


abs ()
all (iterable) 如果迭代序列中所有的元素都为真,或者迭代序列为空的时候返回 True 。等价于:
def  all (iterable):
     for  element in  iterable:
         if  not  element:
             return  False
     return  True
all (iterable) 如果迭代序列中所有的元素都为真,返回 True 。等价于
def  any (iterable):
     for  element in  iterable:
         if  element:
             return  True
     return  False
complex ()创建复数:
>>> complex ( 1 , 2 )
( 1 + 2j )
>>> complex ( 1 )
( 1 + 0j )
delattr ( object , name)
For example, delattr (x, 'foobar' ) is  equivalent to del  x.foobar.
dict ()创建字典
dir ()
>>> import  struct
>>> dir ()   # show the names in the module namespace
[ '__builtins__' , '__doc__' , '__name__' , 'struct' ]
>>> dir (struct)   # show the names in the struct module
[ 'Struct' , '__builtins__' , '__doc__' , '__file__' , '__name__' ,
  '__package__' , '_clearcache' , 'calcsize' , 'error' , 'pack' , 'pack_into' ,
  'unpack' , 'unpack_from' ]
>>> class  Shape( object ):
         def  __dir__( self ):
             return  [ 'area' , 'perimeter' , 'location' ]
>>> s =  Shape()
>>> dir (s)
[ 'area' , 'perimeter' , 'location' ]
divmod (I,j)返回以商和余数组成的元祖:
>>> divmod ( 10 , 3 )
( 3 , 1 )
enumerate (sequence[, start = 0 ])
>>> seasons =  [ 'Spring' , 'Summer' , 'Fall' , 'Winter' ]
>>> list ( enumerate (seasons))
[( 0 , 'Spring' ), ( 1 , 'Summer' ), ( 2 , 'Fall' ), ( 3 , 'Winter' )]
>>> list ( enumerate (seasons, start = 1 ))
[( 1 , 'Spring' ), ( 2 , 'Summer' ), ( 3 , 'Fall' ), ( 4 , 'Winter' )]
def  enumerate (sequence, start = 0 ):
     n =  start
     for  elem in  sequence:
         yield  n, elem
         n + =  1
eval (expression[, globals [, locals ]])
>>> x =  1
>>> print  eval ( 'x+1' )
filter (function, iterable) is  equivalent to [item for  item in  iterable if  function(item)] if  function is  not  None  and  [item foritem in  iterable if  item] if  function is  None .
getattr ( object , name[, default])
  For example, getattr (x, 'foobar' ) is  equivalent to x.foobar.
hasattr ( object , name)
help ([ object ])¶
hex (x) 将整形x转化为 16 进制字符串,如果想要转化浮点型,可以使用 float . hex (x)
id ( object ) 对象的内存地址
input ([prompt]) Equivalent to eval ( raw_input (prompt)).
isinstance ( object , classinfo)
issubclass ( class , classinfo)
iter (o[, sentinel]) 迭代o,直到指和sentinel相等。例如:reads a file  until the readline() method returns an empty string:
with open ( 'mydata.txt' ) as fp:
     for  line in  iter (fp.readline, ''):
map (function, iterable, ...) Apply  function to every item of iterable and  return  a list  of the results.
max (iterable[, args...][, key])
min (iterable[, args...][, key])
next (iterator[, default])
oct (x)
Convert an integer number (of any  size) to an octal string. The result is  a valid Python expression.
open (name[, mode[, buffering]])
property ([fget[, fset[, fdel[, doc]]]])
class  C( object ):
     def  __init__( self ):
         self ._x =  None
     def  getx( self ):
         return  self ._x
     def  setx( self , value):
         self ._x =  value
     def  delx( self ):
         del  self ._x
     x =  property (getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property." )
class  Parrot( object ):
     def  __init__( self ):
         self ._voltage =  100000
     def  voltage( self ):
         """Get the current voltage."""
         return  self ._voltage
class  C( object ):
     def  __init__( self ):
         self ._x =  None
     def  x( self ):
         """I'm the 'x' property."""
         return  self ._x
     @x .setter
     def  x( self , value):
         self ._x =  value
     @x .deleter
     def  x( self ):
         del  self ._x
range ([start], stop[, step])
>>> range ( 10 )
[ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ]
>>> range ( 1 , 11 )
[ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ]
>>> range ( 0 , 30 , 5 )
[ 0 , 5 , 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 ]
>>> range ( 0 , 10 , 3 )
[ 0 , 3 , 6 , 9 ]
>>> range ( 0 , - 10 , - 1 )
[ 0 , - 1 , - 2 , - 3 , - 4 , - 5 , - 6 , - 7 , - 8 , - 9 ]
>>> range ( 0 )
>>> range ( 1 , 0 )
reduce (function, iterable[, initializer])
Apply  function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of iterable, from  left to right, so as to reduce  the iterable to a single value. For example, reduce ( lambda  x, y: x + y, [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ]) calculates (((( 1 + 2 ) + 3 ) + 4 ) + 5 ). The left argument, x, is  the accumulated value and  the right argument, y, is  the update value from  the iterable. If the optional initializer is  present, it is  placed before the items of the iterable in  the calculation, and  serves as a default when the iterable is  empty. If initializer is  not  given and  iterable contains only one item, the first item is  returned.
round (x[, n])
>>> round ( 1.12313 , 2 )
slice ([start], stop[, step])
sorted (iterable[, cmp [, key[, reverse]]])
staticmethod (function)
Return a static method for  function.
class  C:
     def  f(arg1, arg2, ...): ...
sum (iterable[, start])
tuple ([iterable])
>>> tuple ( "ada" )
( 'a' , 'd' , 'a' )
zip ([iterable, ...])
zip () in  conjunction with the *  operator can be used to unzip a list :
>>> x =  [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]
>>> y =  [ 4 , 5 , 6 ]
>>> zipped =  zip (x, y)
>>> zipped
[( 1 , 4 ), ( 2 , 5 ), ( 3 , 6 )]
>>> x2, y2 =  zip ( * zipped)
>>> x = =  list (x2) and  y = =  list (y2)
>>> float .fromhex( '0x3.a7p10' )
>>> lists =  [[]] *  3
>>> lists
[[], [], []]
>>> lists[ 0 ].append( 3 )
>>> lists
[[ 3 ], [ 3 ], [ 3 ]]
>>> lists =  [[] for  i in  range ( 3 )]
>>> lists[ 0 ].append( 3 )
>>> lists[ 1 ].append( 5 )
>>> lists[ 2 ].append( 7 )
>>> lists
[[ 3 ], [ 5 ], [ 7 ]]
>>> "The sum of 1 + 2 is {0}" . format ( 1 + 2 )
'The sum of 1 + 2 is 3'
>>> "they're bill's friends from the UK" .title()
"They'Re Bill'S Friends From The Uk"
>>> print  '%(language)s has %(number)03d quote types.'  %  \
...       { "language" : "Python" , "number" : 2 }
Python has 002  quote types.
>>> dishes =  { 'eggs' : 2 , 'sausage' : 1 , 'bacon' : 1 , 'spam' : 500 }
>>> keys =  dishes.viewkeys()
>>> values =  dishes.viewvalues()
>>> # iteration
>>> n =  0
>>> for  val in  values:
...     n + =  val
>>> print (n)
>>> # keys and values are iterated over in the same order
>>> list (keys)
[ 'eggs' , 'bacon' , 'sausage' , 'spam' ]
>>> list (values)
[ 2 , 1 , 1 , 500 ]
>>> # view objects are dynamic and reflect dict changes
>>> del  dishes[ 'eggs' ]
>>> del  dishes[ 'sausage' ]
>>> list (keys)
[ 'spam' , 'bacon' ]
>>> # set operations
>>> keys & { 'eggs' , 'bacon' , 'salad' }
{ 'bacon' }
>>> v =  memoryview( 'abcefg' )
>>> v[ 1 ]
>>> v[ - 1 ]
>>> v[ 1 : 4 ]
<memory at 0x77ab28 >
>>> v[ 1 : 4 ].tobytes()
>>> data =  bytearray( 'abcefg' )
>>> v =  memoryview(data)
>>> v.readonly
>>> v[ 0 ] =  'z'
>>> data
bytearray(b 'zbcefg' )
>>> v[ 1 : 4 ] =  '123'
>>> data
bytearray(b 'z123fg' )
>>> v[ 2 ] =  'spam'
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File  "<stdin>" , line 1 , in  <module>
ValueError: cannot modify size of memoryview object
>>> m =  memoryview( "abc" )
>>> m.tobytes()
>>> memoryview( "abc" ).tolist()
[ 97 , 98 , 99 ]
【从零学习python 】49. Python中对象相关的内置函数及其用法
【从零学习python 】49. Python中对象相关的内置函数及其用法
89 0
存储 开发者 Python
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Python 的基本语法
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(二) Python程序的基本语法
(二) Python程序的基本语法
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(二) Python程序的基本语法
存储 Python
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Java C语言 C++
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存储 Python
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