执行ossutil64 ,服务器IP为113.52.132.131,上传图片文件不大,只有14k。 执行以下命令:./ossutil64 cp timg.jpg oss://qps-idcard/upload_yi 返回结果: Total num: 1, size: 13,609. Dealed num: 0, OK size: 0, Progress: 0.000%, Speed: 0.22KB/s retry count:9:upload file:timg.jpg Total num: 1, size: 13,609. Dealed num: 0, Transfer size: 136,090. When error happens.
Error: Put http://qps-idcard.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/upload_yi: EOF, File=timg.jpg Connection has been closed by remote peer. Please check the network. If you download/upload large file, You can reduce concurrency with the --parallel option and reduce part-size with --part-size (it must greater than the file size divided by 10000. By default, it will retry 10 times when failed, you can increse the retry times with --retry-times option.).