⛄ 内容介绍
In this paper, we present a new distribution metric for image segmentation that arises as a result in prediction theory. Forming a natural geodesic, our metric quantifies "distance" for two density functionals as the standard deviation of the difference between logarithms of those distributions. Using level set methods, we incorporate an energy model based on the metric into the Geometric Active Contour framework. Moreover, we briefly provide a theoretical comparison between the popular Fisher Information metric, from which the Bhattacharyya distance originates, with the newly proposed similarity metric. In doing so, we demonstrate that segmentation results are directly impacted by the type of metric used. Specifically, we qualitatively compare the Bhattacharyya distance and our algorithm on the Kaposi Sarcoma, a pathology that infects the skin. We also demonstrate the algorithm on several challenging medical images, which further ensure the viability of the metric in the context of image segmentation.
⛄ 部分代码
clear all
close all
iter = 1000;
alpha = .05;
dt = .4;
flag_approx = 0;
% %read img path
% img = double(imread(img_path));
disp(['WARNING: Code only works for gray scale, please modify '...,
'code. Will continue will process input image as gray scale.']);
img = (img(:,:,1)+img(:,:,2)+img(:,:,3))/3;
%if no pre_mask given, display image so user can select initialization
mask = double(get_rect_mask(img));
mask = mask;
%compute sdf function
phi = bwdist(mask) - bwdist(1-mask)+im2double(mask);
%run active contour
[result,pin,pout] = Tryphon_NB(img, phi, iter, dt, alpha,flag_approx);
⛄ 运行结果
⛄ 参考文献
[1] Sandhu R , Georgiou T , Tannenbaum A . A New Distribution Metric for Image Segmentation[C]// Imaging Processing pt.1. School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0250;Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, 2008.