In computer science, a linked list is a linear collection of data elements whose order is not given by their physical placement in memory. Instead, each element points to the next.
循环链表,通常的链表尾节点 tail 指向的都是 null,而循环链表的 tail 指向的是头节点 head
链表内还有一种特殊的节点称为哨兵(Sentinel)节点,也叫做哑元( Dummy)节点,它不存储数据,通常用作头尾,用来简化边界判断,如下图所示
根据 index 查找,时间复杂度 O ( n ) O(n)O(n)
起始位置:O ( 1 ) O(1)O(1)
结束位置:如果已知 tail 尾节点是 O ( 1 ) O(1)O(1),不知道 tail 尾节点是 O ( n ) O(n)O(n)
中间位置:根据 index 查找时间 + O ( 1 ) O(1)O(1)
根据单向链表的定义,首先定义一个存储 value 和 next 指针的类 Node,和一个描述头部节点的引用
public class SinglyLinkedList { private Node head; // 头部节点 private static class Node { // 节点类 int value; Node next; public Node(int value, Node next) { this.value = value; this.next = next; } } }
Node 定义为内部类,是为了对外隐藏实现细节,没必要让类的使用者关心 Node 结构
定义为 static 内部类,是因为 Node 不需要与 SinglyLinkedList 实例相关,多个 SinglyLinkedList实例能共用 Node 类定义
public class SinglyLinkedList { // ... public void addFirst(int value) { this.head = new Node(value, this.head); } }
如果 this.head == null,新增节点指向 null,并作为新的 this.head
如果 this.head != null,新增节点指向原来的 this.head,并作为新的 this.head
while 遍历
public class SinglyLinkedList { // ... public void loop() { Node curr = this.head; while (curr != null) { // 做一些事 curr = curr.next; } } }
for 遍历
public class SinglyLinkedList { // ... public void loop() { for (Node curr = this.head; curr != null; curr = curr.next) { // 做一些事 } } }
以上两种遍历都可以把要做的事以 Consumer 函数的方式传递进来
Consumer 的规则是一个参数,无返回值,因此像 System.out::println 方法等都是 Consumer
调用 Consumer 时,将当前节点 curr.value 作为参数传递给它
public class SinglyLinkedList implements Iterable<Integer> { // ... private class NodeIterator implements Iterator<Integer> { Node curr = head; public boolean hasNext() { return curr != null; } public Integer next() { int value = curr.value; curr = curr.next; return value; } } public Iterator<Integer> iterator() { return new NodeIterator(); } }
hasNext 用来判断是否还有必要调用 next
next 做两件事
返回当前节点的 value
NodeIterator 要定义为非 static 内部类,是因为它与 SinglyLinkedList 实例相关,是对某个 SinglyLinkedList 实例的迭代
public class SinglyLinkedList implements Iterable<Integer> { // ... public void loop() { recursion(this.head); } private void recursion(Node curr) { if (curr == null) { return; } // 前面做些事 recursion(curr.next); // 后面做些事 } }
public class SinglyLinkedList { // ... private Node findLast() { if (this.head == null) { return null; } Node curr; for (curr = this.head; curr.next != null; ) { curr = curr.next; } return curr; } public void addLast(int value) { Node last = findLast(); if (last == null) { addFirst(value); return; } last.next = new Node(value, null); } }
注意,找最后一个节点,终止条件是 curr.next == null
分成两个方法是为了代码清晰,而且 findLast() 之后还能复用
public class SinglyLinkedList { // ... public void addLast(int first, int... rest) { Node sublist = new Node(first, null); Node curr = sublist; for (int value : rest) { curr.next = new Node(value, null); curr = curr.next; } Node last = findLast(); if (last == null) { this.head = sublist; return; } last.next = sublist; } }
先串成一串 sublist
public class SinglyLinkedList { // ... private Node findNode(int index) { int i = 0; for (Node curr = this.head; curr != null; curr = curr.next, i++) { if (index == i) { return curr; } } return null; } private IllegalArgumentException illegalIndex(int index) { return new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("index [%d] 不合法%n", index)); } public int get(int index) { Node node = findNode(index); if (node != null) { return node.value; } throw illegalIndex(index); } }
public class SinglyLinkedList { // ... public void insert(int index, int value) { if (index == 0) { addFirst(value); return; } Node prev = findNode(index - 1); // 找到上一个节点 if (prev == null) { // 找不到 throw illegalIndex(index); } prev.next = new Node(value, prev.next); } }
public class SinglyLinkedList { // ... public void remove(int index) { if (index == 0) { if (this.head != null) { this.head = this.head.next; return; } else { throw illegalIndex(index); } } Node prev = findNode(index - 1); Node curr; if (prev != null && (curr = prev.next) != null) { prev.next = curr.next; } else { throw illegalIndex(index); } } }
第一个 if 块对应着 removeFirst 情况
最后一个 if 块对应着至少得两个节点的情况