# 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)(3)

简介: # 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)

# 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)(2)https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1486269


A lighthouse with "Sail Away" written in cursive underneath it, possibly with waves crashing against it.

一个灯塔,下面用草书体写着“Sail Away”,可能有海浪拍打在上面


A cartoon wave with the business name written in a playful font, possibly with a smiling or winking character riding the wave.



A map of the world with "Sail Away" written in bold letters across it, possibly with different products or categories highlighted in different areas.

一幅世界地图,上面用粗体字写着“Sail Away”,可能在不同区域用不同的产品或类别进行了突出显示


An image of a sail with the business name written in a modern font, possibly with a gradient or ombre effect.



A nautical rope with the business name in a circular design around it, possibly with knots or loops in the design.



A steering wheel with "Sail Away" written across it, highlighting the company's leadership in the industry, possibly with a nautical or maritime background.

一个方向盘,上面写着“Sail Away”,突出公司在行业中的领导地位,可能有航海或海事背景

Salem 的品牌生活

拥有一系列好的品牌理念后,Salem 有机会选择他认为最吸引人且与他销售的所有产品完美契合的那个。


为了给他的品牌形象、目录和产品文档增添激动和有趣的背景,Salem 需要一个融入有趣和引人��胜主题的背景故事。

give me an imaginary dramatic story of sucess about  a little sailboat named "sail away"  that sailed all over the world on journey of discovery  in 8 lines
Once upon a time, there was a little sailboat named Sail Away. Against all odds, Sail Away set out on a journey of discovery that took her across the globe. Through stormy weather, uncharted waters, and unfamiliar territory, Sail Away persevered, driven by a desire to see the world and find adventure. Along the way, she encountered new cultures, made lifelong friends, and discovered treasures beyond her wildest dreams. Her journey captured the hearts and imaginations of people around the world, and soon, Sail Away became a symbol of hope, perseverance, and the power of human potential. Today, Sail Away is remembered as a testament to the unyielding spirit of adventure and the limitless potential of the human spirit.

现在我们有了一个很好的背景故事,让我们想想可以与“sail away”品牌展示和广告一起使用的简短标语。

give me 10 memorable line ideas  that can be used for the "sail away" brand
"Sail Away - Where adventure meets the sea." "Find your sea legs and set sail with Sail Away." "Embark on your next journey with Sail Away's treasures." "Sail Away and discover the beauty of the world." "Escape the ordinary and sail away with us." "Life is a journey, sail it with Sail Away." "Sail Away - Your ticket to adventure." "Experience the world through Sail Away's unique finds." "Find your next treasure and sail away with Sail Away." "From the sea to your home - Sail Away brings you the world's finest."



总之,借助 ChatGPT AI 的帮助,Salem 已经制定了新的标志设计和品牌概念,他准备推出并建立,因为他着手重新打造他的业务品牌。

“品牌是成为可知、可爱和可信赖的艺术。” - 约翰·詹奇


“最好的错误消息是永远不会出现的。” - 托马斯·福克斯

编码 - 由 Midjourney AI 生成的图像


如果您是一名编码人员,您会知道在寻找编码问题答案时很容易迷失方向。有时您正在尝试解决特定问题,下一刻您已经深入了几个小时的新资源、技巧和巧妙的代码的兔子洞。虽然这些发现可能很有用,但它们也可能严重浪费时间和生产力。这就是 ChatGPT 的用武之地。通过其快速准确地回答编码问题的能力,ChatGPT 可以帮助您摆脱噪音,重新专注于您最初的任务。如果第一个解决方案不起作用,ChatGPT 可以提供解决方法和替代方案,帮助您重新回到正轨。无论您是经验丰富的编码人员还是刚刚开始,ChatGPT 都可以成为提高您生产力和效率的宝贵工具。

请记住,文档是完成代码的重要部分。即使您的代码是功能性的,直到文档完成为止,它才算真正完成。幸运的是,ChatGPT 也可以协助文档编写,提供最佳实践指导,并提供模板和工具,使流程更加顺畅和高效。借助 ChatGPT 的帮助,您可以确保您的代码完全文档化,并准备好供他人使用。


ChatGPT 可以分析代码并解释其功能。例如,如果您在浏览旧计算机上的旧媒体时遇到一些陌生的代码,您可以��助于 ChatGPT 来帮助解释其目的。这将简化理解代码的任务。

让我们分析下面的代码并理解它的作用。这种语言看起来很熟悉,但我们并不确定,我们可以做出聪明的猜测并尝试理解它的作用,或者只是拿出那段代码块让 ChatGPT 分析。

PROGRAM Sort(input, output); CONST
(* Max array size. *) MaxElts = 50; TYPE
(* Type of the element array. *) IntArrType = ARRAY [1..MaxElts] OF Integer; VAR
(* Indexes, exchange temp, array size. *) i, j, tmp, size: integer; (* Array of ints *) arr: IntArrType; (* Read in the integers. *)
PROCEDURE ReadArr(VAR size: Integer; VAR a: IntArrType); BEGIN size := 1; WHILE NOT eof DO BEGIN readln(a[size]); IF NOT eof THEN size := size + 1
(* Read *) ReadArr(size, arr); (* Sort using bubble sort. *)
FOR i := size - 1 DOWNTO 1 DO
FOR j := 1 TO i DO
IF arr[j] > arr[j + 1] THEN BEGIN tmp := arr[j];
                    arr[j] := arr[j + 1];
                    arr[j + 1] := tmp; END; (* Print. *)
FOR i := 1 TO size DO writeln(arr[i]) END.

拿着这段代码问 ChatGPT 在提示中。

提示 - 它是做什么的:
What does this code do ? : PROGRAM Sort(input, output); CONST
(* Max array size. *) MaxElts = 50; TYPE
(* Type of the element array. *) IntArrType = ARRAY [1..MaxElts] OF Integer; VAR
(* Indexes, exchange temp, array size. *) i, j, tmp, size: integer; (* Array of ints *) arr: IntArrType; (* Read in the integers. *)
PROCEDURE ReadArr(VAR size: Integer; VAR a: IntArrType); BEGIN size := 1; WHILE NOT eof DO BEGIN readln(a[size]); IF NOT eof THEN size := size + 1
(* Read *) ReadArr(size, arr); (* Sort using bubble sort. *)
FOR i := size - 1 DOWNTO 1 DO
FOR j := 1 TO i DO
IF arr[j] > arr[j + 1] THEN BEGIN tmp := arr[j];
                    arr[j] := arr[j + 1];
                    arr[j + 1] := tmp; END; (* Print. *)
FOR i := 1 TO size DO writeln(arr[i]) END.
输出 - - 它是做什么的
This is a Pascal program that reads in integers and sorts them in ascending order using the bubble sort algorithm. The program defines a constant MaxElts, which is the maximum size of the array of integers that the program can handle. The program declares a type called IntArrType, which is an array of integers with a size of MaxElts. The program then declares some variables: i, j, tmp, size, and arr. i and j are used as loop indices in the bubble sort algorithm, tmp is a temporary variable used to swap elements in the array during sorting, size is the number of integers to be read in and sorted, and arr is the array of integers. The program defines a procedure called ReadArr, which reads integers from input and stores them in the array a. The size of the array is stored in the variable size. The program calls the ReadArr procedure to read in the integers, and then sorts them using the bubble sort algorithm. Finally, the sorted integers are printed to the output. Note: Pascal is a programming language that was popular in the 1980s and 1990s, and this code may not be compatible with modern compilers.

好的,所以这段代码是用 Pascal 编写的,我们对其有一些了解,让我们请 ChatGPT 将代码翻译成 Python

提示 - 到 python:
translate  the code to python
输出 - 到 python
Here is the Python version of the provided code: def bubble_sort(arr):
    n = len(arr) # Traverse through all array elements  for i in range(n): # Last i elements are already sorted  for j in range(0, n-i-1): # Swap if the element found is greater than the next element  if arr[j] > arr[j+1]:
                arr[j], arr[j+1] = arr[j+1], arr[j] # Read in the integers arr = [] while True: try:
        arr.append(int(input())) except EOFError: break
# Sort using bubble sort bubble_sort(arr) # Print the sorted array for i in range(len(arr)): print(arr[i])
Note that in the original Pascal code, the eof function is used to check if the end of the input file has been reached. In the Python version, the try and except blocks are used to handle the end of the input stream.

让我们尝试将另一个翻译成 Perl

提示 - perl:
translate the code to perl
输出 - perl
Here is the code translated to Perl: use strict; use warnings; my $MaxElts = 50; my @arr = (); sub ReadArr { my $size = 0; while (my $line = <STDIN>) { chomp($line); last if ($line eq ""); $arr[$size++] = $line;
    } return $size;
} my $size = ReadArr(); for (my $i = $size - 1; $i >= 1; $i--) { for (my $j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) { if ($arr[$j] > $arr[$j+1]) { my $tmp = $arr[$j]; $arr[$j] = $arr[$j+1]; $arr[$j+1] = $tmp;
} for (my $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { print "$arr[$i]\n";
Note that in Perl, stdin is read from the default input filehandle, which is STDIN. Also, the chomp() function is used to remove the newline character from each input line.


编码人员喜欢编码,但不太喜欢记录他们的代码。ChatGPT 可以轻松为您生成文档。让我们请 ChatGPT 为冒泡排序生成的 perl 代码生成一个手册页面。

提示 - man 页面:
give me a man page for the below code: use strict; use warnings; my $MaxElts = 50; my @arr = (); sub ReadArr { my $size = 0; while (my $line = <STDIN>) { chomp($line); last if ($line eq ""); $arr[$size++] = $line;
    } return $size;
} my $size = ReadArr(); for (my $i = $size - 1; $i >= 1; $i--) { for (my $j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) { if ($arr[$j] > $arr[$j+1]) { my $tmp = $arr[$j]; $arr[$j] = $arr[$j+1]; $arr[$j+1] = $tmp;
} for (my $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { print "$arr[$i]\n";
输出 - man 页面
.TH SORT 1 "2023-02-22" "1.0" "sort man page" .SH NAME sort - sort a list of integers
The sort program reads integers from standard input and sorts them in ascending order using the bubble sort algorithm. The sorted integers are then printed to standard output, each on a separate line. .SH OPTIONS
To sort a list of integers in a file called "input.txt", run the following command:
.B sort < input.txt
The integers in the file will be sorted in ascending order and printed to standard output. .SH AUTHOR
Written by [Your Name Here].


在编码过程中,您可能会有一些疑问,偶尔当您向某人寻求帮助时,他们可能会粗鲁地回答 RTFM(阅读该手册)。然而,通过 ChatGPT,您可以简单地提出问题并获得准确的回答。


提示 - 连接:
How do I concatenate several strings in C ?
输出 - 连接
In C, you can concatenate several strings using the strcat function from the string.h library. Here's an example:   #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>   int main() {  char str1[20] = "Hello"; char str2[20] = " world"; char str3[20] = " and universe"; char finalStr[60];   strcpy(finalStr, str1); // copy first string strcat(finalStr, str2); // concatenate second string strcat(finalStr, str3); // concatenate third string   printf("%s", finalStr); // print concatenated string return 0; }   In this example, the strcat function is used to concatenate str2 and str3 onto str1 to create the final string finalStr. The strcpy function is used to copy the first string into finalStr before concatenation. Note that finalStr must be large enough to hold the concatenated result. 


你得到了一份新工作,你大学的大部分工作都是用 Python 完成的,新工作的地方主要使用 Objective-C,你需要快速学习它。

提示 - Obj C:
give me an objective C syntax cheat sheet that is useful for every day coding
输出 - Obj C
Sure, here's an Objective-C syntax cheat sheet that may be useful for everyday coding:   Declaring and Initializing Variables:   // Declare a variable type variableName;   // Declare and initialize a variable type variableName = value;     Class and Object Syntax:   // Declaring a class @interface ClassName : Superclass {  // Instance variables type instanceVariableName; }   // Properties @property (nonatomic, strong) type propertyName;   // Methods - (void)methodName;   @end   // Creating an object ClassName *objectName = [[ClassName alloc] init];     Conditionals:   if (condition) {  // Code to execute when condition is true } else {  // Code to execute when condition is false }   switch (variable) {  case value1: // Code to execute when variable equals value1 break; case value2: // Code to execute when variable equals value2 break; default: // Code to execute when variable doesn't match any case
Loops: // for loop for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Code to execute on each iteration } // while loop while (condition) { // Code to execute while condition is true } // do-while loop do { // Code to execute at least once } while (condition);
Arrays: // Declare an array type arrayName[size]; // Initialize an array type arrayName[] = {value1, value2, value3}; // Accessing array elements arrayName[index]; // Iterating over an array for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(arrayName)/sizeof(type); i++) { // Code to execute on each element } NSString Formatting: // Creating an NSString with format NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"The value is %d", value]; // Converting a string to a number NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init]; NSNumber *number = [formatter numberFromString:string];
Memory Management: // Allocating and deallocating memory type *pointer = malloc(sizeof(type)); free(pointer); // Retaining and releasing objects [object retain];
[object release];
Blocks: // Defining a block ^returnType(parameters) { // Code to execute }; // Using a block [object methodWithCompletionHandler:^{ // Code to execute when the method is complete }];
I hope you find this Objective-C syntax cheat sheet useful for your everyday coding needs!


提示 - 书籍:
what are good books that will help me learn objective C fast
输出 - 书籍
Here are some books that could help you learn Objective-C: "Programming in Objective-C" by Stephen G. Kochan - This is a popular book that covers the basics of the Objective-C programming language. "Objective-C Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide" by Aaron Hillegass and Mikey Ward - This is a comprehensive guide to Objective-C programming, which covers topics such as memory management, design patterns, and debugging. "Objective-C for Absolute Beginners: iPhone, iPad, and Mac Programming Made Easy" by Gary Bennett, Brad Lees, and Mitchell Fisher - This book is designed for those who have no prior programming experience and teaches the basics of Objective-C programming with a focus on iOS and macOS development. "iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide" by Joe Conway and Aaron Hillegass - This book covers iOS programming with Objective-C, as well as Swift. It includes practical exercises and detailed explanations of iOS development. "Objective-C Fundamentals" by Matt Neuburg - This book provides a thorough introduction to Objective-C programming, with an emphasis on object-oriented programming concepts. "Effective Objective-C 2.0: 52 Specific Ways to Improve Your iOS and OS X Programs" by Matt Galloway - This book focuses on advanced topics in Objective-C programming, providing tips and best practices for writing efficient and effective code. These books can help you learn Objective-C programming at different levels of expertise, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

也许我们从视频中学习更好,让我们看看 ChatGPT 告诉我们什么:

提示 - 视频:
can i get video suggestions with urls to learn objective C
输出 - 视频
Sure, here are some video tutorials for learning Objective-C:
Objective-C Tutorial for Beginners by TheNewBoston: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFE2CE09D83EE3E28
Objective-C Programming Course by Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/objective-c-programming-course/
iOS Development with Objective-C by Stanford University: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71pyOB4TPRE&list=PL9FA4C410EBA1384C
Objective-C Crash Course for Swift Developers by Devslopes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLTYvQCM_Z4
Objective-C Programming for iOS Development by Treehouse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFyT09BCzU0
I hope you find these resources helpful!

经过检查,所有链接似乎都无法使用,可能已过时。然而,这个问题可能会在未来得到解决。或者,我们可以再次询问 ChatGPT 以获取更新的资源。

提示 - 损坏的链接:
none of the links work
输出 - 损坏的链接
I apologize for the inconvenience. Here are some updated video suggestions for learning Objective-C, along with their corresponding URLs:
Objective-C Tutorial for Beginners by Derek Banas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wv1LHsMXzo
Objective-C Programming Tutorial by thenewboston: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EYYw-nsSbE&list=PLFE2CE09D83EE3E28
Objective-C Tutorial - iOS Development Course by Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/objective-c-tutorial-for-absolute-beginners/
Objective-C Programming Course for Beginners by CodeWithChris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z6X1L6dL0M&list=PLMRqhzcHGw1ZrHbNvYWQ6K1noHDK1X6Gb
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

提供的新链接似乎都无法使用,除了一个重定向到 Java 教程的链接。这突显了以谨慎验证 ChatGPT 提供的信息的重要性。虽然 ChatGPT 的回答大多是准确的,但仔细核实信息可以增强你对其准确性的信心。


ChatGPT 非常适合代码模板,你可以专注于实际的代码。

提示 - COBOL 模板:
i need a code template in Cobol that says "Hello World"

# 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)(4)https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1486271

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# 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)(4)
# 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)
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# 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)
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# 人工智能驱动的生产力手册(二)
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