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夹心789 2024-05-22 10:12:00 71 0
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  • The image registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/shenkonghui/distroless-static:nonroot is not directly associated with an official version of a well-known base image like Alpine, Debian, or Ubuntu. Instead, it seems to be a custom image hosted on Alibaba Cloud's container registry, tailored for specific use cases, likely related to running applications in a minimalistic environment without a shell, which is a characteristic of Distroless images.
    The term "Distroless" suggests that this image is derived from Google's Distroless project. Distroless images are minimalistic and devoid of package managers, shells, and most libraries typically found in Linux distributions. They are designed to run only your application and its dependencies, which can enhance security by reducing the attack surface.
    The nonroot tag implies that the image is configured to run processes as a non-root user, which is another security best practice.
    To find the closest "official" equivalent or understand its base, you'd typically look at the Distroless images. However, since this is hosted on Alibaba Cloud and customized potentially by "shenkonghui," the direct mapping to an "official version" isn't straightforward without further information from the maintainer.
    If you're looking for an official Distroless image, you might consider images from Google Container Registry (gcr.io/distroless) as a reference. For example, an image like gcr.io/distroless/static:nonroot would be a similar base but not exactly the same since it's not from the same repository or maintainer.
    Always refer to the documentation or reach out to the image maintainer (shenkonghui in this case) for the most accurate information about the image's heritage and intended usage. ,此回答整理自钉群“Nacos社区群4”

    2024-05-22 16:08:56
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