一文读懂Go Modules原理

简介: 一文读懂Go Modules原理


前 言

In the world of software management there exists a dreaded place called “dependency hell.” The bigger your system grows and the more packages you integrate into your software, the more likely you are to find yourself, one day, in this pit of despair.


go get(2011.12):go get代替goinstall
godep(2013.09):godep提供了一个依赖文件,记录所有依赖具体的版本和路径,编译时将依赖下载到workspace中,然后切换到指定版本,并设置GOPATH访问(解决go get没有版本管理的缺陷)
gopkg.in(2014.03):通过import路径中添加版本号来标示不同版本,而实际代码存放于github中,go通过redirect获取代码。例如(import gopkg.in/yaml.v1,实际代码地址为:https://github.com/go-yaml/yaml)
vendor(2015.06);Go 1.5版本引入vendor(类似godep),存放于项目根目录,编译时优先使用vendor目录,之后再去GOPATH,GOROOT目录查找(解决GOPATH无法管控依赖变更和丢失的问题)
Go Modules(2018.08):Go 1.11发布的官方依赖管理解决方案,并最终统一了Go依赖管理(by Russ Cox)。Go Modules以semantic version(语义版本化)和Minimal Version Selection, MVS(最小版本选择)为核心,相比dep更具稳定性;同时也解决了vendor代码库依赖过于庞大,造成存储浪费的问题

接下来,我将详细探讨Go Modules的两大核心概念:semantic version(语义化版本)和Minimal Version Selection, MVS(最小版本选择)


原 理

●semantic version●

Go使用semantic version来标识package的版本。具体来说:

MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes(不兼容的修改)
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner(特性添加,版本兼容)
PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes(bug修复,版本兼容)

这里,只要模块的主版本号(MAJOR)不变,次版本号(MINOR)以及修订号(PATCH)的变更都不会引起破坏性的变更(breaking change)。这就要求开发人员尽可能按照semantic version发布和管理模块(实际是否遵守以及遵守的程度不能保证,参考Hyrum's Law)

●Minimal Version Selection●

A versioned Go command must decide which module versions to use in each build. I call this list of modules and versions for use in a given build the build list. For stable development, today's build list must also be tomorrow's build list. But then developers must also be allowed to change the build list: to upgrade all modules, to upgrade one module, or to downgrade one module.

The version selection problem therefore is to define the meaning of, and to give algorithms implementing, these four operations on build lists:

Construct the current build list.
Upgrade all modules to their latest versions.
Upgrade one module to a specific newer version.
Downgrade one module to a specific older version.
这里将一次构建(go build)中所依赖模块及其版本列表称为build list,对于一个稳定发展的项目,build list应该尽可能保持不变,同时也允许开发人员修改build list,比如升级或者降级依赖。而依赖管理因此也可以归纳为如下四个操作:

构建项目当前build list
在Minimal version selection之前,Go的选择算法很简单,且提供了 2 种不同的版本选择算法,但都不正确:

第 1 种算法是 go get 的默认行为:若本地有一个版本,则使用此版本;否则下载使用最新的版本。这种模式将导致使用的版本太老:假设已经安装了B 1.1,并执行 go get 下载,那么go get 不会更新到B 1.2,这样就会导致因为B 1.1太老构建失败或有bug

第 2 种算法是 go get -u 的行为:下载并使用所有模块的最新版本。这种模式可能会因为版本太新而失败:若你运行 go get -u 来下载A依赖模块,会正确地更新到B 1.2。同时也会更新到C 1.3 和E 1.3,但这可能不是 A 想要的,因为这些版本可能未经测试,无法正常工作

这 2 种算法的构建是低保真构建(Low-Fidelity Builds):虽然都想复现模块 A 的作者所使用的构建,但这些构建都因某些不明确的原因而变得有些偏差。在详细介绍最小版本选择算法后,我们将明白为什么最小版本选择算法可以产生高保真的构建:

Minimal version selection assumes that each module declares its own dependency requirements: a list of minimum versions of other modules. Modules are assumed to follow the import compatibility rule—packages in any newer version should work as well as older ones—so a dependency requirement gives only a minimum version, never a maximum version or a list of incompatible later versions.

Then the definitions of the four operations are:

To construct the build list for a given target: start the list with the target itself, and then append each requirement's own build list. If a module appears in the list multiple times, keep only the newest version.
To upgrade all modules to their latest versions: construct the build list, but read each requirement as if it requested the latest module version.
To upgrade one module to a specific newer version: construct the non-upgrad

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