
简介: This versionthrough the implementation





 CuDNN is a closed-source low-level library for deep learning primitives developed by NVIDIA.These primitives include operations like convolutions,activation functions like sigmoids or rectified linear units as well as pooling operations.All of the major deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow,Caffe2 or MXNet base many of their GPU kernels on cuDNN.In this post,I’ll walk you through the implementation of a basic convolution operation with cuDNN.Given that the library is very low-level,this is quite a lot more work than you’d expect.



 //This version of SafeMath should only be used with Solidity 0.8 or later,

 //because it relies on the compiler's built in overflow checks.


  dev Wrappers over Solidity's arithmetic operations.

 NOTE:`SafeMath`is no longer needed starting with Solidity 0.8.The compiler

 now has built in overflow checking.


 library SafeMath{


  dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers,with an overflow flag.

 _Available since v3.4._


 function tryAdd(uint256 a,uint256 b)internal pure returns(bool,uint256){


 uint256 c=a+b;





// 1/2 balance is sent to the marketing wallet, 1/2 is added to the liquidity pool

    uint256 marketingTokenBalance = contractTokenBalance.div(2);

    uint256 liquidityTokenBalance = contractTokenBalance.sub(marketingTokenBalance);

    // Split the token balance to be liquified into halves, this is so we can deposit the same amount

    // of BNB and Harold into the LP

    uint256 tokenBalanceToLiquifyAsBNB = liquidityTokenBalance.div(2);

    uint256 tokenBalanceToLiquify = liquidityTokenBalance.sub(tokenBalanceToLiquifyAsBNB);

    // capture the contract's current BNB balance.

    // this is so that we can capture exactly the amount of BNB that the

    // swap creates, and not make the liquidity event include any BNB that

    // has been manually sent to the contract

    uint256 initialBalance = address(this).balance;

算法 大数据 分布式数据库
人工智能 算法 安全
DAPP 合约拆分公排模式项目系统开发技术讲解
DAPp 互助模式系统的核心理念是“共创、共享、共赢”。通过整合优质资源,平台致力于为用户提供一个公平、公正、透明的互助环境。用户在这里可以实现信息的快速传播,从而为互助需求提供便捷的服务。
存储 安全 区块链
  DApp是指基于区块练技术的去中心化应用程序,它的特点是去中心化、透明、安全、不可篡改等,DApp is an inevitable trend because it can solve problems such as centralization,data privacy,and security in traditional applications,while also achieving more fair,transparent,and decentralized application scenarios
人工智能 算法 安全
安全 区块链
Blockchain exchange refers to an online platform built on blockchain technology for trading and managing digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) and other digital assets or tokens. Blockchain exchanges allow users to buy, sell, store, and manage digital assets.
存储 算法 前端开发
区块链 DAPP 互助逻辑模式系统开发技术源码方案
string public name; uint public goal; uint public progress; address public admin; mapping (address => bool) public members;
存储 安全 算法
安全 区块链
Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that stores data in the form of a gradually growing, linked data block (block), and uses cryptographic methods and consensus algorithms to ensure data security and reliability
存储 安全 算法
存储 机器人 大数据

