OCZ pci-e revodrive3 240GB & DELL SSD 2.5 SATA 200GB & SAS 2.5 146GB 10K

云原生数据库 PolarDB PostgreSQL 版,标准版 2核4GB 50GB
云原生数据库 PolarDB MySQL 版,通用型 2核8GB 50GB
本文主要目的是测试三种硬盘的PostgreSQL的select, update, insert性能, 反映这三种硬盘的IOPS能力.
这三种硬盘分别是 :
1. OCZ RevoDrive3 PCI-E 240GB
2. DELL SSD 2.5寸 SATA 200GB
3. DELL 10K转 2.5寸 SAS 146GB

同插在一台DELL R610的服务器上.
OCZ硬盘使用请参见 : 

测试环境 :
CentOS 5.7 x64
PostgreSQL 9.2.1

编译参数 : 
./configure --prefix=/home/ocz/pgsql9.2.1 --with-pgport=9201 --with-perl --with-python --with-tcl --with-openssl --with-pam --without-ldap --with-libxml --with-libxslt --enable-thread-safety --with-wal-blocksize=16 --enable-debug --with-ossp-uuid --with-libs=/opt/uuid-1.6.2/lib

配置文件 : 
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> cat postgresql.conf|grep -i "^\ *[a-z]"
listen_addresses = ''            # what IP address(es) to listen on;
port = 9201                             # (change requires restart)
max_connections = 1000                  # (change requires restart)
superuser_reserved_connections = 13     # (change requires restart)
unix_socket_directory = '.'             # (change requires restart)
unix_socket_permissions = 0700          # begin with 0 to use octal notation
tcp_keepalives_idle = 60                # TCP_KEEPIDLE, in seconds;
tcp_keepalives_interval = 10            # TCP_KEEPINTVL, in seconds;
tcp_keepalives_count = 10               # TCP_KEEPCNT;
shared_buffers = 1024MB                 # min 128kB
maintenance_work_mem = 512MB            # min 1MB
max_stack_depth = 8MB                   # min 100kB
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'         # (change requires restart)
bgwriter_delay = 10ms                   # 10-10000ms between rounds
wal_level = hot_standby                 # minimal, archive, or hot_standby
fsync = on                              # turns forced synchronization on or off
synchronous_commit = on         # synchronization level;
wal_sync_method = open_sync             # the default is the first option
full_page_writes = on                   # recover from partial page writes
wal_buffers = 16384kB                   # min 32kB, -1 sets based on shared_buffers
checkpoint_segments = 128               # in logfile segments, min 1, 16MB each
archive_mode = on               # allows archiving to be done
archive_command = '/bin/date'           # command to use to archive a logfile segment
max_wal_senders = 32            # max number of walsender processes
wal_keep_segments = 256         # in logfile segments, 16MB each; 0 disables
hot_standby = on                        # "on" allows queries during recovery
wal_receiver_status_interval = 1s       # send replies at least this often
hot_standby_feedback = on               # send info from standby to prevent
random_page_cost = 1.0                  # same scale as above
effective_cache_size = 90000MB
log_destination = 'csvlog'              # Valid values are combinations of
logging_collector = on          # Enable capturing of stderr and csvlog
log_directory = 'pg_log'                # directory where log files are written,
log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log' # log file name pattern,
log_file_mode = 0600                    # creation mode for log files,
log_truncate_on_rotation = on           # If on, an existing log file with the
log_rotation_age = 1d                   # Automatic rotation of logfiles will
log_rotation_size = 10MB                # Automatic rotation of logfiles will
log_checkpoints = on
log_error_verbosity = verbose           # terse, default, or verbose messages
log_timezone = 'PRC'
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'
timezone = 'PRC'
lc_messages = 'C'                       # locale for system error message
lc_monetary = 'C'                       # locale for monetary formatting
lc_numeric = 'C'                        # locale for number formatting
lc_time = 'C'                           # locale for time formatting
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'
pg_stat_statements.max = 1000
pg_stat_statements.track = all

测试表 : 
digoal=> create table ocz_test(id int, info text, crt_time timestamp without time zone);

测试数据 : 
digoal=> insert into ocz_test select generate_series(1,10000000),repeat(clock_timestamp()::text, 10),clock_timestamp();
digoal=> alter table ocz_test add constraint ocz_test_pkey primary key (id);

测试函数 : 
digoal=> create or replace function f_ocz_test (i_id int) returns void as $BODY$
perform 1 from ocz_test where id=i_id;
if not found then
  insert into ocz_test (id, info, crt_time) values (i_id, repeat(clock_timestamp()::text, 10), clock_timestamp());
  update ocz_test set info=repeat(clock_timestamp()::text, 10), crt_time=clock_timestamp() where id=i_id;
end if;
  when others then
$BODY$ language plpgsql;

测试脚本 : 
随即取数1到1亿, 超过基础数据, 所以有1/10的机会update, 9/10的机会insert, 100%的机会select.
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> cat ocz_test.sql 
\setrandom id 1 100000000
select f_ocz_test(:id);
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -f ./ocz_test.sql -r -c 8 -j 8 -T 60 -U digoal digoal

测试方法 : 
关闭RAID write cache, 关闭OCZ write cache. 开启同步提交. 确保测试得出的数据真实的反映硬盘的IO能力.
关闭DELL 服务器上带的raid卡的写cache, 使用 write through : 
OCZ pci-e revodrive3 240GB  DELL SSD 2.5 sata-2 200GB  SAS 2.5 146GB 10K - 德哥@Digoal - The Heart,The World.
关闭OCZ 硬盘的写cache.
[root@db-172-16-3-150 ~]# hdparm -W 0 /dev/mapper/mpath1
 setting drive write-caching to 0 (off)

OCZ SSD测试结果 : 
1.  fdatasync
wal_sync_method : 
wal_level = hot_standby
fsync = on
synchronous_commit = on
wal_sync_method = fdatasync

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl stop -m fast
waiting for server to shut down..... done
server stopped
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl start
server starting
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> LOG:  00000: loaded library "pg_stat_statements"
LOCATION:  load_libraries, miscinit.c:1249

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -f ./ocz_test.sql -r -c 8 -j 8 -T 60 -U digoal digoal
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 867098
tps = 14450.950285 (including connections establishing)
tps = 14452.524843 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.002270        \setrandom id 1 100000000
        0.548933        select f_ocz_test(:id);

2. fsync
wal_sync_method : 
wal_level = hot_standby
fsync = on
synchronous_commit = on
wal_sync_method = fsync

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl stop -m fast
waiting for server to shut down..... done
server stopped
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl start
server starting
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> LOG:  00000: loaded library "pg_stat_statements"
LOCATION:  load_libraries, miscinit.c:1249

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -f ./ocz_test.sql -r -c 8 -j 8 -T 60 -U digoal digoal
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 63334
tps = 1055.390434 (including connections establishing)
tps = 1055.525152 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.003106        \setrandom id 1 100000000
        7.572679        select f_ocz_test(:id);

3. open_sync
wal_sync_method : 
wal_level = hot_standby
fsync = on
synchronous_commit = on
wal_sync_method = open_sync

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl stop -m fast
waiting for server to shut down..... done
server stopped
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl start
server starting
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> LOG:  00000: loaded library "pg_stat_statements"
LOCATION:  load_libraries, miscinit.c:1249

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -f ./ocz_test.sql -r -c 8 -j 8 -T 60 -U digoal digoal
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 864942
tps = 14410.387611 (including connections establishing)
tps = 14412.032858 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.002245        \setrandom id 1 100000000
        0.550355        select f_ocz_test(:id);

DELL SSD 2.5寸 SATA接口 200GB硬盘 : 
数据目录和表空间目录移到DELL SSD硬盘后测试 : 
1. fdatasync
wal_sync_method : 
wal_level = hot_standby
fsync = on
synchronous_commit = on
wal_sync_method = fdatasync

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl stop -m fast
waiting for server to shut down..... done
server stopped
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl start
server starting
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> LOG:  00000: loaded library "pg_stat_statements"
LOCATION:  load_libraries, miscinit.c:1249

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -f ./ocz_test.sql -r -c 8 -j 8 -T 60 -U digoal digoal
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 41067
tps = 684.307504 (including connections establishing)
tps = 684.386309 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.003403        \setrandom id 1 100000000
        11.681978       select f_ocz_test(:id);

2. fsync
wal_sync_method : 
wal_level = hot_standby
fsync = on
synchronous_commit = on
wal_sync_method = fsync

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl stop -m fast
waiting for server to shut down..... done
server stopped
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl start
server starting
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> LOG:  00000: loaded library "pg_stat_statements"
LOCATION:  load_libraries, miscinit.c:1249

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -f ./ocz_test.sql -r -c 8 -j 8 -T 60 -U digoal digoal
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 40289
tps = 671.344007 (including connections establishing)
tps = 671.420270 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.003300        \setrandom id 1 100000000
        11.907794       select f_ocz_test(:id);

3. open_sync
wal_sync_method : 
wal_level = hot_standby
fsync = on
synchronous_commit = on
wal_sync_method = open_sync

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl stop -m fast
waiting for server to shut down..... done
server stopped
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl start
server starting
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> LOG:  00000: loaded library "pg_stat_statements"
LOCATION:  load_libraries, miscinit.c:1249

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -f ./ocz_test.sql -r -c 8 -j 8 -T 60 -U digoal digoal
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 41235
tps = 687.096892 (including connections establishing)
tps = 687.180406 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.003390        \setrandom id 1 100000000
        11.634480       select f_ocz_test(:id);

DELL SAS 2.5寸 SAS接口 146GB 10K转速 机械硬盘 : 
数据目录和表空间目录移到DELL 机械硬盘后测试 : 
wal_sync_method : 
wal_level = hot_standby
fsync = on
synchronous_commit = on
wal_sync_method = fdatasync

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl stop -m fast
waiting for server to shut down..... done
server stopped
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl start
server starting
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> LOG:  00000: loaded library "pg_stat_statements"
LOCATION:  load_libraries, miscinit.c:1249

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -f ./ocz_test.sql -r -c 8 -j 8 -T 60 -U digoal digoal
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 37679
tps = 627.889642 (including connections establishing)
tps = 627.951509 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.003394        \setrandom id 1 100000000
        12.732292       select f_ocz_test(:id);

2. fsync
wal_sync_method : 
wal_level = hot_standby
fsync = on
synchronous_commit = on
wal_sync_method = fsync

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl stop -m fast
waiting for server to shut down..... done
server stopped
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl start
server starting
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> LOG:  00000: loaded library "pg_stat_statements"
LOCATION:  load_libraries, miscinit.c:1249

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -f ./ocz_test.sql -r -c 8 -j 8 -T 60 -U digoal digoal
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 9831
tps = 163.736413 (including connections establishing)
tps = 163.759836 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.003614        \setrandom id 1 100000000
        48.832661       select f_ocz_test(:id);

3. open_sync
wal_sync_method : 
wal_level = hot_standby
fsync = on
synchronous_commit = on
wal_sync_method = open_sync

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl stop -m fast
waiting for server to shut down..... done
server stopped
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pg_ctl start
server starting
ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> LOG:  00000: loaded library "pg_stat_statements"
LOCATION:  load_libraries, miscinit.c:1249

ocz@db-172-16-3-150-> pgbench -M prepared -n -f ./ocz_test.sql -r -c 8 -j 8 -T 60 -U digoal digoal
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 37707
tps = 628.375098 (including connections establishing)
tps = 628.435232 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.003443        \setrandom id 1 100000000
        12.722869       select f_ocz_test(:id);

OCZ pci-e revodrive3 240GB  DELL SSD 2.5 sata-2 200GB  SAS 2.5 146GB 10K - 德哥@Digoal - The Heart,The World.

阿里云智能数据库产品团队一直致力于不断健全产品体系,提升产品性能,打磨产品功能,从而帮助客户实现更加极致的弹性能力、具备更强的扩展能力、并利用云设施进一步降低企业成本。以云原生+分布式为核心技术抓手,打造以自研的在线事务型(OLTP)数据库Polar DB和在线分析型(OLAP)数据库Analytic DB为代表的新一代企业级云原生数据库产品体系, 结合NoSQL数据库、数据库生态工具、云原生智能化数据库管控平台,为阿里巴巴经济体以及各个行业的企业客户和开发者提供从公共云到混合云再到私有云的完整解决方案,提供基于云基础设施进行数据从处理、到存储、再到计算与分析的一体化解决方案。本节课带你了解阿里云数据库产品家族及特性。
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一、概述 关于存储,作为一名运维工程师我觉得是很有必要去花点时间去了解一下的!磁盘是服务器、存储设备的主要存储媒介之一,非常重要! 按照存储介质类型一般分为机械磁盘(HDD、传统磁性硬盘)、固态磁盘(SSD,主要使用闪存颗粒来存储)、混合磁盘(HHD,磁性硬盘和闪存集成到一起的硬盘)。
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