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关于heritrix的配置问题,最后运行不成功403.10 禁止访问:配置无效 

配置heritrix,前面都是没出错,最后执行heritrix --admin=admin:admin就出错了,求高手解答,我这个是在XP虚拟机里做的 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>cd \ C:>cd heritrix C:\heritrix>cd bin C:\heritrix\bin>heritrix --admin=admin:admin WARNING: It's currently not possible to run Heritrix in background on Windows. It was just started minimized in a new Window and will be shut down as soon as you log off. 2011-05-24 星期二 16:39:31.73 Starting heritrix Heritrix failed to start properly. Possible causes: - Login and password have not been specified (see --admin switch) - another program uses the port for the web UI (8080 by default) (e.g. another Heritrix instance) - JMX password file is missing or permissions not set correctly JMX permissions file missing.  A template can be found in \heritrix\jmxremote.password.template. Copy it to \heritrix\jmxremote.password and edit the passwords at the end of the file.  C:\heritrix\bin>

kun坤 2020-05-27 21:29:07 539 0
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  • 错误原因:

    • 密码问题
    • 8080端口被占用
    • JMX密码文件丢失,或者权限有问题


    • 密码问题
    • 8080端口被占用
    • JMX密码文件丢失,或者权限有问题
     我还是学生啊,没经验。。 端口的话我后来没用8080的还是错 密码问题。。我不清楚啊 可能是最后那个 我再研究研究######C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>heritrix --admin=admin:admin WARNING: It's currently not possible to run Heritrix in background          on Windows. It was just started minimized in a new Window          and will be shut down as soon as you log off. 2011-05-24 星期二 22:31:00.70 Starting heritrix Heritrix failed to start properly. Possible causes:
    • Login and password have not been specified (see --admin switch)

      • another program uses the port for the web UI (8080 by default)   (e.g. another Heritrix instance)
      • JMX password file is missing or permissions not set correctly Do you want to try to fix the permissions (Y/N)?Y Restart Heritrix (Y/N)?Y WARNING: It's currently not possible to run Heritrix in background          on Windows. It was just started minimized in a new Window          and will be shut down as soon as you log off. 2011-05-24 星期二 22:32:18.04 Starting heritrix Either fixing the permissions failed or there was another problem. You may have to set the ownership of the file   C:\heritrix\jmxremote.password manually to yourself (Administrator) and restrict the access to read-only. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator> 还是有错啊。。。######



               monitorRole  @123456789@ ->monitorRole admin (@于@之间设置的是密码,后面是->用户角色用户名)

               controlRole  @123456789@ ->controlRole shi  --------------------------------------- 这句话 怎么理解啊?######好吧,我最后用的eclipse配置的,终于可以爬了###### 我也遇到了这个问题 是jmxremote.password 存错目录啦 应该存在D:\heritrix-1.14.4\heritrix-1.14.4下  还好设置为只读模式  小细节

    2020-05-28 14:49:14
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