For example, for a branch transaction, the user performs a delete operation, then the prepare phase is committed, but the global transaction fails, causing the rollback. // 比如某个分支事务,用户执行了 delete 操作,那么 prepare 阶段,提交了,但是全局事务失败,导致回滚
The current practice is to get all the SQL statements executed by the user through the proxy connection, save before, and atfer image in the undo_log table. // 目前的做法是通过 代理 connection,拿到用户执行的所有sql语句,保存 before,atfer image 在 undo_log 表中。 If you submit, pass gxid, bxid delete data undo_log // 如果提交就通过 gxid, bxid 删除数据undo_log If it fails, the data is rolled back to get the before image. // 如果失败了,就数据回退搞 before image . However, delete succeeded, but the global transaction failed, but other transactions, before the rollback, insert the same key data, resulting in the failure to roll back? Either the xa transaction is used, and the data of these changes cannot be modified before the commit/rollback. // 但是 delete 成功了,但是全局事务失败,但是其他事务,在回滚前,insert了相同key的数据,导致无法回滚? 要么就是采用 xa 事务,这些变更的数据,commit/rollback 前没法修改。
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