【读书笔记】Algorithms for Decision Making(14)

简介: 本部分将简单游戏扩展到具有多个状态的连续上下文。马尔可夫博弈可以看作是多个具有自己奖励函数的智能体的马尔可夫决策过程。



3. 状态不确定

3.1 Partially Observable Markov Games


struct POMG
    γ # discount factor
    ℐ # agents
    𝒮 # state space
    𝒜 # joint action space
    𝒪 # joint observation space
    T # transition function
    O # joint observation function
    R # joint reward function

3.2 策略进化

3.2.1 基于树的条件规划的策略

function lookahead(𝒫::POMG, U, s, a)
    𝒮, 𝒪, T, O, R, γ = 𝒫.𝒮, joint(𝒫.𝒪), 𝒫.T, 𝒫.O, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.γ
    u′ = sum(T(s,a,s′)*sum(O(a,s′,o)*U(o,s′) for o in 𝒪) for s′ in 𝒮)
    return R(s,a) + γ*u′

function evaluate_plan(𝒫::POMG, π, s)
    a = Tuple(πi() for πi in π)
    U(o,s′) = evaluate_plan(𝒫, [πi(oi) for (πi, oi) in zip(π,o)], s′)
    return isempty(first(π).subplans) ? 𝒫.R(s,a) : lookahead(𝒫, U, s, a)

function utility(𝒫::POMG, b, π)
    u = [evaluate_plan(𝒫, π, s) for s in 𝒫.𝒮]
    return sum(bs * us for (bs, us) in zip(b, u))

3.2.2 基于图的控制器的策略


3.3 Nash 均衡

struct POMGNashEquilibrium
    b # initial belief
    d # depth of conditional plans

function create_conditional_plans(𝒫, d)
    ℐ, 𝒜, 𝒪 = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪
    Π = [[ConditionalPlan(ai) for ai in 𝒜[i]] for i in ℐ]
    for t in 1:d
        Π = expand_conditional_plans(𝒫, Π)
    return Π

function expand_conditional_plans(𝒫, Π)
    ℐ, 𝒜, 𝒪 = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪
    return [[ConditionalPlan(ai, Dict(oi => πi for oi in 𝒪[i]))
    for πi in Π[i] for ai in 𝒜[i]] for i in ℐ]

function solve(M::POMGNashEquilibrium, 𝒫::POMG)
    ℐ, γ, b, d = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.γ, M.b, M.d
    Π = create_conditional_plans(𝒫, d)
    U = Dict(π => utility(𝒫, b, π) for π in joint(Π))
    𝒢 = SimpleGame(γ, ℐ, Π, π -> U[π])
    π = solve(NashEquilibrium(), 𝒢)
    return Tuple(argmax(πi.p) for πi in π)

3.4 动态规划

struct POMGDynamicProgramming
    b # initial belief
    d # depth of conditional plans

function solve(M::POMGDynamicProgramming, 𝒫::POMG)
    ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, R, γ, b, d = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.γ, M.b, M.d
    Π = [[ConditionalPlan(ai) for ai in 𝒜[i]] for i in ℐ]
    for t in 1:d
        Π = expand_conditional_plans(𝒫, Π)
        prune_dominated!(Π, 𝒫)
    𝒢 = SimpleGame(γ, ℐ, Π, π -> utility(𝒫, b, π))
    π = solve(NashEquilibrium(), 𝒢)
    return Tuple(argmax(πi.p) for πi in π)

function prune_dominated!(Π, 𝒫::POMG)
    done = false
    while !done
        done = true
        for i in shuffle(𝒫.ℐ)
            for πi in shuffle(Π[i])
                if length(Π[i]) > 1 && is_dominated(𝒫, Π, i, πi)
                    filter!(πi′ -> πi′ ≠ πi, Π[i])
                    done = false

function is_dominated(𝒫::POMG, Π, i, πi)
    ℐ, 𝒮 = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮
    jointΠnoti = joint([Π[j] for j in ℐ if j ≠ i])
    π(πi′, πnoti) = [j==i ? πi′ : πnoti[j>i ? j-1 : j] for j in ℐ]
    Ui = Dict((πi′, πnoti, s) => evaluate_plan(𝒫, π(πi′, πnoti), s)[i]
        for πi′ in Π[i], πnoti in jointΠnoti, s in 𝒮)
    model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
    @variable(model, δ)
    @variable(model, b[jointΠnoti, 𝒮] ≥ 0)        
    @objective(model, Max, δ)
    @constraint(model, [πi′=Π[i]],
        sum(b[πnoti, s] * (Ui[πi′, πnoti, s] - Ui[πi, πnoti, s])
        for πnoti in jointΠnoti for s in 𝒮) ≥ δ)
    @constraint(model, sum(b) == 1)
    return value(δ) ≥ 0

4. Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes


struct DecPOMDP
    γ # discount factor
    ℐ # agents
    𝒮 # state space
    𝒜 # joint action space
    𝒪 # joint observation space
    T # transition function
    O # joint observation function
    R # reward function

4.1 Subclass


4.2 算法

4.2.1 动态规划

struct DecPOMDPDynamicProgramming
    b # initial belief
    d # depth of conditional plans

function solve(M::DecPOMDPDynamicProgramming, 𝒫::DecPOMDP)
    ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R, γ = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪, 𝒫.T, 𝒫.O, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.γ
    R′(s, a) = [R(s, a) for i in ℐ]
    𝒫′ = POMG(γ, ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R′)
    M′ = POMGDynamicProgramming(M.b, M.d)
    return solve(M′, 𝒫′)

4.2.2 迭代最佳响应

struct DecPOMDPIteratedBestResponse
    b # initial belief
    d # depth of conditional plans
    k_max # number of iterations

function solve(M::DecPOMDPIteratedBestResponse, 𝒫::DecPOMDP)
    ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R, γ = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪, 𝒫.T, 𝒫.O, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.γ
    b, d, k_max = M.b, M.d, M.k_max
    R′(s, a) = [R(s, a) for i in ℐ]
    𝒫′ = POMG(γ, ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R′)
    Π = create_conditional_plans(𝒫, d)
    π = [rand(Π[i]) for i in ℐ]
    for k in 1:k_max
        for i in shuffle(ℐ)
            π′(πi) = Tuple(j == i ? πi : π[j] for j in ℐ)
            Ui(πi) = utility(𝒫′, b, π′(πi))[i]
            π[i] = argmax(Ui, Π[i])
    return Tuple(π)

4.2.3 Heuristic Search

struct DecPOMDPHeuristicSearch
    b # initial belief
    d # depth of conditional plans
    π_max # number of policies

function solve(M::DecPOMDPHeuristicSearch, 𝒫::DecPOMDP)
    ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R, γ = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪, 𝒫.T, 𝒫.O, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.γ
    b, d, π_max = M.b, M.d, M.π_max
    R′(s, a) = [R(s, a) for i in ℐ]
    𝒫′ = POMG(γ, ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R′)
    Π = [[ConditionalPlan(ai) for ai in 𝒜[i]] for i in ℐ]
    for t in 1:d
        allΠ = expand_conditional_plans(𝒫, Π)
        Π = [[] for i in ℐ]
        for z in 1:π_max
            b′ = explore(M, 𝒫, t)
            π = argmax(π -> first(utility(𝒫′, b′, π)), joint(allΠ))
            for i in ℐ
                push!(Π[i], π[i])
                filter!(πi -> πi != π[i], allΠ[i])
    return argmax(π -> first(utility(𝒫′, b, π)), joint(Π))

function explore(M::DecPOMDPHeuristicSearch, 𝒫::DecPOMDP, t)
    ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, T, O, R, γ = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪, 𝒫.T, 𝒫.O, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.γ
    b = copy(M.b)
    b′ = similar(b)
    s = rand(SetCategorical(𝒮, b))
    for τ in 1:t
        a = Tuple(rand(𝒜i) for 𝒜i in 𝒜)
        s′ = rand(SetCategorical(𝒮, [T(s,a,s′) for s′ in 𝒮]))
        o = rand(SetCategorical(joint(𝒪), [O(a,s′,o) for o in joint(𝒪)]))
        for (i′, s′) in enumerate(𝒮)
            po = O(a, s′, o)
            b′[i′] = po*sum(T(s,a,s′)*b[i] for (i,s) in enumerate(𝒮))
        normalize!(b′, 1)
        b, s = b′, s′
    return b′

4.2.4 非线性规划

struct DecPOMDPNonlinearProgramming
    b # initial belief
    ℓ # number of nodes for each agent

function tensorform(𝒫::DecPOMDP)
    ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, R, T, O = 𝒫.ℐ, 𝒫.𝒮, 𝒫.𝒜, 𝒫.𝒪, 𝒫.R, 𝒫.T, 𝒫.O
    ℐ′ = eachindex(ℐ)
    𝒮′ = eachindex(𝒮)
    𝒜′ = [eachindex(𝒜i) for 𝒜i in 𝒜]
    𝒪′ = [eachindex(𝒪i) for 𝒪i in 𝒪]
    R′ = [R(s,a) for s in 𝒮, a in joint(𝒜)]
    T′ = [T(s,a,s′) for s in 𝒮, a in joint(𝒜), s′ in 𝒮]
    O′ = [O(a,s′,o) for a in joint(𝒜), s′ in 𝒮, o in joint(𝒪)]
    return ℐ′, 𝒮′, 𝒜′, 𝒪′, R′, T′, O′

function solve(M::DecPOMDPNonlinearProgramming, 𝒫::DecPOMDP)
    𝒫, γ, b = 𝒫, 𝒫.γ, M.b
    ℐ, 𝒮, 𝒜, 𝒪, R, T, O = tensorform(𝒫)
    X = [collect(1:M.ℓ) for i in ℐ]
    jointX, joint𝒜, joint𝒪 = joint(X), joint(𝒜), joint(𝒪)
    x1 = jointX[1]
    model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
    @variable(model, U[jointX,𝒮])
    @variable(model, ψ[i=ℐ,X[i],𝒜[i]] ≥ 0)
    @variable(model, η[i=ℐ,X[i],𝒜[i],𝒪[i],X[i]] ≥ 0)
    @objective(model, Max, b⋅U[x1,:])
    @NLconstraint(model, [x=jointX,s=𝒮],
        U[x,s] == (sum(prod(ψ[i,x[i],a[i]] for i in ℐ)
            *(R[s,y] + γ*sum(T[s,y,s′]*sum(O[y,s′,z]
                *sum(prod(η[i,x[i],a[i],o[i],x′[i]] for i in ℐ)
                    *U[x′,s′] for x′ in jointX)
                for (z, o) in enumerate(joint𝒪)) for s′ in 𝒮))
            for (y, a) in enumerate(joint𝒜))))
    @constraint(model, [i=ℐ,xi=X[i]], sum(ψ[i,xi,ai] for ai in 𝒜[i]) == 1)
    @constraint(model, [i=ℐ,xi=X[i],ai=𝒜[i],oi=𝒪[i]], 
        sum(η[i,xi,ai,oi,xi′] for xi′ in X[i]) == 1)
    ψ′, η′ = value.(ψ), value.(η)
    return [ControllerPolicy(𝒫, X[i],
        Dict((xi,𝒫.𝒜[i][ai]) => ψ′[i,xi,ai] for xi in X[i], ai in 𝒜[i]),
        Dict((xi,𝒫.𝒜[i][ai],𝒫.𝒪[i][oi],xi′) => η′[i,xi,ai,oi,xi′] 
            for xi in X[i], ai in 𝒜[i], oi in 𝒪[i], xi′ in X[i])) for i in ℐ]



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