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详细报错信息:dts-k-src: DTS-52111: Increment Context Is Not Running..: mysql-reader: DTS-52210: fetch log failed
IOException: mysql-reader: DTS--0001: execute sql select UNIX_TIMESTAMP() failed, case by mysql-reader: DTS--0001: Can not create connection to source database, case by common: DTS-100047: retry 0 times, 10008 seconds, which exceed the supposed 43200 seconds
CriticalAnyAllException: mysql-reader: DTS--0001: Can not create connection to source database, case by common: DTS-100047: retry 0 times, 10008 seconds, which exceed the supposed 43200 seconds
FatalAnyAllException: common: DTS-100047: retry 0 times, 10008 seconds, which exceed the supposed 43200 seconds
SQLException: Reading bytes from a network handler fails. Socket errno: 110, Socket errmsg: Connection timed out.(ETIMEDOUT)
CriticalAnyAllException: mysql-reader: DTS--0001: execute sql select UNIX_TIMESTAMP() failed, case by mysql-reader: DTS--0001: Can not create connection to source database, case by common: DTS-100047: retry 0 times, 10008 seconds, which exceed the supposed 43200 seconds
CriticalAnyAllException: mysql-reader: DTS--0001: Can not create connection to source database, case by common: DTS-100047: retry 0 times, 10008 seconds, which exceed the supposed 43200 seconds
FatalAnyAllException: common: DTS-100047: retry 0 times, 10008 seconds, which exceed the supposed 43200 seconds
SQLException: Reading bytes from a network handler fails. Socket errno: 110, Socket errmsg: Connection timed out.(ETIMEDOUT)
CriticalAnyAllException: mysql-reader: DTS-52210: fetch log failed
IOException: mysql-reader: DTS--0001: execute sql select UNIX_TIMESTAMP() failed, case by mysql-reader: DTS--0001: Can not create connection to source database, case by common: DTS-100047: retry 0 times, 10008 seconds, which exceed the supposed 43200 seconds
CriticalAnyAllException: mysql-reader: DTS--0001: Can not create connection to source database, case by common: DTS-100047: retry 0 times, 1000
【当前时间】:2024-04-11 22:37:56

三分钟热度的鱼 2024-04-17 20:41:21 66 0
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  • 辛苦检查一下源库连接是否正常。此回答整理自钉群“DTS客户交流群-2”

    2024-04-17 21:06:37
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