
简介: 通过编码(java)的形式对HBase进行一系列的管理涉及到对表的管理、数据的操作等。1、 对表的创建、删除、显示以及修改等,可以用HBaseAdmin,一旦创建了表,那么可以通过HTable的实例来访问表,每次可以往表里增加数据。2、 插入数据创建一个Put对象,在这个Put对象里可以指定要给哪个列增加数据,以及当前的时间戳等值,然后通过调用HTable.put(Put)来提交操作,子猴在这里提请注意的是:在创建Put对象的时候,你必须指定一个行(Row)值,在构造Put对象的时候作为参数传入。3、 获取数据要获取数据,使用Get对象,Get对象同Put对象一样有好


1、 对表的创建、删除、显示以及修改等,可以用HBaseAdmin,一旦创建了表,那么可以通过HTable的实例来访问表,每次可以往表里增加数据。

2、 插入数据


3、 获取数据


4、 浏览每一行

通过Scan可以对表中的行进行浏览,得到每一行的信息,比如列名,时间戳等,Scan 相当于一个游标,通过next()来浏览下一个,通过调用HTable.getScanner(Scan) 来返回一个ResultScanner对象。HTable.get(Get)和HTable.getScanner(Scan) 都是返回一个Result。Result是一个KeyValue的链表,

5、 删除


6、 锁

7、 新增、获取、删除在操作过程中会对所操作的行加一个锁,而浏览却不会。

8、 簇(cluster)的访问

客户端代码通过ZooKeeper来访问找到簇,也就是说ZooKeeper quorum将被使用,那么QQ号码转让平台相关的类(包)应该在客户端的类(classes)目录下,即客户端一定要找到文件hbase-site.xml。

下面是一个例子,假定你已经创建了一个表:myTable,还有一个column family(这个找不到合适的翻译词语):myColumnFamily:

import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
// Class that has nothing but a main.
// Does a Put, Get and a Scan against an hbase table.
public class MyLittleHBaseClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

// You need a configuration object to tell the client where to connect.
// When you create a HBaseConfiguration, it reads in whatever you've set
// into your hbase-site.xml and in hbase-default.xml, as long as these can
// be found on the CLASSPATH
HBaseConfiguration config = new HBaseConfiguration();
// This instantiates an HTable object that connects you to
// the "myLittleHBaseTable" table.
HTable table = new HTable(config, "myLittleHBaseTable");
// To add to a row, use Put.  A Put constructor takes the name of the row
// you want to insert into as a byte array.  In HBase, the Bytes class has
// utility for converting all kinds of java types to byte arrays.  In the
// below, we are converting the String "myLittleRow" into a byte array to
// use as a row key for our update. Once you have a Put instance, you can
// adorn it by setting the names of columns you want to update on the row,
// the timestamp to use in your update, etc.If no timestamp, the server
// applies current time to the edits.
Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("myLittleRow"));
// To set the value you'd like to update in the row 'myLittleRow', specify
// the column family, column qualifier, and value of the table cell you'd
// like to update.  The column family must already exist in your table
// schema.  The qualifier can be anything.  All must be specified as byte
// arrays as hbase is all about byte arrays.  Lets pretend the table
// 'myLittleHBaseTable' was created with a family 'myLittleFamily'.
p.add(Bytes.toBytes("myLittleFamily"), Bytes.toBytes("someQualifier"),
  Bytes.toBytes("Some Value"));
// Once you've adorned your Put instance with all the updates you want to
// make, to commit it do the following (The HTable#put method takes the
// Put instance you've been building and pushes the changes you made into
// hbase)
// Now, to retrieve the data we just wrote. The values that come back are
// Result instances. Generally, a Result is an object that will package up
// the hbase return into the form you find most palatable.
Get g = new Get(Bytes.toBytes("myLittleRow"));
Result r = table.get(g);
byte [] value = r.getValue(Bytes.toBytes("myLittleFamily"),
// If we convert the value bytes, we should get back 'Some Value', the
// value we inserted at this location.
String valueStr = Bytes.toString(value);
System.out.println("GET: " + valueStr);
// Sometimes, you won't know the row you're looking for. In this case, you
// use a Scanner. This will give you cursor-like interface to the contents
// of the table.  To set up a Scanner, do like you did above making a Put
// and a Get, create a Scan.  Adorn it with column names, etc.
Scan s = new Scan();
s.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("myLittleFamily"), Bytes.toBytes("someQualifier"));
ResultScanner scanner = table.getScanner(s);
try {
  // Scanners return Result instances.
  // Now, for the actual iteration. One way is to use a while loop like so:
  for (Result rr = scanner.next(); rr != null; rr = scanner.next()) {
    // print out the row we found and the columns we were looking for
    System.out.println("Found row: " + rr);
  // The other approach is to use a foreach loop. Scanners are iterable!
  // for (Result rr : scanner) {
  //   System.out.println("Found row: " + rr);
  // }
} finally {
  // Make sure you close your scanners when you are done!
  // Thats why we have it inside a try/finally clause


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从最早使用大数据技术来做批量处理,到现在越来越多的人要求大数据平台也能够如传统数据仓库技术一样支持交互式分析,随着数据量的不断膨胀、数据平民化的不断推进,低延迟、高并发地在Hadoop之上提供标准SQL查询能力成为必须攻破的技术难题。而Apache Kylin的诞生正是基于这个背景,并成功地完成了很多人认为不可能实现的突破。
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