终于看完《Free/Open Source Software Guide to Localization》

哇!终于在2009年的末尾看完了《Free/Open Source Software Guide to Localization》了(作者们是:Sasikumar M, Aparna R, Naveen K and Rajendra Prasad M.)



1. I skipped Charter 8 Creation of Fonts;
2. You can did a  speed read to Character 9;
3. I think Charter 10 Gettext: Architectural Overview is important. Because many I18N/L10N applications need use those tools and toolkit.
4.  Chapter 12 ~ 17 and the rest of this book are talking about localisation of various systems and tools, like GNOME, KDE. I chose GNOME to take a basic understanding.

5. The exmaple in Charpter 10 is very good for demonstrating the usage of gettext functions. You can refer to it in Chinese at: http://brantc.blog.51cto.com/410705/244767.


本文转自 xkdcc 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/brantc/245439,如需转载请自行联系原作者
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