtype_b       = gc_object_type-businessactivity. "'BUS2000126'.

 ls_link-brel_kind       = 'A'.

 ls_link-brel_mode       = 'A'.

 ls_link-reltype         = 'VONA'.

 APPEND ls_link TO ls_docflow-doc_link.

 INSERT ls_docflow INTO TABLE ct_doc_flow.

 CLEAR: cs_input-field_names.

 cs_field = 'OBJKEY_A'.

 INSERT cs_field INTO TABLE cs_input-field_names.

 cs_field-fieldname = 'OBJTYPE_A'.

 INSERT cs_field INTO TABLE cs_input-field_names.

 cs_field-fieldname = 'OBJKEY_B'.

 INSERT cs_field INTO TABLE cs_input-field_names.

 cs_field-fieldname = 'OBJTYPE_B'.

 INSERT cs_field INTO TABLE cs_input-field_names.

 cs_field-fieldname = 'BREL_KIND'.

 INSERT cs_field INTO TABLE cs_input-field_names.

 cs_field-fieldname = 'RELTYPE'.

 INSERT cs_field INTO TABLE cs_input-field_names.

 cs_field-fieldname = 'RELATIONID'.

 INSERT cs_field INTO TABLE cs_input-field_names.

 cs_input-ref_guid    = lv_app_guid.

 cs_input-ref_kind    = gc_object_ref_kind-orderadm_h.

 cs_input-objectname  = gc_object_name-doc_flow.

 INSERT cs_input INTO TABLE ct_input_fields.



     et_exception      = lt_exception


     ct_input_fields   = ct_input_fields

     ct_doc_flow       = ct_doc_flow


     error_occurred    = 1

     document_locked   = 2

     no_change_allowed = 3

     no_authority      = 4.

 WRITE: / sy-subrc.

 APPEND lv_app_guid TO lt_save.



     it_objects_to_save   = lt_save


     et_objects_not_saved = lt_not_saved

     et_exception         = lt_save_exception


     document_not_saved   = 1.

 WRITE: / sy-subrc.



FORM delete_existing_rel USING iv_app_guid TYPE crmd_orderadm_h-guid.

 APPEND iv_app_guid TO lt_header.



     it_header_guid = lt_header


     et_doc_flow    = lt_doc_flow.

 IF lt_doc_flow IS INITIAL.

   WRITE: / 'no relation to delete.'.



 ls_docflow-ref_kind = 'A'.

 ls_docflow-ref_guid = iv_app_guid.

* Jerry comment: for test purpose, one appointment has only one relationship of Opportunity,

* thus use INDEX 1

 READ TABLE lt_doc_flow INTO ls_doc_flow INDEX 1.

 ls_link-objkey_a        = ls_doc_flow-objkey_a.

 ls_link-objtype_a       = gc_object_type-opportunity."'BUS2000111'.

 ls_link-objkey_b        = ls_doc_flow-objkey_b.

 ls_link-objtype_b       = gc_object_type-businessactivity. "'BUS2000126'.

 ls_link-brel_kind       = 'A'.

 ls_link-brel_mode       = 'D'. " deletion

* Jerry: this line below is essential!! It points out which exactly relation should be deleted

 ls_link-relationid      = ls_doc_flow-relationid.

 ls_link-reltype         = 'VONA'.

 APPEND ls_link TO ls_docflow-doc_link.

 INSERT ls_docflow INTO TABLE ct_doc_flow.

 CLEAR: cs_input-field_names.

 cs_field = 'DOC_LINK'.

 INSERT cs_field INTO TABLE cs_input-field_names.

 cs_input-ref_guid    = lv_app_guid.

 cs_input-ref_kind    = gc_object_ref_kind-orderadm_h.

 cs_input-objectname  = gc_object_name-doc_flow.

 INSERT cs_input INTO TABLE ct_input_fields.



     et_exception      = lt_exception


     ct_input_fields   = ct_input_fields

     ct_doc_flow       = ct_doc_flow


     error_occurred    = 1

     document_locked   = 2

     no_change_allowed = 3

     no_authority      = 4.

 ASSERT sy-subrc = 0.


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修改某个appointment已经存在的opportunity relation
Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Aug 18, 2015
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