Visualization as a problem-solving and knowledge discovery tool has become even more important as we enter the Big Data era.
说明:漏斗图 - TEST
/* global app: true */
var app = (function() {
var funnelDefaultColor = [
return {
Func: 生成漏斗图
params: [{}]
memo: 还需要加一个是否支持SVG的判断
genFunelChart: function(data, height, w1, w2, funelColors) {
var defaultColor = '#eee',
defaultData = [
{percent: 0.143},
{percent: 0.143},
{percent: 0.143},
{percent: 0.143},
{percent: 0.143},
{percent: 0.143},
{percent: 0.143}
funelOpacity = 0.2;
height = (typeof height !== 'undefined') ? height : 280;
w1 = (typeof w1 !== 'undefined') ? w1 : 300;
w2 = (typeof w2 !== 'undefined') ? w2 : 60;
funelColors = (typeof funelColors !== 'undefined') ? funelColors : funnelDefaultColor;
var allWidth = w1;
var funelSvg = ['<svg id="funel_svg" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" width="' + allWidth + '" height="' + height + '" viewBox="0 0 ' + allWidth + ' ' + height + '">'];
if (data[0]) {
/* 边界处理之 全部为0 */
$.each(data, function(i, item){
if (item.percent > 0) {
funelOpacity = 1;
if (funelOpacity !== 1) {
data = defaultData;
var p0 = 0;
$.each(data, function(i, item){
/* 正常漏斗组成 */
var p1 = item.percent,
r0 = parseFloat((((w1 - w2) * p0) / 2).toFixed(3)),
r1 = parseFloat((((w1 - w2) * p1) / 2).toFixed(3)),
x1 = r0,
y1 = parseFloat((height * p0).toFixed(3)),
x2 = r0 + r1,
y2 = parseFloat((height * (p0 + p1)).toFixed(3)),
x3 = w1 - r0 - r1,
y3 = y2,
x4 = w1 - r0,
y4 = y1;
var colorNow = funelColors[i] || defaultColor,
normalPath = '<path d="M' + x1 + ' ' + y1 + ' L' + x2 + ' ' + y2 + ' L' + x3 + ' ' + y3 + ' L' + x4 + ' ' + y4 + ' Z"' +
' fill="' + colorNow + '" stroke="none" style="opacity: ' + funelOpacity + '"></path>';
p0 += p1;
return funelSvg.join('');
Func: 漏斗图svg
drawFunnelBySvg: function(elementId, data) {
/* 参数暂时略 */
var svgHtml = app.genFunelChart(data);
})(); = app;
$(document).ready(function() {
var demoData = [
{percent: 0.1},
{percent: 0.3},
{percent: 0.1},
{percent: 0.25},
{percent: 0.15},
{percent: 0.05},
{percent: 0.05}
app.drawFunnelBySvg('#svg_panel', demoData);