Visualize Famous Campus in China

简介: Visualize Famous Campus in ChinaIn the end of the 9th month of 2017, many great events happened. One influential thing is the launch of the country’s .

更新与2019年3月1日,该项目旨在利用Dynamo BIM可视化编程与高德地图在国内的数据优势,为建筑选址提供周边社会环境的评估,尽可能利用周边已有设施,鼓励步行,减少碳排放。如果扩大搜索范围则可以出现区域内街区分布,如下各图。

Visualize Famous Campus in China
In the end of the 9th month of 2017, many great events happened. One influential thing is the launch of the country’s construction plan of world first-class universities and world first-class disciplines. The plan, also known as the “Double-First Class” initiative, really inspires scholars and researchers. Honestly, I felt sad when HNU got categorized as B in the list. But as the saying goes, be aware of shame then go forward. I decided to visualize the famous campus surroundings. In the near future, the codes will be available on GitHub soon. Now I just show some results within an 800 m circle centered by the Department of Civil Engineering.
First the campus of HNU, the points are quite abstract. But for anyone who has lived there, the basic layout has been clearly drawn. Obviously, the campus area of HNU is quite small.
The campus of Hunan University
However, its neighbor, Central South University, has a better site. The effective area for constructions is much bigger. And that is merely a small part of its 3.86 million square meters (at least three times the size of HNU). To be honest, I first heard the name Central South University was in April 2017, before then, I had no idea about the location of this facility. And now, wow, it’s really a large site.
The campus of Central South University
Anyway, let’s take a look at other famous universities. Tongji University as the best civil engineering institute has fully developed its site. The surroundings have covered the circle.
The campus of Tongji University
As for Tsinghua University and Beijing University the two legendary institutes, Beijing University has a similar distribution to Tongji University. The campus of Tsinghua University has a clear distribution along the street network.
The campus of Tsinghua University
The campus of Beijing University
But the best site planning belongs to Zhejiang University. A clear street network, the dense buildings with enough openings, this site must be very beautiful.
The campus of Zhejiang University

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