The best Site to Watch Live Cricket Streaming and Scores

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简介: UC Cricketis an Indian cricket news website which features news, articles, live coverageof cricket matches including videos, GIFs, scorecards, text c.

UC Cricket an Indian cricket news website which features news, articles, live coverageof cricket matches including videos, GIFs, scorecards, text commentary, audiocommentary player stats, team rankings.


UC Cricketwas launched in the year 2014 and has been an integral part of UC Browser,India’s fastest browser, since then.

In 2019, UCCricket combined text and audio commentary at one click for IPL 2019 and ICCWorld Cup coverage, to add a new chapter to the Indian cricket coverage.


UCCricket’s popularity can be imagined by the fact that the site could not handlethe heavy traffic experienced during India vs Pakistan Champions TrophyFinal on 18th June, 2017. UC Cricket downloads were calculated at 10 million in2018 and there are more than 15 million users, generating more than 1 billionviews in July 2019.


UC Cricketcontains, news, we media columns, exclusive videos, fan articles and alsoPlayNWin fantasy game. Live scorecard, audio commentary, match GIFs, usercomment platform are few of its most popular features. Also, there are morethen 5000 We Media bloggers who write daily to provide exclusive and untouchedcontent.

you can visit the site by

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