6 Major Changes in Science and Technology Reshaping the Retail Industry

简介: As the transformation of the retail industry deepens, consumers are now at the center of the entire industry ecosystem.

As the transformation of the retail industry deepens, consumers are now at the center of the entire industry ecosystem. To better meet consumer demand, widespread convergence and innovation have emerged in the retail market.

Resource integration and business mode optimization enhance the overall performance of the value chain. Looking at attempts to transform the market, whether through omni-channel or intelligence-based management operations, retail innovation and transformation share the same basis, namely technologies, data, and analysis capabilities.

Advances in technologies and analytical capabilities are giving participants in the retail market more opportunities and means to interact with consumers and more options to reshape the value chain. At the current stage of development of retail market technologies and applications, six major trends are emerging to reshape the industry.

Download this whitepaper to learn about the six major trends that are reshaping the retail industry.

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Six Major Changes in Science and Technology Reshaping the Retail Industry
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