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小天使爱美 2020-03-20 19:22:29 1106 0
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  • 本页面列举了所有 ECI API 调用的公共错误码。请注意,在调用 ECI API 时不同请求可能会返回不同的错误码。若您需要了解每个 API 返回的错误码,请参考相应的 API 介绍。

    HttpStatusCode 错误码 错误信息 中文描述 400 UnknownError An unknown error occurred while processing your request 处理您的请求时发生未知错误。 403 Forbidden.AccessKeyDisabled The Access Key is disabled. 访问密钥已禁用。 403 Forbidden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support access in RAM mode. 此操作不支持在RAM模式下访问。 403 Forbidden.RAM You are not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API does not support RAM mode. 您无权在指定的资源上运行,或者此API不支持RAM模式。 403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation has been identified as an abnormal operation and cannot be processed. 此操作已被识别为异常操作,无法处理。 403 Forbidden.SubUser The specified action is not available for you. 您无法使用指定的操作。 500 InternalError An unknown error occurred while processing your request. 处理您的请求时发生未知错误。 403 InvalidAction The specified action is invalid 指定的操作无效。 400 InvalidParameter %s 无效参数。 400 InvalidParameter.LengthExceeded %s 超出的参数长度无效。 404 InvalidParameter.NotFound %s 找不到无效参数。 400 InvalidParameter.ValueExceeded %s 超出的参数值无效。 403 LastTokenProcessing The previous token request is being processed. 正在处理先前的令牌请求。 400 MissingParameter %s 缺少参数。 409 OperationConflict The request was denied. It conflicts with a previous request. 该请求被拒绝。 它与先前的请求冲突。 403 RealNameAuthenticationError Your account has not passed the real-name authentication yet. 您的帐户尚未通过实名身份验证。 503 ServiceUnavailable A server error occurred while processing your request. 处理您的请求时发生服务器错误。 503 ServiceUnavailable.RegionMaintaining System maintenance is in progress on the selected region, please wait a few minutes before trying again. 所选地区正在进行系统维护,请等待几分钟再重试。 400 SignatureNonceUsed The request signature nonce has been used. 已使用请求签名随机数。 400 Throttling You have made too many requests within a short time; your request is denied due to request throttling. 您在短时间内提出了太多要求; 由于请求限制,您的请求被拒绝。 403 UnsupportedHTTPMethod This http method is not supported. 不支持此http方法。 403 Forbidden.RamRoleNotExist The specified RAM role does not exist. 指定的RAM角色不存在。 403 Forbidden.Unauthorized You are not authorized to operate on the specified resource. 您无权使用指定的资源。 403 Throttling.Vcpu.PerDay The maximum number of request for the day has been exceeded. 已超出当天的最大请求数。 403 InvalidVSwitchId.IpNotEnough The specified VSwitch does not have enough IP addresses. 指定的VSwitch没有足够的IP地址。 503 containerRepositoryAuthorizationFailed An error occurred while authenticating the container image repository. Make sure that you have activated ACR, and try again later. 验证容器映像存储库时发生错误。 确保已激活ACR,稍后再试。 400 IdempotentParameterMismatch Request uses a client token in a previous request but is not identical to that request. 请求在先前的请求中使用客户端令牌,但与该请求不同。 400 IncorrectStatus %s 资源状态不正确。 400 IncorrectOperation You cannot perform this operation on the specified resource. 您无法在指定的资源上执行此操作。 400 IncorrectUserTemplateFormat %s 用户模板格式不正确。

    2020-03-20 19:23:11
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