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The question about the FLIP-45

Hi community, 

Now I am reading the FLIP-45 Reinforce Job Stop Semantic, I have three  questions about it :  1. What the command to use to stop the Flink task, stop or cancel? 

  1. If use stop command to stop filnk task , but I see the flink source code  , the stop command we can set the savepoint dir , if we didn't set it , the  default savepoint dir will use . Both the target Savepoint Dir or default  savepoint dir are null , the flink will throw the exception. But in FLIP-45  , If retained checkpoint is enabled, we should always do a checkpoint when  stopping job. I can't find this code. 

Thanks to your reply.*来自志愿者整理的flink邮件归档

玛丽莲梦嘉 2021-12-02 16:38:09 378 0
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  • Sorry for the late response.

    For the first question, literally, the stop command should be used if one means to stop the job instead of canceling it.

    For the second one, since FLIP-45 is still under discussion [1] [2] (although a little bit stalled due to priority), we still don't support stop with (retained) checkpoint yet. Accordingly, there's no implementation in our code base.

    [1] http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.com/DISCUSS-FLIP-45-Reinforce-Job-Stop-Semantic-td30161.html [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-45%3A+Reinforce+Job+Stop+Semantic*来自志愿者整理的FLINK邮件归档

    2021-12-02 17:33:29
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