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Version 1709 数据中心版 64位中文版(不含UI)

远程连接之后 一片黑什么也没有。怎么解决,小白一个

许佳杰 2017-12-28 12:39:31 16029 0
4 条回答
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  • 不含UI版本的,可以更换操作系统换个带UI的,

    参考:更换操作系统 - 阿里云


    更多参考: 阿里云官方(新用户需官网注册查看)

    2022-02-08 15:05:50
    赞同 展开评论 打赏
  • 不含UI版本的,可以更换操作系统换个带UI的,参考:更换操作系统 - 阿里云

    2020-02-18 19:49:11
    赞同 1 展开评论 打赏
  • 长天一色

    我也是 连 cmd和 powershell都没有怎么办 ?

    好吧 我弄明白了 没有cmd 可以 用 ctrl+alt+end 打开安全界面 然后选择管理器


    2019-07-17 21:50:52
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  • https://github.com/tg123

    1709 Windows 不会添加UI

    未来的 Windows Server GUI 解决方案

    关于1709 Server core 的原文

    Why does Windows Server, version 1709 offer only the Server Core installation option?
    One of the most important steps we take in planning each release of Windows Server is listening to customer feedback – how are you using Windows Server? What new features will have the greatest impact on your Windows Server deployments, and by extension, your day-to-day business? Your feedback tells us that delivering new innovation as quickly and efficiently as possible is a key priority. At the same time, for those customers innovating most quickly, you’ve told us that you’re primarily using command line scripting with PowerShell to manage your datacenters, and as such don’t have a strong need for the desktop GUI available in the installation of Windows Server with Desktop Experience. By focusing on the Server Core installation option, we’re able to dedicate more resources toward those new innovations, while also maintaining traditional Windows Server platform functionality and application compatibility. If you have feedback about this or other issues concerning Windows Server and our future releases, you can make suggestions and comments through the Feedback Hub.

    2019-07-17 21:50:52
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