def hi(name="yasoob"): def greet(): return "now you are in the greet() function" def welcome(): return "now you are in the welcome() function" if name == "yasoob": return greet else: return welcome a = hi() print(a) #outputs: <function greet at 0x7f2143c01500> #上面清晰地展示了`a`现在指向到hi()函数中的greet()函数 #现在试试这个 print(a()) #outputs: now you are in the greet() function 复制代码
当我们写下a = hi(),hi()会被执行,而由于name参数默认是yasoob,所以函
数greet被返回了。如果我们把语句改为a = hi(name = "ali"),那么welcome函数将被返回。我们还可以打印出hi()(),这会输出now you are in the greet() function。
def hi(): return "hi yasoob!" def doSomethingBeforeHi(func): print("I am doing some boring work before executing hi()") print(func()) doSomethingBeforeHi(hi) #outputs:I am doing some boring work before executing hi() # hi yasoob! 复制代码
def a_new_decorator(a_func): def wrapTheFunction(): print("I am doing some boring work before executing a_func()" a_func() print("I am doing some boring work after executing a_func()" return wrapTheFunction def a_function_requiring_decoration(): print("I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell") a_function_requiring_decoration() #outputs: "I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell a_function_requiring_decoration=a_new_decorator(a_function_requiring_decoration) #now a_function_requiring_decoration is wrapped by wrapTheFunction() a_function_requiring_decoration() #outputs:I am doing some boring work before executing a_func() # I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell # I am doing some boring work after executing a_func() 复制代码
@a_new_decorator def a_function_requiring_decoration(): """Hey you! Decorate me!""" print("I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell") a_function_requiring_decoration() #outputs: I am doing some boring work before executing a_func() # I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell # I am doing some boring work after executing a_func() #the @a_new_decorator is just a short way of saying: a_function_requiring_decoration=a_new_decorator(a_function_requiring_decoration) 复制代码
print(a_function_requiring_decoration.__name__) # Output: wrapTheFunction 复制代码
functools.wraps: from functools import wraps def a_new_decorator(a_func): @wraps(a_func) def wrapTheFunction(): print("I am doing some boring work before executing a_func()" a_func() print("I am doing some boring work after executing a_func()" return wrapTheFunction @a_new_decorator def a_function_requiring_decoration(): """Hey yo! Decorate me!""" print("I am the function which needs some decoration to remove my foul smell") print(a_function_requiring_decoration.__name__) # Output: a_function_requiring_decoration 复制代码
from functools import wraps def decorator_name(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if not can_run: return "Function will not run" return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated @decorator_name def func(): return("Function is running") can_run = True print(func()) # Output: Function is running can_run = False print(func()) # Output: Function will not run 复制代码
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