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体验函数技术 Serverless服务,在最后这里 执行 fun deploy -y 命令报错。

使用Funcraft开发函数计算HelloWorld应用 经过检查提供的信息, 在fun config 步骤时 需要提供Aliyun Account ID

而界面信息左侧提供的子账号相关信息,没有这个参数,只有子用户名称, 但是填完子账号名称之后,后续会报错。这里需要提供子账号Account ID

[root@iZuf664jzdqku8a15z0xlqZ demo]# fun config
? Aliyun Account ID (u-nwz0d1mk@187xxxxxxxxxxxx)


[root@iZuf664jzdqku8a15z0xlqZ demo]# fun deploy -y
using template: template.yml
using region: cn-shanghai
using accountId: ***********1311
using accessKeyId: ***********JuvZ
using timeout: 10

Collecting your services information, in order to caculate devlopment changes...

Resources Changes(Beta version! Only FC resources changes will be displayed):

│ Resource    │ ResourceType                 │ Action │ Property    │
│ demo        │ Aliyun::Serverless::Service  │ Add    │ Description │
│             │                              │        │ Handler     │
│             │                              │        ├─────────────┤
│ demo        │ Aliyun::Serverless::Function │ Add    │ Runtime     │
│             │                              │        ├─────────────┤
│             │                              │        │ CodeUri     │
│             │                              │        │ AuthType    │
│ httpTrigger │ HTTP                         │ Add    ├─────────────┤
│             │                              │        │ Methods     │

Waiting for service demo to be deployed...

The accountId you entered is incorrect. You can only use the primary account id, whether or not you use a sub-account or a primary account ak. You can get primary acc                                                 ount ID on this page https://account.console.aliyun.com/#/secure .

GET /services/demo failed with 400. requestid: undefined, message: undefined.
[root@iZuf664jzdqku8a15z0xlqZ demo]#

123qqqqqqadada 2020-07-31 17:40:52 35515 0
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