Compile warning: Embedded binary's NSExtensionActivationRule is TRUEPREDICATE

简介: 上传AppStore的时候出现如下BUG:warning: Embedded binary's NSExtensionActivationRule is TRUEPREDICATE.


warning: Embedded binary's NSExtensionActivationRule is TRUEPREDICATE. Before you submit your containing app to the App Store, be sure to replace all uses of TRUEPREDICATE with specific predicate statements or NSExtensionActivationRule keys. If any extensions in your containing app include TRUEPREDICATE, the app will be rejected.

ShareExtnesion的plist文件中 NSExtensionActivationRule属性值为TRUEPREDICATE。


During development only, you can use the TRUEPREDICATE constant (which always evaluates to true) as a stub predicate statement, to test your code path before you implement your predicate statement.

注意: development only,所以上架的时候不能用。





ERROR: No matching distribution found for gradio>=3.23
该博客文章提供了解决使用pip安装gradio版本3.23时出现的"No matching distribution found"错误的步骤,包括从官网下载相应的whl文件并手动安装。
ERROR: No matching distribution found for gradio>=3.23
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