
Information systems are classified into two major 
categories, according to international developments: A. On-
line transactional processing systems (also called 
operational systems)

B. Decision support systems (DSS)

Α. On-line transactional processing systems OLTPs are 
systems which serve transactions with suppliers, partners 
and customers, as well as internal business transactions. 
They support operations throughout the value chain of the 

Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Production support (e.g. MRP, Advanced Planning & 
Customer interface management (e.g. sales, order management 
and billing) (CRM) 
Finance and Accounting (ERP)
Sales force automation
Web channel operations (eCRM)
Internal workflow support systems 
Β. Decision support systems DSS provide management at all 
levels of the Organisation, with information which supports 
understanding of the current Business position and taking 
informed decisions (fact based management). OLTP vs DSS 
systems Even though OLTP (on-line transactional processing) 
and DSS (decision support systems) functionalities may 
overlap (e.g. an OLTP system may provide some operational 
reporting functionality used for decision support), it is 
clear that the purpose of the 2 categories differs, given 
that they serve different functions and different User 
groups in the Business. Therefore the development 
philosophy of the two categories differs radically. 
Specifically, differences are identified on the following 
criteria (1 for OLTP, 2 for DSS): System functional 

Clearly specified given that the system serves specific 
functional needs – the predetermined transactions
the determination of a complete requirement set is a 
challenge, given that there are dynamically changing 
informational requirements. 
Capture of current and historical information: 
Current state information is captured (some historical data 
may exist only to serve potential future transactions)
Recent and historical information is captured (current may 
not be captured, given that data from the OLTP are 
retrieved at regular intervals) 
Data models used: 
Complex, focused on business entities (in terms of 
relational databases it is called normalized data structure 
(e.g. 3NF))
Different approaches exist. The simplified denormalised 
dimensional structure gains momentum, since it allows 
easier understanding by business users and optimized 
execution of complex queries.
Information level of detail: 
Detailed data per transaction are kept 
Detailed data are kept in a different structure and are 
enriched by ‘dimensional’ information which allows 
analytical processing. Moreover, aggregated data like KPIs 
(key performance indicators), are calculated and stored in 
persistent storage. 
Volume of data: 
The volume of data is relevant to the size of the Business 
and the penetration of IT in it. 
The data volume handled by a DSS, is multiple of that of 
the OLTP systems on which it is based, given that it 
maintains multiple historical snapshots
DSS(Decission support system) which helps to take decission 
for the top executive people. it generally based on 
historical data

OLTP(Online trasnaction processing)system  is the the 
system where day to day transaction are taking into 
consideration. it based on current data.
Anup Kumar Dash

DSS(Decission support system) which helps to take decission 
for the top executive people andbusiness manegements. it 
generally based on 
historical data(datawarhouse).
OLTP IS Online trasnaction processing,
OLTP contain curent data.
and it also maintains day to day transactios.
OLTP is a operational data.

These are two different entities. While OLTP is a type of 
data base organisation, DSS is a mathematical methodology. 
OLTP contains transactional data and in contrast to it, 
historycal data are contained in OLAP i.e. data 
warehousing. In contrast to that, DSS can benefit from both 
OLAP and OLTP. The main strength of DSS is a possibility to 
use subjective reasoning of decision maker, in order to 
make a decision. As a data foundation for DSS one can 
utilize OLAP, OLTP or just its own logic and experience.


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