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请问12321312 2017-03-12 22:28:56 2384 0
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  • The shortage of big data talents becomes a global concern, which restricts the development of big data. Cultivating big
    data talents has been paid attention widely and increasing universities have launched big data talents training plans.
    It is important and necessary to discuss the prerequisites for cultivating big data talents, including qualified teachers,
    data resources, computing capabilities. Building qualified teachers team is the first element. It is impossible to discuss
    cultivating talents if there is no qualified teacher. However, this is a contradiction, because the shortage of big data talents
    means the shortage of the qualified teachers for big data training. The second one is data resource, especially big data. If
    there is no data, the big data talents training will not make sense. Correspondingly, the third one is computation capability
    for big data. Three main prerequisites for big data talents training were discussed including qualified teachers, data
    resources and computation capabilities.Two solutions were presented: one was to develop an innovation talents training
    pattern, namely transdisciplinary, for the shortage of qualified teachers, the other was to establish big data arena for
    innovation and advance to supply the data resource and computation capability.

    2017-03-20 10:43:31
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