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window2008计划任务启动的软件为何有进程,但没界面,而且程序也不起作用 ,就连最简单的记事本软件也一样。要怎么设置呀?

pcx123 2012-08-13 11:14:05 12971 分享 版权
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  • 提交工单吧~
    2012-08-13 23:24:18
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  • Re请高手帮忙,2008计划任务启动的软件为何有进程没界面
    2012-08-13 18:26:54
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  • 不清楚,友情帮顶。



    2012-08-13 13:16:59
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  • Re请高手帮忙,2008计划任务启动的软件为何有进程没界面



    你说的只有进程没有窗口的现象,可以通过发送 Ctrl-Alt-Del,把桌面切换到 Winlogon 桌面(也就是SYSTEM账户使用的桌面)查看,应当会发现有窗口。

    详见 MSDN 解释: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms682573(v=vs.85).aspx

    By default, there are three desktops in the interactive window station: Default, ScreenSaver, and Winlogon.

    The Default desktop is created when Winlogon starts the initial process as the logged-on user. At that point, the Default desktop becomes active, and it is used to interact with the user.

    Whenever a secure screen saver activates, the system automatically switches to the ScreenSaver desktop, which protects the processes on the default desktop from unauthorized users. Unsecured screen savers run on Winsta0\Default.

    The Winlogon desktop is active while a user logs on. The system switches to the default desktop when the shell indicates that it is ready to display something, or after thirty seconds, whichever comes first. During the user's session, the system switches to the Winlogon desktop when the user presses the CTRL ALT DEL key sequence, or when the User Account Control (UAC) dialog box is open.

    2012-08-13 12:54:04
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  • 2008的任务计划要填写起始于(好像是这里,好久没用了,忘了)那里,要不然不能运行。
    2012-08-13 12:32:10
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  • 不清楚这种情况,后台提交工单
    2012-08-13 11:22:03
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