Gradle2.0用户指南翻译——第十一章. 使用Gradle命令行

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第十一章. 使用Gradle命令行

Chapter 11. Using the Gradle Command-Line

This chapter introduces the basics of the Gradle command-line. You run a build using the gradle command, which you have already seen in action in previous chapters.

11.1. 执行多个任务

11.1. Executing multiple tasks

你可以通过在命令行中列出每个任务来在单个构建中执行多个任务。例如,gradle compile test命令将执行compiletest任务。 Gradle将按照命令行中的顺序依次执行这些任务以及每一个任务所依赖的其他任务。每个任务只会被执行一次,无论它们是如何被包含在构建中的:即无论是在命令行中指定的,还是另一个任务的依赖,抑或两者都有。来看下面的例子。
You can execute multiple tasks in a single build by listing each of the tasks on the command-line. For example, the command gradle compile test will execute the compile and test tasks. Gradle will execute the tasks in the order that they are listed on the command-line, and will also execute the dependencies for each task. Each task is executed once only, regardless of how it came to be included in the build: whether it was specified on the command-line, or it a dependency of another task, or both. Let's look at an example.

下面定义了四个任务,其中disttest都依赖于compile任务。对于这个构建脚本,运行gradle dist test只会使compile任务被执行一次。
Below four tasks are defined. Both dist and test depend on the compile task. Running gradle dist test for this build script results in the compile task being executed only once.

图11.1. 任务依赖 - Figure 11.1. Task dependencies


示例 11.1. 执行多个任务 - Example 11.1. Executing multiple tasks


task compile << {
    println 'compiling source'

task compileTest(dependsOn: compile) << {
    println 'compiling unit tests'

task test(dependsOn: [compile, compileTest]) << {
    println 'running unit tests'

task dist(dependsOn: [compile, test]) << {
    println 'building the distribution'

gradle dist test的输出结果
Output of gradle dist test

> gradle dist test
compiling source
compiling unit tests
running unit tests
building the distribution


Total time: 1 secs

由于每个任务只执行一次,执行gradle test test与执行gradle test的结果是完全相同的。
Because each task is executed once only, executing gradle test test is exactly the same as executing gradle test.

11.2. 排除任务

11.2. Excluding tasks

You can exclude a task from being executed using the -x command-line option and providing the name of the task to exclude. Let's try this with the sample build file above.

示例 11.2. 排除任务 - Example 11.2. Excluding tasks

gradle dist -x test的输出结果
Output of gradle dist -x test

> gradle dist -x test
compiling source
building the distribution


Total time: 1 secs

You can see from the output of this example, that the test task is not executed, even though it is a dependency of the dist task. You will also notice that the test task's dependencies, such as compileTest are not executed either. Those dependencies of test that are required by another task, such as compile, are still executed.

11.3. 失败后继续构建

11.3. Continuing the build when a failure occurs

By default, Gradle will abort execution and fail the build as soon as any task fails. This allows the build to complete sooner, but hides other failures that would have occurred. In order to discover as many failures as possible in a single build execution, you can use the --continue option.

When executed with --continue, Gradle will execute every task to be executed where all of the dependencies for that task completed without failure, instead of stopping as soon as the first failure is encountered. Each of the encountered failures will be reported at the end of the build.

If a task fails, any subsequent tasks that were depending on it will not be executed, as it is not safe to do so. For example, tests will not run if there is a compilation failure in the code under test; because the test task will depend on the compilation task (either directly or indirectly).

11.4. 任务名缩写

11.4. Task name abbreviation

在命令行中指定任务时,可以不输入任务的全名,只需要提供可以足够唯一标识任务的任务名。例如,在上面的示例构建中,你可以通过运行gradle d来执行dist任务:
When you specify tasks on the command-line, you don't have to provide the full name of the task. You only need to provide enough of the task name to uniquely identify the task. For example, in the sample build above, you can execute task dist by running gradle d:

示例11.3. 缩写任务名称 - Example 11.3. Abbreviated task name

gradle di的输出结果
Output of gradle di

> gradle di
compiling source
compiling unit tests
running unit tests
building the distribution


Total time: 1 secs

你也可以对驼峰命名的任务名称的每一个单词进行缩写。例如,你可以通过运行gradle compTestgradle cT执行compileTest任务
You can also abbreviate each word in a camel case task name. For example, you can execute task compileTest by running gradle compTest or even gradle cT

示例11.4. 缩写驼峰任务名称 - Example 11.4. Abbreviated camel case task name

gradle cT的输出结果
Output of gradle cT

> gradle cT
compiling source
compiling unit tests


Total time: 1 secs

You can also use these abbreviations with the -x command-line option.

11.5. 选择执行哪个构建

11.5. Selecting which build to execute

When you run the gradle command, it looks for a build file in the current directory. You can use the -b option to select another build file. If you use -b option then settings.gradle file is not used. Example:

示例11.5. 使用构建文件选择项目 - Example 11.5. Selecting the project using a build file


task hello << {
    println "using build file '$' in '$'."

gradle -q -b subdir/myproject.gradle hello的输出结果
Output of gradle -q -b subdir/myproject.gradle hello

> gradle -q -b subdir/myproject.gradle hello
using build file 'myproject.gradle' in 'subdir'.

Alternatively, you can use the -p option to specify the project directory to use. For multi-project builds you should use -p option instead of -b option.

示例11.6. 使用项目目录选择项目 - Example 11.6. Selecting the project using project directory

gradle -q -p subdir hello的输出结果
Output of gradle -q -p subdir hello

> gradle -q -p subdir hello
using build file 'build.gradle' in 'subdir'.

11.6. 获取构建的相关信息

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