1 简介
2 基于结构形态的特征提取方法
- 边界特征法
- 傅里叶特征算子法
- 形状不变矩法
- 几何参数法。
2.1 边界特征法
2.1.1 霍夫变换法
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import numpy as np import cv2 import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # 霍夫极坐标变换:直线检测 def HTLine(image, stepTheta=1, stepRho=1): # 宽、高 rows, cols = image.shape # 图像中可能出现的最大垂线的长度 L = round(math.sqrt(pow(rows - 1, 2.0) + pow(cols - 1, 2.0))) + 1 # 初始化投票器 numtheta = int(180.0 / stepTheta) numRho = int(2 * L / stepRho + 1) accumulator = np.zeros((numRho, numtheta), np.int32) # 建立字典 accuDict = {} for k1 in range(numRho): for k2 in range(numtheta): accuDict[(k1, k2)] = [] # 投票计数 for y in range(rows): for x in range(cols): if image[y][x] == 255: # 只对边缘点做霍夫变换 for m in range(numtheta): # 对每一个角度,计算对应的 rho 值 rho = x * math.cos(stepTheta * m / 180.0 * math.pi) + y * math.sin(stepTheta * m / 180.0 * math.pi) # 计算投票哪一个区域 n = int(round(rho + L) / stepRho) # 投票加 1 accumulator[n, m] += 1 # 记录该点 accuDict[(n, m)].append((x, y)) return accumulator, accuDict # 主函数 if __name__ == "__main__": I = cv2.imread('../picture/line.png') # canny 边缘检测 edge = cv2.Canny(I, 50, 200) # 显示二值化边缘 cv2.imshow("edge", edge) # 霍夫直线检测 accumulator, accuDict = HTLine(edge, 1, 1) # 计数器的二维直方图方式显示 rows, cols = accumulator.shape fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') X, Y = np.mgrid[0:rows:1, 0:cols:1] surf = ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, accumulator, cstride=1, rstride=1, color='gray') ax.set_xlabel(u"$\\rho$") ax.set_ylabel(u"$\\theta$") ax.set_zlabel("accumulator") ax.set_zlim3d(0, np.max(accumulator)) # 计数器的灰度级显示 grayAccu = accumulator / float(np.max(accumulator)) grayAccu = 255 * grayAccu grayAccu = grayAccu.astype(np.uint8) # 只画出投票数大于 60 直线 voteThresh = 180 for r in range(rows): for c in range(cols): if accumulator[r][c] > voteThresh: points = accuDict[(r, c)] cv2.line(I, points[0], points[len(points) - 1], (255), 2) cv2.imshow('accumulator', grayAccu) # 显示原图 cv2.imshow("I", I) plt.show() cv2.imwrite('accumulator.jpg', grayAccu) cv2.imwrite('I.jpg', I) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
2.1.2 边界方向直方图法
- Laplacian算子
- Sobel算子
- Prewitt算子
- Canny算子
- 等等
- 1 用高斯滤波器对图像进行平滑处理。
- 2 用一阶偏导的有限差分来计算梯度的幅值和方向。
- 3 对梯度的幅值进行非极大值抑制处理。
- 4 用双阈值算法检测和连接图像的边缘。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import sys import math import cv2 # import sobel # 注意sobel边缘检测 # import cv2.Sobel as sobel from cv2 import Sobel as sobel # 边缘检测 # 非极大值抑制 def non_maximum_suppression_default(dx, dy): # 边缘强度 edgeMag = np.sqrt(np.power(dx, 2.0) + np.power(dy, 2.0)) # 宽、高 rows, cols = dx.shape # 梯度方向 gradientDirection = np.zeros(dx.shape) # 边缘强度非极大值抑制 edgeMag_nonMaxSup = np.zeros(dx.shape) for r in range(1, rows - 1): for c in range(1, cols - 1): # angle 的范围 [0,180] [-180,0] angle = math.atan2(dy[r][c], dx[r][c]) / math.pi * 180 gradientDirection[r][c] = angle # 左 / 右方向 if (abs(angle) < 22.5 or abs(angle) > 157.5): if (edgeMag[r][c] > edgeMag[r][c - 1] and edgeMag[r][c] > edgeMag[r][c + 1]): edgeMag_nonMaxSup[r][c] = edgeMag[r][c] # 左上 / 右下方向 if (angle >= 22.5 and angle < 67.5 or (-angle > 112.5 and -angle <= 157.5)): if (edgeMag[r][c] > edgeMag[r - 1][c - 1] and edgeMag[r][c] > edgeMag[r + 1][c + 1]): edgeMag_nonMaxSup[r][c] = edgeMag[r][c] # 上 / 下方向 if ((angle >= 67.5 and angle <= 112.5) or (angle >= -112.5 and angle <= -67.5)): if (edgeMag[r][c] > edgeMag[r - 1][c] and edgeMag[r][c] > edgeMag[r + 1][c]): edgeMag_nonMaxSup[r][c] = edgeMag[r][c] # 右上 / 左下方向 if ((angle > 112.5 and angle <= 157.5) or (-angle >= 22.5 and -angle < 67.5)): if (edgeMag[r][c] > edgeMag[r - 1][c + 1] and edgeMag[r][c] > edgeMag[r + 1][c - 1]): edgeMag_nonMaxSup[r][c] = edgeMag[r][c] return edgeMag_nonMaxSup # 非极大值抑制:插值比较 def non_maximum_suppression_Inter(dx, dy): # 边缘强度 edgeMag = np.sqrt(np.power(dx, 2.0) + np.power(dy, 2.0)) # 宽、高 rows, cols = dx.shape # 梯度方向 gradientDirection = np.zeros(dx.shape) # 边缘强度的非极大值抑制 edgeMag_nonMaxSup = np.zeros(dx.shape) for r in range(1, rows - 1): for c in range(1, cols - 1): if dy[r][c] == 0 and dx[r][c] == 0: continue # angle的范围 [0,180],[-180,0] angle = math.atan2(dy[r][c], dx[r][c]) / math.pi * 180 gradientDirection[r][c] = angle # 左上方和上方的插值 右下方和下方的插值 if (angle > 45 and angle <= 90) or (angle > -135 and angle <= -90): ratio = dx[r][c] / dy[r][c] leftTop_top = ratio * edgeMag[r - 1][c - 1] + (1 - ratio) * edgeMag[r - 1][c] rightBottom_bottom = (1 - ratio) * edgeMag[r + 1][c] + ratio * edgeMag[r + 1][c + 1] if edgeMag[r][c] > leftTop_top and edgeMag[r][c] > rightBottom_bottom: edgeMag_nonMaxSup[r][c] = edgeMag[r][c] # 右上方和上方的插值 左下方和下方的插值 if (angle > 90 and angle <= 135) or (angle > -90 and angle <= -45): ratio = abs(dx[r][c] / dy[r][c]) rightTop_top = ratio * edgeMag[r - 1][c + 1] + (1 - ratio) * edgeMag[r - 1][c] leftBottom_bottom = ratio * edgeMag[r + 1][c - 1] + (1 - ratio) * edgeMag[r + 1][c] if edgeMag[r][c] > rightTop_top and edgeMag[r][c] > leftBottom_bottom: edgeMag_nonMaxSup[r][c] = edgeMag[r][c] # 左上方和左方的插值 右下方和右方的插值 if (angle >= 0 and angle <= 45) or (angle > -180 and angle <= -135): ratio = dy[r][c] / dx[r][c] rightBottom_right = ratio * edgeMag[r + 1][c + 1] + (1 - ratio) * edgeMag[r][c + 1] leftTop_left = ratio * edgeMag[r - 1][c - 1] + (1 - ratio) * edgeMag[r][c - 1] if edgeMag[r][c] > rightBottom_right and edgeMag[r][c] > leftTop_left: edgeMag_nonMaxSup[r][c] = edgeMag[r][c] # 右上方和右方的插值 左下方和左方的插值 if (angle > 135 and angle <= 180) or (angle > -45 and angle <= 0): ratio = abs(dy[r][c] / dx[r][c]) rightTop_right = ratio * edgeMag[r - 1][c + 1] + (1 - ratio) * edgeMag[r][c + 1] leftBottom_left = ratio * edgeMag[r + 1][c - 1] + (1 - ratio) * edgeMag[r][c - 1] if edgeMag[r][c] > rightTop_right and edgeMag[r][c] > leftBottom_left: edgeMag_nonMaxSup[r][c] = edgeMag[r][c] return edgeMag_nonMaxSup # 判断一个点的坐标是否在图像范围内 def checkInRange(r, c, rows, cols): if r >= 0 and r < rows and c >= 0 and c < cols: return True else: return False def trace(edgeMag_nonMaxSup, edge, lowerThresh, r, c, rows, cols): # 大于阈值为确定边缘点 if edge[r][c] == 0: edge[r][c] = 255 for i in range(-1, 2): for j in range(-1, 2): if checkInRange(r + i, c + j, rows, cols) and edgeMag_nonMaxSup[r + i][c + j] >= lowerThresh: trace(edgeMag_nonMaxSup, edge, lowerThresh, r + i, c + j, rows, cols) # 滞后阈值 def hysteresisThreshold(edge_nonMaxSup, lowerThresh, upperThresh): # 宽高 rows, cols = edge_nonMaxSup.shape edge = np.zeros(edge_nonMaxSup.shape, np.uint8) for r in range(1, rows - 1): for c in range(1, cols - 1): # 大于高阈值,设置为确定边缘点,而且以该点为起始点延长边缘 if edge_nonMaxSup[r][c] >= upperThresh: trace(edgeMag_nonMaxSup, edge, lowerThresh, r, c, rows, cols) # 小于低阈值,被剔除 if edge_nonMaxSup[r][c] < lowerThresh: edge[r][c] = 0 return edge # 主函数 if __name__ == "__main__": image = cv2.imread("../picture/house.png") image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # ------- canny 边缘检测 ----------- # 第一步: 基于 sobel 核的卷积 image_sobel_x = sobel(image, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0) image_sobel_y = sobel(image, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1) # 边缘强度:两个卷积结果对应位置的平方和 edge = np.sqrt(np.power(image_sobel_x, 2.0) + np.power(image_sobel_y, 2.0)) # 边缘强度的灰度级显示 edge[edge > 255] = 255 edge = edge.astype(np.uint8) cv2.imshow("sobel edge", edge) # 第二步:非极大值抑制 edgeMag_nonMaxSup = non_maximum_suppression_default(image_sobel_x, image_sobel_y) edgeMag_nonMaxSup[edgeMag_nonMaxSup > 255] = 255 edgeMag_nonMaxSup = edgeMag_nonMaxSup.astype(np.uint8) cv2.imshow("edgeMag_nonMaxSup", edgeMag_nonMaxSup) # 第三步:双阈值滞后阈值处理,得到 canny 边缘 # 滞后阈值的目的就是最后决定处于高阈值和低阈值之间的是否为边缘点 edge = hysteresisThreshold(edgeMag_nonMaxSup, 60, 180) lowerThresh = 40 upperThresh = 150 cv2.imshow("canny", edge) cv2.imwrite("canny.jpg", edge) # -------以下是为了单阈值与滞后阈值的结果比较 ------ # 大于高阈值 设置为白色 为确定边缘 EDGE = 255 # 小于低阈值的设置为黑色 表示不是边缘,被剔除 NOEDGE = 0 # 而大于等于低阈值 小于高阈值的设置为灰色,标记为可能的边缘 POSSIBLE_EDGE = 128 tempEdge = np.copy(edgeMag_nonMaxSup) rows, cols = tempEdge.shape for r in range(rows): for c in range(cols): if tempEdge[r][c] >= upperThresh: tempEdge[r][c] = EDGE elif tempEdge[r][c] < lowerThresh: tempEdge[r][c] = NOEDGE else: tempEdge[r][c] = POSSIBLE_EDGE cv2.imshow("tempEdge", tempEdge) lowEdge = np.copy(edgeMag_nonMaxSup) lowEdge[lowEdge > 60] = 255 lowEdge[lowEdge < 60] = 0 cv2.imshow("lowEdge", lowEdge) upperEdge = np.copy(edgeMag_nonMaxSup) upperEdge[upperEdge > 180] = 255 upperEdge[upperEdge <= 180] = 0 cv2.imshow("upperEdge", upperEdge) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()