Config: broker: master broker role:SYNC_MASTER sendMessageThreadPoolNums=4 topic: Topic_A: qps:3w, WaitStoreMsgOK:false Topic_B: qps:100, WaitStoreMsgOK:true
Producer of Topic_B get code FLUSH_SLAVE_TIMEOUT when send messages to the two topic at the same time. The time cost do not exceed the timeout. There is no problem about the synchronization between master and slave. The cause is the wakeup of the GroupCommitRequest in for (int i = 0; !transferOK && i < 5; i++) { this.notifyTransferObject.waitForRunning(1000); transferOK = HAService.this.push2SlaveMaxOffset.get() >= req.getNextOffset(); }
As the qps of Topic_A is much higher than Topic_B and the config sendMessageThreadPoolNums is set to 4, the Topic_A will trigger waitForRunning for 5 times before the synchronization of Topic_B is completed. In, the GroupCommitRequest is added to ha service and wait unit timeout. In doWaitTransfer, how about check if the request is expire? Add expire timestamp to GroupCommitRequest and check if expire, such as follow: while (!transferOK && defaultMessageStore.getSystemClock().now() < req.getExpireTimestamp()) { this.notifyTransferObject.waitForRunning(1000); transferOK = HAService.this.push2SlaveMaxOffset.get() >= req.getNextOffset(); }
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