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vscode插件这两天好像连不上服务器了, 问了问题一直卡在Generating

2024-12-27 11:24:13.543 [info] TONGYI Lingma [version: 2.0.1, lang: en, platform: win32, arch: x64, appName=Visual Studio Code, runMode: local, extensionKind=1, remoteName=undefined, wsl=undefined, remoteContainers=undefined, extensionMode=1] is starting now!
2024-12-27 11:24:13.556 [info] Congratulations, "TONGYI Lingma" is now active!
2024-12-27 11:24:13.767 [info] check exist binary path, no need update.
2024-12-27 11:24:14.832 [info] lingma try to connect to language server.
2024-12-27 11:24:15.433 [info] lingma connected to language server successfully.
2024-12-27 11:24:15.703 [info] auth status synced. id=*@qq.com, status=2, whitelist=3, token=
2024-12-27 17:24:13.101 [info] auth status synced. id=*@qq.com, status=2, whitelist=3, token=
2024-12-27 23:24:13.647 [info] auth status synced. id=*@qq.com, status=2, whitelist=3, token=
2024-12-28 05:24:13.877 [info] auth status synced. id=*@qq.com, status=2, whitelist=3, token=
2024-12-28 11:23:20.254 [error] Cosy InlineCompletion error.
2024-12-28 11:24:13.992 [info] auth status synced. id=*@qq.com, status=2, whitelist=3, token=

1744713311641159 2024-12-28 11:43:51 42 0
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  • 原来不是我一个人这样

    2024-12-29 12:41:10
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基于通义大模型的 AI 编码辅助工具,支持代码智能生成、单元测试生成、问题排查、研发智能问答等功能,为开发者带来高效、流畅的编码体验。




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