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保持可爱mmm 2020-03-30 10:22:09 1050 0
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  • 通用错误 错误代码 描述 详细信息 Throttling 接口限流 Request was denied due to request throttling. InvalidIdentity.ServiceDisabled 服务未开通或已经被冻结 The request identity was not allowed operated. InvalidParameter 参数不合法 The specified parameter \”%s\” is invalid. InvalidParameter.NullValue 参数为空 The specified parameter \”%s\” cannot be null. InvalidParameter.InvalidState 状态无效 The specified parameter \”%s\” is invalid. InvalidParameter.EmptyValue 参数不能为空 The specified parameter \”%s\” cannot be empty. InvalidParameter.NotSupported 参数不支持,比如自定义模板中H.265暂时不支持设置Profile The specified parameter \”%s\” is not supported. InternalError 内部未知错误 The operation has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. InvalidParameter.OutOfRange 参数超出范围 The specified parameter \”%s\” is out of range. InvalidParameter.ResourceNotFound 操作的资源不存在 The resource operated \”%s\” cannot be found. InvalidParameter.ResourceContentBad 操作的资源内容存在问题 The resource operated \”%s\” is bad. InvalidParameter.ResourceNotSupported 操作的资源不被支持,例如:文件后缀存在问题 The resource operated \”%s\” is not supported. InvalidParameter.NoAudioStream 操作的资源没有音频流 The resource has no audio stream. InvalidParameter.MergeFileNoVideoOrAudio 拼接文件必须同时包含视频和音频流 The merge File must contain video and audio stream at the sametime. PermissionDenied.ResourceAccess 资源访问权限受限 MTS not authorized to operate on the specified resource \”%s\”. PermissionDenied.ResourceQuotaExceed 资源配额已经被用完 The resource \”%s\” quota has been used up. InvalidParameter.ResourceDeleted 操作的资源已经被删除 The resource operated \”%s\” has been deleted. InvalidParameter.JsonFormatInvalid 参数不是有效的json字符串 The parameter \”%s\” does not conform to the JSON specification. InvalidParameter.JsonObjectFormatInvalid 参数不是有效的json Object字符串 The parameter \”%s\” does not conform to the JSON Object specification. InvalidParameter.JsonArrayFormatInvalid 参数不是有效的json Array字符串 The parameter \”%s\” does not conform to the JSON Array specification. InvalidParameter.UUIDFormatInvalid 无效的id,不符合UUID规范 The parameter \”%s\” is invalid.A uuid must:1)be comprised of chracters[a-f],numbers[0-9];2)be 32 characters long. InvalidParameter.Format 参数格式错误 The format of parameter \”%s\” is invalid. InvalidParameter.NumberFormatInvalid 数字格式错误 The number format of parameter \”%s\” is invalid. InvalidParameter.BucketNameInvalid 指定的bucket名称不符合OSS Bucket规格 The bucket name \”%s\” is invalid. A bucket name must: 1) be comprised of lower-case characters, numbers, underscore(_) or dash(-); 2) start with lower case or numbers; 3) be between 3-255 characters long. InvalidParameter.LocationInvalid 指定的location不符合OSS Location规格 The location \”%s\” is invalid. A location name shoud be one of five:oss-cn-hangzhou,oss-cn-qingdao,oss-cn-beijing,oss-cn-hongkong,oss-cn-shenzhen.And now MTS only support oss-cn-hangzhou. InvalidParameter.ObjectKeyInvalid 指定的Object名称不符合OSS Object规格 The object key \”%s\” is invalid. An object name should be between 1 - 1023 bytes long when encoded as UTF-8 and cannot contain LF or CR or unsupported chars in XML1.0. 作业错误 错误代码 描述 详细信息 PermissionDenied.JobInComplete 无权取消处于完成的作业 The Job operated \”%s\” is complete, cannot cancel. PermissionDenied.JobInFailure 无权取消处于失败状态的作业 The Job operated \”%s\” is failure, cannot cancel. PermissionDenied.JobInRunning 无权取消处于正在运行状态的作业 The Job operated \”%s\” is running, cannot cancel. InvalidParameter.TemplateNotSupported 操作的模板不被支持,例如:提交作业时指定的预置模板不在智能分析成功时推荐的预置模板列表中 The template operated \”%s\” is not supported. InvalidParameter.TemplateNotFound 操作的模板不存在 The Template operated \”%s\” cannot be found. 管道错误 错误代码 描述 详细信息 NotSupportedJob.SystemTemplateJobNotSupported Boost 管道不支持系统模板作业 The Template \”%s\” is a system template,cannot be supported by boost pipeline. NotSupportedJob.AnalysisJobNotSupported Boost 管道不支持分析作业 Analysis Job cannot be supported by boost pipeline. NotSupportedJob.ContainerFormatNotSupported Boost 管道不支持自定义模板格式为非m3u8格式 In user defined template \”%s”,container format \”%s” is not m3u8, cannot be supported by boost pipeline. NotSupportedJob.DurationIsLessThanHalfAnHour Boost管道不支持小于半个小时的作业 Duration is \”%s\” less than half an hour,cannot be supported by boost pipeline. 消息发送错误 错误代码 描述 详细信息 EntityNotExist.Role 角色不存在 The role does not exist. AccessDenied 无权限发送消息 The OwnerId that your AccessKey Idassociated to is forbidden for this operation. InvalidQueueName 无效的队列名 The queue name you provided is invalid. QueueName should start with alpha and contain only alpha, digit or - . TopicNameInvalid 主题名称无效 The topic name you provided is invalid. TopicName should start with alpha or digit and contain only alpha, digit or -. QueueNotExist 队列不存在 The queue name you provided does not exist. TopicNotExist 主题不存在 The Topic you provided does not exist. InvalidArgument 消息体超过长度限制 The length of message must not be larger than MaximumMessageSize.

    2020-03-30 10:42:01
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