Autonomous Health Framework (AHF)笔记

简介: Oracle Autonomous Health包括Oracle ORAchk或Oracle EXAchk 和 Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA)

Oracle Autonomous Health包括Oracle ORAchk或

Oracle EXAchk 和 Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA)


参考文档 (Doc ID 2550798.1):


AHF 20.1 (Beta) for Linux
TFA & ORAchk/EXAchk 19.3.2 for Linux

Oracle在raccheck的基础之上又推出了orachk,现在这个AHF又包括了Trace File Analyzer (TFA) 和 ORAchk/EXAchk。

./ahf_setup  -ahf_loc /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19
AHF Installer for Platform Linux Architecture x86_64
AHF Installation Log : /tmp/ahf_install_15735_2020_03_14-20_13_53.log
Starting Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) Installation
AHF Version: 193200 Build Date: 201911251327
./ahf_setup: line 1307: perl: command not found
AHF Location : /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf
AHF Data Directory : /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf/data
Extracting AHF to /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf
/home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl: line 106: perl: command not found
Configuring TFA in Standalone Mode...
Build Version : 193200  Build Date : 201911251327
Discovering Nodes and Oracle Resources
|                    Summary of TFA Configuration                    |
| Parameter      | Value                                             |
| TFA Location   | /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf/tfa             |
| Data Directory | /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf/data//tfa       |
| Repository     | /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf/data/repository |
| Diag Directory | /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf/data//diag/tfa  |
| Java Home      | /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf/jre             |
Exception in thread "OfflineMessageHandler" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at oracle.rat.tfa.TFADirectoryManager.isValidTFADirectory(
        at oracle.rat.tfa.TFADirectoryManager.addFromFileLine(
        at oracle.rat.tfa.util.Properties.readDirectoriesFile(
        at oracle.rat.tfa.util.Properties.<init>(
        at oracle.rat.tfa.util.Properties.getInstance(
        at oracle.rat.tfa.OfflineMessageHandler.main(
| Host | Status of TFA | PID | Port | Version | Build ID | Inventory Status |
AHF is deployed at /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf
ORAchk is available at /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf/bin/orachk
AHF binaries are available in /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf/bin
AHF is successfully installed
Moving /tmp/ahf_install_15735_2020_03_14-20_13_53.log to /home/oracle/ahf/ahf19/oracle.ahf/data//diag/ahf/


使用root用户安装会设置auto-start。Linux 使用 init,

The most severe problems at 2am, once a day

All known problems once a week at 3am on a Sunday

Send an email to the notification addresses, provided during install of any check failures and a diff since last run

可以使用./orachk -autostop终止自动运行。


./orachk –d start 以daemon方式运行

./orachk run compliance checks on-demand

./orachk –u –o pre 升级前检查

./orachk –u –o post 升级后检查

./orachk -dball 检查所有数据库

./orachk –dbnames db1,db2,db3 检查指定数据库

./orachk -nordbms 只检查grid,包括数据库

./orachk –profile dba,clusterware 指定的profile

./orachk –profile -h 查询profile

-failedchecks previous_result 只运行上次出错的检查

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