用example里的simple producer连不上RocketMQ,什么原因?但是用rocketmq-clients/golang/v5是可以正常收发消息的,我的RocketMQ 是5.2.0版本的,是版本问题吗?
time="2024-07-04T18:53:28+08:00" level=info msg="change the route for clients"
time="2024-07-04T18:53:28+08:00" level=info msg="the topic route info changed" changeTo="{\"OrderTopicConf\":\"\",\"queueDatas\":[{\"brokerName\":\"broker-a\",\"readQueueNums\":16,\"writeQueueNums\":16,\"perm\":6,\"topicSynFlag\":0}],\"brokerDatas\":[{\"cluster\":\"DefaultCluster\",\"brokerName\":\"broker-a\",\"brokerAddrs\":{\"0\":\"\"}}]}" changedFrom="" topic=TestTopic
time="2024-07-04T18:53:32+08:00" level=warning msg="send heart beat to broker error" underlayError="request timeout"
time="2024-07-04T18:53:33+08:00" level=error msg="conn error, close connection" underlayError="read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."
send message error: request timeout
time="2024-07-04T18:53:39+08:00" level=error msg="conn error, close connection" underlayError="read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."
time="2024-07-04T18:53:45+08:00" level=error msg="conn error, close connection" underlayError="read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."
send message error: request timeout
time="2024-07-04T18:53:51+08:00" level=error msg="conn error, close connection" underlayError="read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."
send message error: request timeout
time="2024-07-04T18:53:57+08:00" level=error msg="conn error, close connection" underlayError="read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."
time="2024-07-04T18:54:03+08:00" level=error msg="conn error, close connection" underlayError="read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."
send message error: request timeout
time="2024-07-04T18:54:05+08:00" level=warning msg="send heart beat to broker error" underlayError="request timeout"
time="2024-07-04T18:54:09+08:00" level=error msg="conn error, close connection" underlayError="read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."
send message error: request timeout
time="2024-07-04T18:54:15+08:00" level=error msg="conn error, close connection" underlayError="read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."
time="2024-07-04T18:54:21+08:00" level=error msg="conn error, close connection" underlayError="read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."
send message error: request timeout
time="2024-07-04T18:54:27+08:00" level=error msg="conn error, close connection" underlayError="read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."
send message error: request timeout
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